
Into the Labyrith: I will Survive by Evolving in Another World.

Our protagonist finds himself in a labyrinth, killing, eating, absorbing and evolving to enhance his miniscule chance at surviving. As he loses more of himself to the dangers of his environment, his fragmented memories- –the only thing keeping him sane–start to resurface, informing him of his past both lost and forgotten. Will he survive? Or will he become like the beasts he has absorbed? Either way he will do EVERYTHING he can in order to live and see tomorrow. ◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆ Cover art isn't mine. ◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇◆◇ This is my first time ever writing anything. If you have any complaints, suggestions, or questions, don't hesitate to ask me! I would love it if everybody told me what is wrong and what I could improve in the future! For now, I'm hoping to get at least one chapter a day(1000) words each as my quota. Other Works: The King's Failed Return. I would really appreciate it if you read it and commented me what you thought of it. Thank youuuuu.

DiesWrites · Fantaisie
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104 Chs


The witch's smile remained on her beautiful and mangled face as her life—the fire burning inside of her slowly dimmed, outside of my power, outside of the little I could have done.

I set her down ever so slowly, making sure not to scrap or damage what was left of her once pristine form.

I wipe my tears and whip my head back to the icy-blue dragon behind me, glaring at it dead in the eye.

"Did you do this?" I barked in the most threatening voice I could muster. Though, I doubt that amounted to anything more than a simple arrangement of ill-advised words in a somewhat rude tone.

Nevertheless, I had to ask.

I needed to know. I deserved to know. She was important to me—a fact that realized much too late.

The icy-blue dragon let out a breath, puffing up a small could of mist in the air. It cast it's sapphire eyes at me for the first time and gave me a hard-to-read expression.

"Yes." It muttered slowly and evenly, it's voice low and cold. "Yes, I did…and I do not regret it even the slightest." The words were said and picked so meticulously that you would think he was reprimanding a boy who made a mistake.

Though, I have made many mistakes, I consider my actions right now as no more than an inquiry. Just a simple question, a phrase meant to be answered.

—Do you want power?

"…I see." I lower my head, contemplating the words that the dragon just said. "So you killed her."

"…Yes, but not alone." Again, the speaker seemed to be picking it's words very carefully. Was it defective?

—Do you want to take what is rightfully yours?

"The truth that is, O blue one." Another voice said with pride and vanity, glowering at it's own words. It seemed to take the fact said as the truth, though a lingering, deep-seeded bubble of negative emotion rung from within the depths of it's deep voice.

—Do you want what others have deemed as theirs and take them for yourself, the rightful owner?

"Only with thine help, did myself best that pest once and for all." The scarlet dragon, bruised and battered, fell silent it's own words from ecstasy. "Ah~ how I've longed to say those words."

It seemed to ignore me entirely, not even recognizing my presence and making it's way towards it's brethren.

—Do you want to stand above all others, make them kneel at your feet and bask in the praises of your fallen enemies?

"Finally…finally! This labyrinth is my self's belonging once more, no longer stolen or plundered by that disgusting existence…!!" It boomed and laughed, drunk in it's power and influence.

It's words sounded like a jester's, false and a product of make-believe fairytales. It was clear who the strongest here was, and it definitely wasn't it.

—Do you want the power to take revenge for those who have wronged you, tarnished those you value, and stepped on your territories unjustly?

"Yes." As I said those words, I passed out. The pitch-black darkness of the abyss greeted me, much more warmly this time, it seems.

My core, the quintessential goal all aspiring magicians strive for, to the point of madness floated in front of and above me, to the point where I had to look up to gaze at it.

A voice echoed in my head.

—Do you want power?


—Do you wish for victory?


—What do you wish for?

I though about my next words very carefully, making sure to get as accurate of an answer a possible.

A minute passed until I made my decision.

"I want revenge, the power to decimate those who have harmed my most beloved."

A fire was lit inside of me.


"…?!" A flash of blinding light burst from nowhere.

I reflexively put my hand up, expecting some kind of impact or blunt attack. However, none came.

Burning heat traveled up from my left hand. It made bring my bleeding hand to my face and inspecting it.

It would seem that I had been clutching my hand too tight, to the point where my palm started bleeding from the sheer pressure I was exuding on myself.

That wasn't all, though. There was much more to be uncovered as I looked at my bleeding hand.

Power was leaking, out of my injured hand like a chimney. It was like the inside of my body is burning and this was the only way for the smoke to escape.

「You have been granted the skill 'Vengeance' Lv.21(+20)」

「You have earned the title of 'Ruler of Vengeance'」

「You have earned the title of 'Chosen'」

「Skill 'Instinct' has been activated」

「Skill 'Vengeance' has been activated」

「All offensive skills and spells have been enhanced beyond your current capabilities」

「Skill 'Instinct' is urgently warning you」

「Prolonged use of this skill will cause permanent damage」

"That's fine…" I mutter softly, letting the unknown power seep into me, enhancing my body, fortifying my bones, tightening my muscles, and improving the flow of my blood vessels.

I unsheathe my sword with a quick pull. The blade of the sword seemed to become darkness itself as my influence on the sword clung even closer.


Immediately after drawing my sword, a bone within me broke. I can't do this for long.

I spun on my heel and strode forward, careful not to let any of the growing power inside of me fade or get interrupted in the process.

"Boy…is this really what you want? The path you want to take for the rest of your life?" The icy-blue dragon took a step in my direction, it's eyes trained on me and me alone.

I let out a sigh. "At least I won't have to go searching for you."

It was only then did the scarlet-red dragon acknowledge my presence. It's gaze fell on me.

"What the hell are thine muttering over…there… Oh, it's just a bug. A pathetic, emotional, and foolish bug. Myself has just gotten rid of one annoying bug today, thus myself does not wish for any more carnage. Myself will let the foolish bug be. Go on, leave, you disgusting creature." It shooed me away in it's know-all-be-all voice.

I set my sword behind me and grip it with both hands. "No."

「Skill 'Quick Step' Lv.27(+20)」

"…What was tha—" Before the monster can even finish it's sentence, my blade was already on it's neck.