
Iontach - The Magnificent Estate

Louisa Dubois fell in love at the age of 12, when she saw the most beautiful and charming boy in the world in front of her. That is, until he opened his mouth and told her to get out of his sight. "Get out of the way!" he said, full of himself. Years later, Benjamin returns to the estate, but not as full of pride as before. His family has lost everything and he wants to fight for the land, willing to do anything. What happens when he finds out who's the only one capable of helping him? "We'll see if you're really capable of anything to save Iontach!" Follow me on Instagram @m_zanakheironofficial Follow me on Discord MunhozM#5017 Follow me on Facebook M_Zana Oficial

M_Zana · Histoire
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Chapter 83

Fanny accepted to go to the castle. She was not interested in the beginning, but since she became aware that that was The Louisa, she decided to stay close to Benjamin and use this little trip as a test to herself and to him. She wanted to keep an eye on his moves. She liked him and was in love, but if he still demonstrated to be into Louisa, she was going to end their relationship right on the spot.

Benjamin had a heavy heart. When Louisa accepted to be Michael's wife, it was like he had lost a piece of him. But it was less painful than he thought it would be, a year ago, when the notice of their engagement was heard.

'Maybe it is because I have Fanny, now', he thought. Not that he loved her. No, he would not lie to himself. He didn't love her. Not as he loved Louisa. But he liked her a great deal. Enough to marry her, even if there was no financial issue.