
Into the wizarding world as Neville Longbottom

Mc gets reincarnated as Neville Longbottom with a Daredevil system. Watch as his antics as he tries to save the world. George and Fred: Neville is the most Gryiffindorish person we have ever met in hogwarts! Dumbledore: "Is the power that Voldemort does not have recklessness." Neville Grandma: "Don't jump out the window dear, we do believe that you are a wizard!"

Ankit_writing_9705 · Livres et littérature
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Holiday's in Hogwarts

Once the holidays had started, Ron and Harry were having too good a time to think much about Flamel. They had the dormitory to themselves and the common room was far emptier than usual, so they were able to get good armchairs by the fire.

They sat by the hour eating anything they could on a toasting fork- bread,crumpets, marshmallows and plotting ways of getting Malfoy expelled, which were fun to talk about even if they would not work.

Ron also started teaching Harry wizard chess, this was exactly like Muggle chess except that the figures were alive, which made it a lot like directing troops in battle. Ron's chess set was very old and battered. Like everything else he owned, it had once belonged to someone else in the family, in this case it was his grandfather. However, old chessmen were not a drawback at all. Ron knew them so well he never had trouble getting them to do what he wanted.

Harry played with chessmen Seamus Finnigan had lent him and they did not trust him at all. He was not a good player yet they kept shouting different bits of advice at him, which was confusing: "Don't send me there, can't you see his knight? Send him we can afford to lose him.

On Christmas Eve, Harry went to bed looking forward to the next day for food and fun, but not expecting any presents at all. When he woke up early next morning, however, the first thing he saw was a small pile of packages at the foot of his bed.

After greeting the sleepy Ron, Harry turned to his pile of presents.

Harry picked up a long broom shaped like present that had been sent to him by Neville along with a brochure containing its features.

It said that this broom was under production and was a prototype, asking Harry to keep it a secret as it would be released next year's World Quidditch Cup.

Neville had indeed been very busy during his holidays. He had shared his broom design with his grandmother and rich as their wizard family was,she planned to open a broom company for him.

He had to register his broom design at the Ministry of Magic relevant department.

Needless to say it was a huge success with how crazy the wizards are about Quidditch.

The world cup authorities soon contacted his grandmother offering to order a large number of Firebolt for the next year world cup.

It was decided that the Firebolt would br making its debut at the Quidditch world Cup.

Longbottom family had overtaken the Nimbus broom company and now was the leading in broom industry around all of Europe.

As for the rest of the world, they was the flying carpets, flying chariots popular in the orient.

As for how to maintain their future business, he didn't worry too much about it.

Firebolt would have taken at least till the end of his second year to market even then it cost a fortune, he estimated that as a luxury good it could be sold for the next 5 years without any decrease in the sale. With the profits that they made during this time they could invest in other Muggle businesses by that time.

He was sure that his grandmother would let him spend the money he earned by his own hard work.

To Ron he sent "a new set of Wizarding chess Strategies."

As for why he did not give Ron a broom, first years were not allowed to keep a broom and Harry was just an exception.

He was sure that Harry would let Ron ride on his brooms and he was proved right when he came back once the holidays got over.

Harry had gotten a wooden flute possibly handcrafted by Hagrid, a thick hand-knitted emerald sweater and a large box of fudge from the Weasleys.

He also got a large box of Choclate frogs from Hermione(Neville:No!).

He got a fifty pence piece from his uncle and aunt.

Last but not the least was the invisibility cloak that would allow him to sneak out at night in the castle.

he would use it in the upcoming days to discover the Mirror of Erised but that is a story we all are too familiar with so I am going to skip that part.

Harry had never in all his life had such a Christmas dinner. A hundred fat, roast turkeys, mountains of roast and boiled potatoes, platters of chipolatas, tureens of buttered peas, silver boats of thick rich gravy and cranberry sauce- and stacks of wizard crackers every feet along the table.

Flaming Christmas puddings followed the turkey. Percy nearly broke his teeth on a Silver Sickle embedded in his slice.

When Harry finally left the table he was laid down with a stack of things out of the crackers, including a pack of non-explodable , luminous balloons, a growing your own warts kit and his own new wizard chess kit.

Harry and the Weasleys spent a happy afternoon having a furious snowballs fight in the grounds. Then, cold, wet and gasping for breath, they returned to the Gryffindor common room where Harry broke in his new chess set by losing spectacularly to Ron. He suspected that he would not have lost so badly if Percy had not tried to help him so much.

After a tea of turkey sandwiches, trifle, crumpets and Christmas Cake, everyone felt too full and sleepy to do much before bed except sit and watch Percy chase Fred and George all over the Gryffindor Tower because they had stolen his prefect badge.

It was the best Christmas day Harry ever had in life. But he tried on the Invisibility cloak and explored the Castle at night, eventually finding the Mirror of Erised and visited it up to 3 nights even bring Ron at one of his visits, indulging himself even when Ron attempted to stop him till Dumbledore showed himself to him.

"It shows nothing but more or less than the deepest, most desperate desire of our hearts. You, who have never known your family, see them standing around you.

Ron Weasley, which has always been overshadowed by his brothers, sees himself standing alone, the best of all of them. However, this Mirror will give us neither knowledge nor truth. Men have wasted away before it, entranced by what they have seen, driven mad, not knowing if what it shows is real or even possible.

"The Mirror will be moved to a new home tommorow, Harry, and I ask you not to go looking for it again. If you ever do run across it, you will now be prepared."

Harry went away to his dormitory after asking Dumbledore about what he saw on the Mirror and recieved the absurd answer that the old headmaster saw himself holding a pair of thick woollen socks.