
Is it wrong to be a good Slime in a Dungeon?

An uncommon white slime appeared on the deep floors. Thinking he was doomed to be a weak dungeon monster, all he could do was hide in fear of being killed. He observed with his new senses how the area around him was somewhat familiar to him: the "Dungeon" from a fantasy series he liked. Also, he had become a miserable slime with no special powers but the ability to see about 15 meters away from him in a 360° black-and-white colored vision. At least he was getting stronger by absorbing the magic energy in the dungeon to live and cleaning the battlefields left by other monsters from blood and drop items. Seemed like no one wanted to actively hunt him from now and the only thing he couldn't deal with was his incapability of having his own "normal adventurer" experience. After days of training and eating magic stones, he managed to learn how to survive the floor, hunt other monsters for power, and steal magic stones from the battles happening on the 37th floor. After living like this for a long time, he finally had eaten and trained enough to become more than an inconvenience for adventurers, giving him confidence. One day, cleaning the dungeon area, he saw some strong female adventurers saying how they were disappointed they couldn't find any blue slimes to play with; one even joked about drinking one as a bet. Hiding in fear of being played as a slime soccer ball, he could only think of how familiar that party full of strong girls was. Ohh, this is an opportunity... The slime aberration smiled.

Tarantula_Paragon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

The Ghost of the 37° floor 2/2/2


Muhahahaha! Do you dare to approach me from behind? Poor creature, don't you realize it was bait all along?

A white slime with colored lines inside it was talking to itself while a monster that looked like it came out of a German horror book approached.

Skull Sheep, a skeleton goat monster covered in a black rag cloak that camouflages extremely well in the dark as it absorbs light well and blends in with the dark and long corridors of the 37th floor.

An elongated ram's skull with backward curved horns, and in the centers of its black eye sockets were red points of light glowing with malice.

Such a creature was approaching a strange figure, a transparent white goo with colored lines inside wearing a red crystal wrapped in slime as a hat.

Suddenly the sheep that was doing a choreography of "four legs on a cloth" quickly advanced and tried to steal the red crystal, but the white slime stretched and got in the way making it nimbly back.

Suddenly the sheep "disappeared" or would be the case if slimes needed ordinary eyes to see, in my vision, it had suddenly shaken dislocating sharp white ribs while it should have been hidden in the cloak and shot them like white darts at the slime.

The slime turned into a white pincushion and withered into a pile of white goo with colored threads and a magic stone on top.

The sheep approached the slime and lowered its head to eat the magic stone, however, when it was about to bite the magic stone with its bony mouth it tried to jump while expressing as much surprise as a floating skull "could".

You could say I took him by surprise, but I believe it wasn't normal for a Slime to be able to set a trap...

You know, Oozes just melt into puddles leaving their cores in the middle of them when they're killed, the problem in this case was that what was skewered by the piles of bone was just an extension of my body.

I gained good control over slime after eating every type of Ooze, along with the ability to see all colors and a small increase in my detection range.

Of course, my toxins also strengthened but it's not easy to tell when all I hunted that gave any response to them were a few unlucky "Loup Garous".

Well, there was the [Lizardmen Elite] but they supposed can use fire breath attacks if I'm not wrong and it was only a strengthened species so I just ignored them... It's not I have fear of them because they can hurt me or anything (looks away).

Speaking of which, it was sad for them to look weaker than regular Kobolds from my point of view. This was due to my "invulnerability" to physical blows and the fact that they didn't expect to be fatally poisoned while I squirted slime at them by being slashed by their stone weapons.

In the case of the skull sheep, I hid by sliding in a crack and projected part of the slime that made up my body into a sphere to mimic a slime and placed a crystal on top of it that I covered with a flap of slime without engulfing it (so it wouldn't dissolve). This was my bait and trap to attract monsters (I stretched it away from me held by a thin slime thread connecting to my body).

When the skull sheep's bone welts pierced my "clone slime" bait I let it "pop" like a balloon and spread in the soil, and the bait crystal served to make it think the monster had defeated me and make it step on my slime to eat the crystal.

One of the things I learned about slimes was that the white slime is the most viscous, a little sus-picious but for sure a coincidence right? Like paper glue? Anyway... After the skull sheep stepped in the slime I climbed onto her thin bone feet with ease and stuck there.

She jumped up stretching her strange bone and ligament paws, but that only made her pull the white slime with rainbow threads like it was a thick syrup, but its flail only helped me move more slime for her due to a limitation in control and speed of the slime away from my core.

Then I slowly enveloped the struggling sheep, transparent white threads with colored threads entered her¹ bony body, finding an aberration that was the creature, a sheep body looking like a thin mummy with bones wrapping around it like an Exoskeleton and becoming the main body in the limbs and head, the wool of the sheep was the very black mantle that covered it.

(Extra Info¹: Since it's called a sheep?)

The creature was simply a torso and neck ending in a dry "brain" surrounding the magic stone, on top of which were the bones a normal sheep would have but distorted to be a proper monster.

Nothing to stop me from covering those bones and filling all the cavities with my white, ahem-slime.

I moved my core when the sheep was restrained, and tried to "steal" the sheep's body, due to wanting to test the hypothesis that "slimes" can use bones to give them structure.

However, the monster was slowly eroded even when I wasn't actively eating it.

with a little practice, I was able to move with the sheep's body but it was just slow and robotic, my slime body was too weak and the contractions weren't even close to moving Skull Sheep's limbs with enough strength and agility to be worth the effort. work.

Of course, it's faster than an Ooze crawling, but I wasn't an Ooze that crawled to get around, I knew how to at least jump and roll around like a ball due to my more "solid" surface.

Maybe if I replaced the Skull Sheep's magic stone with my own quickly enough or fused it with mine I could gain control of her body, but I didn't like the idea that failure to such an experiment would likely spell my death. or worst.

After some experiments the skull sheep's body finally melted enough to expose her magic stone and as soon as my slime touched her and started the dissolution+absorption process the skull sheep exploded into ashes leaving behind her black robe as a drop item.

As the item was very useful for hiding, I decided to take it with me while I went in search of more prey, looking like a ball in a bag while jumping around in the darkness of the tunnel.


Time passed and I was again using the same technique I used to kill the Skull Sheep. But my target was a more interesting monster. The Barbarian, the humanoid monster with recurved goat horns that looks like a "Taz" from Looney Tunes on steroids.

They were a little strong, I was a little afraid that one could hit the ground and crush my magic core so I used my newest tactic of looking for a crack in the wall and covering it with the "Skull Sheep robe".

This was already the fourth group I killed, and after I killed enough of them I realized that they were useful for my desire to get a human-ish body.

You see, these monsters drop internal organs and fur when they die, like, any internal organ... these organs are essentially used as potion material on the surface, nothing very interesting for a slime like me, but due to not wasting it, I ate all the organs and fur that they dropped along with the magic stones.

"Hmm, meat is meat."

At that time I must have eaten two hundred

 or more magic stones and I was already too confident in my slime to worry about eating things like item drops.

"Too bad I can't taste it... Wait no, I bet it tastes bad, it's raw meat from a probably stinky goat monster (although I can't smell it).

'Munch munch, eating internal organs of strong beings is a kind of common culture around the world right? It's probably the same here, too bad I'm not human...' I thought while eating.

But after eating some hearts I felt different, more alive so to speak.

Unable to say what changed I continued to jump.

"Get ready little monsters, I'll eat you in no time~~~"

So when I continued on my way jumping around in search of more monsters I had a problem jumping further than normal even though I wasn't trying hard to do so.

It happened this way:

'Boing Boing Boing, I have more jiggle physics than HSOTD la la la~' I was chanting in my head until.



I rolled out after launching myself further than I initially intended without being prepared for landing.

Not sure what happened, I started studying my slime body that had stopped changing since eating a few dozen slimes.

"Hmm, I'm still a white slime with colored threads, if anything have I become more opaque?"

"Oi! What, are those... worms?" I said confused observing some weird cords inside my slime

After some tests, I discovered that my slime had gained "fibers" increasing my contraction strength.

Condensed slime muscle fibers, no doubt I blame the stones and the only muscle organ that dropped from the [Barbarians].

The fibers branched out from my [core] which I had already discovered was something that set me apart from the other slimes in this dungeon, I still didn't know if it had something to do with my "wishes" which I wasn't sure what they were but I did know which no doubt involved getting stronger without the help of "blessings" and achieving the name of the series this world was in...

My core was like a denser gelatinous seed sprouting tendrils of condensed muscle to the enveloped outer layer. In the middle of the core was protected my magic stone, now much thicker than before due to growing as I ate more monsters, I expected something like this...

This increase in magic stone strengthened my power as a slime, and after eating a few more Barbarian hearts I was able to project the new "slime tentacles" to pull me where they would quickly stick.

Seemingly, eating monster organs allows me to simulate its structure with my thicker ooze. or maybe all drop Items give me somewhat of an ability to produce them? and although slimes don't need humanoid organs, to have "muscles" it was definitively useful for me.

Also I hoped that by eating enough monsters I could remake myself by combining all the parts of their "drop items" into something more humanoid, even if it was a humanoid slime.

Although I wasn't satisfied with it, it was certainly progress towards my goal, and I still had confidence that [Author] shouldn't be a fan of slime tentacles vs females, so I still had hopes for the future...
