
Into the wizarding world as Neville Longbottom

Mc gets reincarnated as Neville Longbottom with a Daredevil system. Watch as his antics as he tries to save the world. George and Fred: Neville is the most Gryiffindorish person we have ever met in hogwarts! Dumbledore: "Is the power that Voldemort does not have recklessness." Neville Grandma: "Don't jump out the window dear, we do believe that you are a wizard!"

Ankit_writing_9705 · Book&Literature
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46 Chs

Hogwarts Express return journey

Once the time came, Hagrid was there to take them down to the fleet of boats that sailed across the lake; they were to board the Hogwarts Express; Hermione got together with him in a compartment.

Neville had to admit that the little witch would grow to be even more of a stunner than the movie Emma Watson.

If there were beauties for whom large kingdoms and nations would fall into ruins due to the wars waged for them then he believed he was looking at an example.

It was a pity that she didn't go to be a model into the Muggle world. She would be an instant hit.

But then if she had not got the Hogwarts letter she may have been a scholar in the Muggle world.

She had rather large front teeth, which hindered others from appreciating her beauty, but once fixed through Muggle or Magical means he believed that she could cause an absolute bloodbath.

Hermione was too fixated on reviewing for their final exams(they were more than 3 months away!) hence she did not notice Neville's expression as he gazed at her.

What is the most painful experience in the student world?

Is it that people who clearly can rely on their looks for a living compete with you


Is it that people more talented than you were working harder than you!


Absolutely Not!

The true painful experience is that you and a cute girl are alone in a locked room but the cute girl doesn't look up from her book even though she may have already memorised the contents of the said book.

Even though he had such thoughts the system did not intend to grant a mission to him.

After trying to bait an easy mission from the system he got bored and shuffled through his luggage and brought out a textbook.

By the time the train started and she got indulged in revising her books Neville had shifted his attention to the mission panel while he held a book in his hands to prevent others from thinking that something was amiss.

He had completed the Spells proficiency mission to 60 percent completion and just lacked a bit more till he could get his hands on the transformation spell.

If he got the above mentioned spell then he would not have to brew a polyjuice potion and could enter and exit the other houses.

He would be able to impersonate girls to enter their dormitory and visit their toilets which were sure to give him a lot of completion rate.

On the other hand he managed to convince Hermione about the disadvantages of knight bus and got the broom riding proficiency(perfect level).

Hermione, Harry, Weasley twins were top students who gave him 4 percent collectively.

Yes, you heard it right, according to the system Harry and Weasley twins were top level students.

Ron being the mediocre student gave him a 0.1 percent while he had manged to influence some other Muggle and wizard born students on his own to raise his completion rate to 7 percent.

Anyway, about the Hogwarts Explorer mission progress, it was currently stuck at 50 percent completion rate.

He believed that as long as his spell proficiency mission reached 70 percent completion rate and he unlocked the transformation spell he would be able to transform a clone into a patrolling prefect and roam the castle at night.

He had tried the clone technique and found that exploration of the clone contributed to his mission but sadly as the cat Mrs Norris always found him using his scent.

Nevertheless, he had manged to find all the broom closets in Hogwarts and knew more about them than any senior couple who used them for their private business.

Hermione who had been shy as she was alone with him in the compartment finally peeked from her book and their eyes met. He responded with a polite smile and broke the ice by asking her about her holiday plans.

After which they delved into a lengthy talk about their plans for the Christmas Holidays to what the hell Snape was after and how in the world they were going to stop him.

They talked and laughed about their time at Hogwarts as the countryside became greener and tidier; eating Bertie Botts Every Flavour Beans as they sped past Muggle towns.

Once they were about to reach into Platform nine and three quarters at King's Cross Station they vacated the compartment in turns as the other person changed into jackets and coats after removing their wizard robes.

It took quite a while for them all to get off the platform. A wizened old guard was up by the ticket barrier; letting them go through the gates in twos and threes so that they didn't attract attention by all bursting out of a solid walls at once and alarming the Muggles.

Neville met his grandmother and introduced her to Hermione who greeted her.

Augusta Longbottom was very pleased with the girl who may bear her grandchildren( she is just a child!) and proceeded to ask the little witch about Neville.

Hermione who initially had been shy quickly praised him for saving her from a troll.

Once Augusta heard about the Troll She was overjoyed (Shouldn't you be worried about my safety!) and later asked Neville privately if he had decided on his children's names, if not, then she had a couple of them ready to which Neville had given a puzzled look.

After they had crossed the wall into the Muggle world they met Hermione's dentist parents.

After a couple of introductions and greetings their guardians got along well (His grandmother always had a "broad" view even in the wizarding world and didn't care about blood purity) and they had been invited to the Granger's residence at Christmas which they happily accepted.

As for how Christmas went for the two that would be a story for another time.
