
Invisible Crown

Jefadurk is a kingdom blessed by gods. However, the blessed royals who rule the prosperous kingdom are absent. The King and Crown Prince disappeared. No one knows where they are and how they live except that the kingdom is ruled by the Absent King. - Jarte doesn't care about the royals nor what happened to them. He lives comfortably among the common folk. One day, his world is turned upside down. What will he do when he has no choice but to leave his comfortable life behind and become strong? [Author's Note: This is my first novel, thank you for checking it out. I will continue to learn and grow from this experience. Thank you for your support!]

TheStarShine · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Crowned King

[BMonky commented: The royals could be watching us, you know? Who knows what they're capable of doing? You shouldn't say such things!]

Zephyr was walking back to his home after buying some snacks while checking an online discussion forum. The post was about the royals and how the royals must have already either died or fled the kingdom. And so, the Queen might be the one with authority who fooled the common folks to keep the throne for herself. Some even went as far as accusing her of murdering her own son and husband for the sake of throne. The others were fearful and only a few asked them to keep faith because no such thing can come to pass in a kingdom blessed by the gods.

"Ingrates have nothing better to do with their lIves."

The kingdom of Jefadurk was blessed by the gods. The gods chose knights, nobility and royals. They blessed them with certain abilities of their own. Even though families of knights and nobles could earn and lose the favour of the gods, the royals never did; such was the law. However, the land was ruled by absent royals. They were called the "invisible royals" or "missing royals" because the king and the crown prince suddenly disappeared right after the crown prince's birth.

The Queen was blessed with a goddess' attributes but the kingdom cannot be ruled by the queen as she didn't "inherit" the attributes from "The Ancients". Her ancestors earned the gods' favour so they became part of the nobility. Her marriage to the king earned her the title of Queen but she couldn't rule over those who inherited the attributes from The Ancients. The king ruled the kingdom from shadows. But how he did so remained unknown. The myths, stories and fear surrounding the king and crown prince grew larger due to the mystery surrounding the situation. This was common topic of discussion for the common folk but it still felt very unpleasant to Zephyr. He clicked his tongue and put his phone back into his pocket.

He almost walked past the dark and empty park when something caught his eye. On the park bench, a hooded figure seemed to be hugging their knees. Zephyr would've assumed that to be the case, if not for the light from the screen illuminating their face. Zephyr's lips curved into a smile as he thought of a prank to play on his childhood companion.


The dark park and quiet environment was perfect for reading Jarte's favourite webnovel. He read with perfect attention till his head connected with something cold. He shuddered and looked up with wide eyes. Zephyr was laughing so loud that soon he was shaking. His eyebrows twitched.

"Can't you see that I'm trying to read?!"

"I have perfect eyesight, Jarte. You, on the other hand, didn't even notice me." Zephyr grinned with orange juice in hand. Jarte accepted the drink. 'Great, now I can't even be mad.'

"Why is your sense of humour so...so..!"

"Amazing? Yes, I know."


Zephyr wiped a fake tear away, "You're hurting my feelings."

"Am I now, stalker?"

"I wasn't stalking! I saw you here on my way back from the store!"

Jarte put the orange juice by his side and went back to reading. Zephyr sat down on the bench, occupying the vacant space. Zephyr leaned back comfortably and looked up at the clear sky.

"Did you suddenly feel like reading under the moonlight or did something happen?"

Jarte froze then slowly turned to him. 'Of course he noticed.'

"It's about my father, Zeph."

He sat up straight, "Did you two fight?"

"Yeah... But it was my fault to begin with. I keep asking him to tell me what's bothering him and why he's so tense lately. But I always either get the silent treatment or 'it's not yet time for you to know'. And tonight, I had enough of his secrets." Jarte clenched his fists tightly. " I just wish he'd trust me more."

Zephyr frowned. "So that's how it is." He gazed into the distance, with unfocused eyes. "I'm sure he cares for you a great deal. He's been raising you alone all this time and you two almost never argue." He sighed, "Maybe he has his reasons for keeping something from you?"

"I'm sure he does. But I still can't help how I feel. Anyway, it's pretty late. Looking back now, I think I overreacted. I should go back." With that, Jarte got up, took the juice and smiled at him

"Thanks for the juice."

Zephyr watched Jarte turn from him and walk away. Zephyr got up from his seat and started following Jarte. Jarte sighed, " You don't have to walk behind me, Zeph, our houses are in the same direction."

Zephyr caught up to him and grinned wide. 'Cheeky bastard.'

They walked silently the whole way and parted once they reached Jarte's mansion. The gate flung open as soon as it sensed their presence.

"Go on."

"Won't you come say hello to him?"

"It's pretty late, I need to get back."

Jarte nodded and walked inside. Zephyr watched the gate close and soon he was on his way. Walking this much was starting to tire Jarte. He had to resolve the argument as soon as possible and rest.

As soon as he got near the front door, an announcement was made , "Young Master Jarte Veshtara has arrived. Welcome home, Sir."

The door opened to reveal a middle aged lady with tears in her eyes, "Oh my goodness, you've returned, young master!"

"Martha, please don't make such a face, it's not like I'm a child. I was only gone for half an hour." Jarte smiled to reassure her. "I'm fine, see?"

She nodded. Soon, the butler also arrived and bowed to him, "Would you like anything to eat, Sir?"

"No, thank you." He said as he started climbing the stairs, indicating that he didn't need anything from the servants who gathered at his return. He headed straight for the library, where his father was likely to be found at this hour. Sure enough, he was right.

The library had a vast collection of books of every genre as both the father and son enjoyed reading. There was a desk, chairs and even a couch, just in case they wanted to read comfortably. His father had his head down on the desk, 'Ah, he fell asleep here again.'

Jarte closed the distance between him and the desk and called out to his father, "Dad?"

'He's sure in a deep sleep.'

He patted his back and called for him a few more times. He began to lightly shake him to wake him up. Still no answer. A chill started to creep up his spine. He grabbed and pulled with all his strength to make his father sit up.

His eyes widened at the sight and before he knew it, he screamed.

A screen popped up before him at the same time.

[The murdered 'King' has been discovered by the 'Crown Prince']

[The 'Crown Prince' has been promoted to 'King']

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