
Invisible Wall /crossover fanfic/

She is a daughter of evil. Everybody afraid her last name but she grow up in the orphanage and when she turned 11 years old magical letter come to her she was a witch and very powerful one. Sorting hat put her in Gryffindor and she befriended with Weaslay twins one year later famous Harry Potter started his first year she was kind and brave one she protected Harry every year when Voldemort trying to kill him. Now it’s her 7th year but her father tried to catch her, he needed her power and she didn’t want to be his deatheater and kill her friends. She can’t help but run away from Hogwarts and magical world. It was August 5th her birthday from now on she become an adult and can do magic without trace so she went to Forks her uncle Charlie her mother’s friend. She only wanted to hide away from his father ps: it's just a fanfic so this amazing characters don't belong to me ps2: also who knows what i was thinking when i'm writing these.

norika528 · Book&Literature
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10 Chs

chapter 9

In the Gym, I played with boys, because girls didn't want to play, I tried to forget everything and I saw Jasper is standing there watching my every move. When our eyes met I blushed and almost fall in the floor. He chuckled and smiled to me.

Jasper giving me bottle of water. I thankfully take it from him

"You are good"

"Thank you it's interesting sport" I go to change my clothes when I come back I saw some freshmen years girls trying to flirt with Jasper, suddenly I felt jealousy, I'm so confused I never felt jealousy before whenever pug face Pancy trying to flirt Draco, I didn't mind anything but now I just wanted to shout to them. I take a deep breath and went to him

"Hey Jazz, I'm done" I said sweetly he placed his hand in my waist and we went outside.

After I came home I saw purple haired Paul, I burst out loud laugh.

He crossed his arm and glared to me but it turns out booming laugh, we stayed like that some minute, sometimes I wonder about my sanity, but his hair really suited him.

"tell me, you can change it back, I wash it 5 times, Lisa 5 times" I was still giggling

"actually I planned it would stay like this more than 7 days but because of you I'm changed my mind" I take some potion from my pocket and hand it to him "here, mix it with your shampoo and wash it but I will take picture"

"No" his eyes become wider

"then forget about this" I tried to hide potion

"No you can't treat me like that" he pouted

"first picture" he take a cute pose and I take his picture. He rushed to bathroom to wash his hair

I made some delicious dinner and called him, he came back with black hair and satisfied smile, I laughed and give his food

"so how was your day?" he asked

"normal, I met Cullen's and well they were polite" because of his facial emotion I didn't continue so I chuckled awkwardly. We was still talking until I heard door opening and Bella came inside with his boyfriend.

"Hey Bells, hello Edward I made spicy chicken"

"Thanks Lisa, oh your hair become black again" she pointed Paul's hair

"yeah, thanks to Elizabeth" he glared to me playfully, I chuckled to him

"Oh Lisa, I think Jasper won't be happy" Edward said, I glared to him

"what do you mean?" Paul asked

"Ask from her, she can tell you everything" he looks like mocking me. I didn't show any sign and remained my cold face, I swear to myself one day I will kick his ass.

"sorry Edward but I just saw your abnormally big nose from my matter, can you pick it up or should I throw it myself" I said in a cold tone

"if it's about my brother then it will be my matter, tell me Elizabeth how many man do you have?" he take a step to me, does he think I would scare from his little appearance, I really gets angry, I clenched my fist and I felt power surrounding me.

All lights turn out, I honestly don't know am I part veela or part dementor because everytime I got mad I feel like dementor.

"You pick a wrong person Edward, you should be the one who need to run" all lights came back and I saw his stunned face but he continued to offending me

"What can you do? Why can't you just get lost?" allright he wanted to play with me then I will just complete his wish

"do you know why Aro let me go without hesitation" I glanced to him and take a step forward "because I'm more dangerous and more scary than them, he has at least brain but I don't think you have one" I pushed him to door and punched him in stomach, he tried to punch me but I dodged. I put some invisible barrier around us, I don't want anyone get hurt because of us. I grabbed his neck and throw him to woods

"what are you?" he shouted

"you don't need to know what I am, but let me remind you something if you offend me again, I won't hesitate. I will give you life and kill you with long and torturing way" I turn around and entered house and I saw my eyes turned red, and I heard my father's shrieking unpleasant voice in my head he chuckled "Lisa my dear you should kill him, but I'm proud of you my daughter, I will give you what you want, I'm still watching you, let's meet soon" I shut my eyes tightly no I'm different from him, I'm not him. Then I felt my head felt dizzy and ground spinned under my feet, Paul catch me right before I fall down.

I opened my eyes and saw white walls

"Harry, what happened? Am I fall from my broom again? Please tell me you catch that bloody snitch" I said in my hoarse voice, then I felt something cold grabbed my hand

"Lizzie are you okay? Do you know who am i?" I saw Jaspers golden eyes

"Oh Jazz, I'm okay, I just didn't wake up fully" he sighed with relief

"What happened, I heard you and Edward got into fight" I closed my eyes how can I tell him it wasn't because of his brother instead it was my father who entered my mind and sucked my energy

Too bad it's raining outside and I was wearing only sweater.

"Alice told me about weather so I bring my car, my mother wanted to meet you. Lizz do you want to go with me?" his eyes looks pleading, I smiled and nodded my head.

They were the happiest people in this world, holding eachothers hands smiling and blushing, they don't need to worry for anything, they were safe with eachothers arm. When they come to Jasper's house Lisa wanted to go back

"should I really come with you? do they really want to meet me?" she asked nervously, Jasper chuckled and kissed her forehead, she take a deep breath and walked to house.

It looks beautiful and lively, she born in the noble family her home was 3 times bigger than their house but it was dark and dull.

They entered and met a beautiful woman with chocolate brown hair and golden eyes like rest of the family, she hugged her but not too tightly

When Esme hugged me it felt like Molly, like mother. I hugged her back and she smiled to me

"Welcome I'm Esme"

"I'm Elizabeth nice to meet you" I smiled ear to ear, then I saw men in late twenties with blonde hair, he take my hand in his

"I'm Carlisle, thank you for saving Edward, We heard about you"

"no no it wasn't problem"

"LISAAAA" Emmet rushed to me and picked me up like a doll, I laughed

Rosalie and Alice hugged me too

"Guys we met 2 hours before"

"But we missed you" Alice said, I saw Edward and Bella talking like I was invisible.

"Jasper you can show your room to her, I will prepare dinner"

"I can help you—"

"no no you are our guest" Esme pushed me to upstairs

When I entered his room I saw big wooden table and couch, almost half of the room filled with books I smiled he come and hugged my waist. I turned to him

"Jazz, I think it's too quick, we only met today but now I'm standing in your room"

"it's okay Lizzie everybody love you, if you aren't comfortable we can slow down but trust me I won't leave you"

"but what if I need to leave you?" I asked him, I saw hurt flashing in his beautiful golden eyes

"Please don't say that" my chest tightened with his pleading tone

"Sooner or later, I will leave because we belong different world"

"Are you afraid of me because I'm monster?"

"No no it's not that, you aren't monster it's just I'm dangerous to you and your family, I can't bear it if you get hurt because of me"

"Why? I don't understand, Volturi already know your existence and I will protect you from everything"

"There are many stronger and worse things in this world , right now I can't tell you but I will leave you some day"

"Then be with me until that day, I will make you happy" I felt tears running down my cheeks

"Sorry Jasper, you deserve better person than me, I don't deserve you" he rubbed my tears with his cold hands and placed his fingers in my cheek then kissed me slowly yet I feel pain from his kiss.

"you are perfect to me Lizzie, I love you, I don't care who you are or what you done, you will be always my Lizzie" I nodded my head but still crying I hugged him tightly like my life depends on him.

"until that day, I will love you" I mumbled to myself but I know he heard it. After 10 minutes I went to bathroom and washed my face and made some charm to hide my puffy red eyes. I bet every vampire in this house heard our conversation. I take a deep breath and went outside put my best smile on my face. When I entered dining room everyone turns to me with sad eyes but I smiled to them

"What's this gloomy emotions, wow look at this dish, it looks delicious, thank you Esme"

"Yes I wish I could taste this it really looks yummy" Jasper said beside me, he hold my hand in his and take a spoon in his another hand.

"Say ah Lizzie" he smiled to me

"it's so embarrassing, your parents looking" I told him with wide eyes

"So what, they were all lovey-dovey when I was single, it was torture now it's my turn" I chuckled at his child like behavior and opened my mouth. Everyone looks our way with loving gaze and smiled with each other knowingly

After the dinner, we talked some random things and it became already dark.

"Thank you for inviting me Esme, Carlisle" I smiled and hugged them

"no dear, you can come here whenever you want" I nodded my head

"See you tomorrow guys" I said and hugged them too. Bella and Edward already left jasper decided to give me a ride.