
Invincible: Warrior

A man is reborn into the world of Invincible as none other than Invincible himself.

Thomas_Hodge · Anime et bandes dessinées
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38 Chs


" You don't have to come with me you know. I'm pretty sure I can handle this alone."

Mark said to Eve as they flew towards Mt. Rushmore.

" Hey, I need the exercise besides the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can go back to doing what we were doing before."

Eve said to the man with a devious smile on her face.

" Ugh! Why did cecil have to bother us?"

Mark groaned as he flew towards the mountain.

" Because Omniman is battling a kaiju ten time zones away and the new Guardians are a shit show Kid. Target is Doc Seismic. He has a Phd in seismology. So, the Doc thing that's legit. Problem is he made himself a pair of earthquake gloves."

Cecil explained to the two teens.

' I hate having to play the tutorial. But I have to stay as Canon as possible for the first few years or shit could go sideways fast.'

Mark thought to himself.

" What's he want?"

Mark asked the man.

" Even he doesn't seem to know. Working theory is brain damage from those seismic gloves. He basically gets a concussion every time he uses them."

Cecil explained.

" So basic mad scientist deal."

Eve stated bluntly.

" Have fun kids and try to remember it's a national treasure down there."

Cecil said to the two teens.

" Oh, boy here we go."

Mark said boredly.

At the mountain Doc Seismic was currently monologuing to the civilians over his disdain for the former presidents.

" HAHAHAHAHA! You come to pray at this obscene monument? They were oppressors! Racists! Slave owners! I give you a new god worthy of worship. Bow before Doc Seismic."

Seismic exclaimed before using his gauntlets to destroy the mountain.

" Oh, you cannot be serious."

Mark said as he flew towards the crumbling mountain.

" I will emancipate you from your lives!"

Seismic yelled.

" Dude!"

Mark yelled as he caught the falling rubble.

" I know I'm not great at one liners but that was just terrible. I mean truly awful."

Mark said as he placed the Head of one of the former presidents down on the ground.

" Eh what do you understand boy?"

Doc asked as he fired an earthquake at Mark.

The wave hit him, but felt didn't really budge him. If anything it was more of an annoyance to man.

" What I understand is I'm about to pound you so hard the girls will be jealous."

Mark joked as he stepped towards the man.

" What? How come you're not affected?"

Doc asked as Mark walked towards him.

" I wouldn't say I'm not affected. Just that it doesn't really hurt too much. Feels like someone's pushing hard against my chest. But that's about it."

Mark explained to the man.

" Well, if I can't flatten you, then I'll just... Arh!"

Doc yelled as Eve suddenly appeared and struck his gauntlets with her energy projectiles.

" Nice, but you know I had that right?"

Mark asked the girl.

" Yeah, but you were taking way too long."

Eve said as she hoisted the man up into the air.

" Hahahaha! Well, let's end this shall we? Drop him!"

Mark said to the woman with a smile on his face.

Eve grinned and released Doc from her hold.


The man fell face first towards Mark as Mark punched him in the face. The force of the blow knocked Doc seismic out cold.

" I don't know what Cecil was worried about. This guy sucked."

Mark said to the woman.

" Well, not everyone is apparently earthquake proof."

Eve joked back.

Suddenly the ground started shaking.

" Oh shit, Eve I think you broke the gauntlets."

Mark said as he stumbled around the shaking ground. Mark snatched eve up and took to the sky.

" Huh? AH!!!!"

Doc seismic yelled as he woke up from the constant vibrations. As he did the ground beneath him gave out and he fell in towards a steaming bath of lava.

" Oh Shit!"

Mark said as he watched the man fall. He let Eve go and quickly rushed to save the man.

" Hold your hands back you idiot."

Mark yelled to the man.

" What?"

Doc yelled back.

" I said hold your hands back! You're blasting yourself further down like that."

Mark explained to the man.

Mark flew faster to catch the man and actually managed to grab hold of his rm.


Mark yelled as he grabbed Doc seismics gloved hand. But as he did the gloves slipped right off and Doc hit the lava.

" Oh Welp guess canon wins sometimes! Oh shit."

Mark said as he watched the man hit the lava. But cursed as the lava shot up towards him.

' That will still hurt very bad.'

Mark thought as he flew away from the lava.

He flew out of the hole grabbing Eve and flew away from the Lava eruption.

" Well, I guess that handles that."

Mark said to the girl as he watched the Lava die down.

" Cecil, Docs been neutralized."

Eve radioed to Cecil.

" Good job kids. Is he tied up?"

Cecil asked.

" No, he kinda of fell in Lava and exploded."

Eve replied.

" Well, that takes care of that. No skin off my back. I'll call you if anything else comes up."

Cecil said before cutting communication.

" Okay, do you wanna head back to my place. Or somewhere more private?"

Mark asked the woman.

" We can go to my place."

Eve said to the man as she flew off in the distance.

' Okay, here comes the talk... Hopefully.'

Mark thought to himself as he flew beside the woman towards her home.

The flight to Eve's was relatively quiet as Mark and Eve were both mewling over their thoughts. And soon the time arrived at the woman's house.

" Okay, follow me."

Eve said as she opened the window to her room and stepped in with Mark following soon behind.

" Whoa!"

Mark exclaimed as he looked around the woman's room.

Eve changed out of her outfit and into her civilian clothes using her powers.

" So, where do we start. I wish Cecil hadn't been a dick and interrupted us before."

Mark joked as he scratched his head in nervousness.

" Well, do you like me, Mark?"

Eve asked the man bluntly

" Yeah! I mean of course, I think you're amazing Eve. You're smart. You're funny! You're strong! You're Beautiful! I mean in all my life I've never met a woman as amazing as you...mphm!"

Mark was saying before Eve placed her lips onto his. Mark looked on in shock for a few moments before placing his hands on the woman's hips and leaning into the kiss.

" Well, I thought the same about you Mark. So, what do you say we give this a try?"

Eve asked the man.

" I'd like nothing else."

Mark smirked before kissing the woman again.