
Invisible Wall /crossover fanfic/

She is a daughter of evil. Everybody afraid her last name but she grow up in the orphanage and when she turned 11 years old magical letter come to her she was a witch and very powerful one. Sorting hat put her in Gryffindor and she befriended with Weaslay twins one year later famous Harry Potter started his first year she was kind and brave one she protected Harry every year when Voldemort trying to kill him. Now it’s her 7th year but her father tried to catch her, he needed her power and she didn’t want to be his deatheater and kill her friends. She can’t help but run away from Hogwarts and magical world. It was August 5th her birthday from now on she become an adult and can do magic without trace so she went to Forks her uncle Charlie her mother’s friend. She only wanted to hide away from his father ps: it's just a fanfic so this amazing characters don't belong to me ps2: also who knows what i was thinking when i'm writing these.

norika528 · Livres et littérature
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10 Chs

chapter 10

In the car, I started singing my favorite song Jasper was holding my hand and kissed back of my hand I smiled to him. I feels like the happiest person in this world. He opened my door like gentlemen.

I saw Paul rushing to us, I take a step and stand between them

"Where were you?" he asked, he looks really angry

"I was with Bella in Cullen's house, what are you doing here?" I asked

"then why are you with this leech?" he pointed his finger to Jasper

"he has a name Paul, why are you being so rude?" I started becoming angry, I felt Jaspers cold hand in my waist

"Calm down Lizzie" Jasper told me, then Paul punched Jasper, my eyes become wide

"Paul NOO" I shouted I know Paul is hot tempered but Jasper also threw him to the woods. Suddenly Edward, Bella and Jacob come outside

Paul shifted in his wolf form and tried to kill Jasper, I just stunned and feel sudden urge to protect Jasper I take a step and felt Paul's strong pawn in my chest.

"please stop" I whispered and saw Paul's shocked face then he run to the woods I grabbed Jaspers hand "don't go, don't leave me"

"I won't leave you, I will take you to hospital" he take me in his arm

"no, my room, I will be okay just take me to my room believe me" he nodded his head and run inside

He placed me in my bed

"I will call Carlisle, I will be back soon" I nodded my head after I left alone I grabbed my wand and said 'Accio healing potion' then I take a sip from light blue potion. It's the rarest potion I only brewed 2 cup because it's very hard to make but it's really powerful so it can heal every wound and scar. I no longer feel any pain and refreshened

Door opened and Jasper come inside, his eyes went wide when he see me

"Lizzie how? What happened?" he run to me one second later he hugged me

"I'm okay Jazz, you don't need to worry, I'm okay" I smiled

"Really? Are you really alright?" he questioned while observing my already healed wound, I chuckled lightly he looked so terrified in outside and I don't want to make him worry. His eyes are filled full of concern. I hugged him and his fresh light smell hit my nose. I take a deep breath and looked him.

"I'm okay Jazz, I'm really okay"

Young man looked to his beloved like she was his entire world. When that dog attacked her, he felt his heart shutter in a long time since he turned into vampire. But right now in his eyes his beautiful mate already healed and smiling to him, it was truly miraculous. In one moment he didn't know what would happen if she really injured or lost her life. he can't bear that kind of pain, even though he suffered a lot in his lifetime but this time he hurt most. He would never let go this beautiful young lady ever.

He looked her deep brown eyes lovingly and kissed her forehead. He can't lose her, he won't leave her as long as he living. It was strange thing to him that her injury get healed in one moment but he didn't dare to ask about it.

She is too mysterious and he knows she has her own secrets, he is getting afraid that if he push her then she will fly away from his embrace. So he didn't dare to ask her. To him she was special. Who knows that day major vow to himself silently he will protect his mate forever.

Her eyes never left his golden colored eyes it was mesmerizing, her heart beat increased dramatically. She is wondering what is he thinking, she felt unsure about her identity. Not that she wanted to lie to him but she gets afraid he would think her a freak. But soon she will tell him everything and he will leave her as soon as possible but she wanted to enjoy his presence, she acts too greedy and selfish but only few day won't bring any harm right?

"I think I love you Jasper" she only whispered but blonde haired vampire's hearing was hundred times better than human, he felt electricity run inside his already cold vein. Then charming smile appeared in his handsome face.

"I love you too Lizzie" he said to her in his mild yet strong voice. He glanced to her plump pink lips and slowly leaned in. In that moment anything can't stop them from loving each other. That kiss was sweet and gentle, they didn't want to end this moment because this moment only belongs to them.

When I opened my eyes I met bright sunshine, I blinked my eyes and tried to adjust for brightness it's rare thing in Forks, then I felt strong and cold arm hugging me from my behind I slowly turned and saw godly figure, he looks breathtaking and I can't help but stare at his body.

"do you like what you see?" his hoarse voice ringed in my right ear, I felt shiver in my spine.

"yes" I admitted sincerely, he chuckled and kissed my cheek

"you are too cute" he said and I don't know how to speak

"really others told me gorgeous, beautiful, pretty but didn't mention cute. Are you sure about that?" I raised my eyebrow

"oh really in my eyes you are the cutest thing in this world. My little bunny tell me who told you gorgeous, beautiful and pretty" he asked seductively.

"believe me my sir, everyone who met me praise me like that because they can't resist my charm" when I said that he suddenly moved and our lips are only centimeter apart.

"I believe it because right now I can't resist you, it's torturing me" he said in a low voice and he almost kissed me but we heard loud bang

"we didn't saw anything just continue" I heard George's voice, I stand up and saw my best friends

"Guys" I shouted and run to them I hugged both of them at the same time and smiled brightly "what are you doing here?" I asked still hugging them and I heard cough from behind. I released them from my bone crushing hug and turn to Jazz

"Of course we are just visiting our dear friend but didn't know about her make-out session" Fred's voice was different and his gaze looks scary while glaring me. Then he turn to door, I sighed.

"Jazz wait me here I will back soon" then I hurriedly went to catch up Fred

"Fred… FRED WEASLEY stop right now" he stopped and I grabbed his arm "what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? NO Elizabeth what's wrong with you? Who is he? What are you doing?"

"I didn't do anything Fred, just stop you are not my father" I'm getting impatient

"Lisa at least did you think about your situation, you are making it harder for you or him, for everybody around you, you are putting yourself in danger"

"it's none of your business" I said coldly, he chuckled

"it's my business we are trying to protect you but you are here hanging around vampires, I didn't know you were this kind of person"

"What kind of person?" I only whispered

"Selfish, just like your father" I shocked I can't believe what he just said before I did something hard punch landed on his face. It was George. He falls on the floor with making loud noise. I felt Jaspers cold hand hugging me by shoulder. Right now I only felt heartbreak and betrayal, didn't dare to move my muscle. After a moment I laughed like maniac and tears streamed down to my cheeks.

"You are right, I'm the most selfish person in this world. That's why I helped Harry when Querel wanted sorcerer's stone, that's why I killed basilisk in that chamber, that's why my father wants to kill me every second, because I'm so selfish that I tried to kill my own blood and flesh" I almost shouted

"Li…lisa" Fred tried to speak but I apparated before he say something, last thing I saw was guilty eyes. I didn't know Jasper was still holding me when I opened my eyes I saw his golden eyes shining with curiosity.

"I need to explain lot of things right?" I asked, he just nodded his head "Well as you can see I'm not normal, I'm witch, Fred and George are also wizards, I born in a royal pureblood wizard family, when we turn 11 we need to attend magical school, when I was 2 years old there were evil wizard who wants to rule the world, he thinks witch and wizard who born from muggle normal people don't deserve magic and he started war, but soon he disappeared we all thought he was dead but 2 years before he showed again, now he is claiming his old followers and become powerful" I sighed and Jasper's face didn't show any emotion I continued "well he killed a lot of people and I'm running away from him he wants my power, so I moved here I didn't finish my school and I'm new to this world"

"What about your father?" he asked I take a deep breath

"my father Tom Marvolo Riddle known by Lord Voldemort, that evil man is my father" I said it in a low voice but his super hearing already heard it and his face looked shocked

I didn't dare to say another word, I felt guilty and regretful, he sensed it and suddenly hugged me, if I was an ice I would be melted right now,

"It's okay Lizzie everything is okay, I will be with you no matter what happens, but don't leave me alone"

"But I'm monster" I started sobbing in his chest, his t-shirt got wet from my tears

"No no you are not monster, I didn't know anything please don't worry I will protect you from now on, no one can hurt you" he said reassuringly, on the inside he heart shuttered into million piece just thinking about his beautiful mate's past, he didn't were with her when she was suffering alone. She smile so brightly and hide her emotions but who knows she is dealing with war.

She didn't dare to utter another word, she just stand there and calmed down slowly, when she told about herself to Jasper, it felt so right and her heart become light like throwing away big rock from her chest.

"someday I will go back and I don't want you suffer because of war again, you already felt enough, I don't want—"

"No Lizzie, wherever you go I will go with you, you are the most important thing in my life, don't say words like that again" he said in a gentle yet strict voice, it didn't left any space to argue and she knows she can't resist it anymore

She inhale his intoxicating scent and whispered

"I think I really love you Jazzie" when she said that his beautiful lips curved upright and smelt her smoothing scent

"I love you too Lizzie" he take her in a bridal style and run to nearest hotel. He didn't know where were they so he decided to wait her awake. It looks like some small island in near to tropical area. He was still hugging her tiny body in her arms and stare at her perfect figure while sleeping. How could she sleep so calmly right after told him everything, he wouldn't believe if he wasn't vampire himself but now it's all make sense, her attitude, her words, hell even her quill with big feather.

But no matter what he still love her, without hesitation.