
Her dreams

So many dreams of mine started coming into life, I didn't know what I should do. They keep on coming true and my dreams keep on getting worse. It's haunting me and I don't want to sleep anymore.

I dream a dream where a man is eating his children and I keep seeing it every time that I close both of my eyes I can see that unsightly sight.

I dream of a woman birthing a child and once the child had brought life it was deformed, the child was deformed and was cast out by his parents when they notice that the child is imperfect.

I cried my heart out when I woke up, I was hurt and felt sorry for the child and I encountered a familiar scenario once I was out of my house. A kid getting driven by his mother, all I could do is look and feel sympathy as I watch the kid cried and plead to his mother that he would be a good boy and hope that she will not drive him away anymore.

but I was surprised when his mother suddenly looked at me and she smiled at me, I shifted my gaze to the child who had been crying but I was shocked when he smiled at me too.

And then another dream of mine, A woman getting jealous over her step-son because her husband loved the mother of her step-son. It angered and made the woman unhappy, the woman spent a lot of time trying to make it's stepson's life miserable and it caused his stepson mad which caused him to murder his wife and children.

Another dream of mine is about a man named Hyacinthus who is loved by both men. One day Hyacinthus was with one and is playing discuss and his other one got jealous when he saw both of them together. And when the man with Hyacinthus threw the discus the other man blew the discus to hit Hyacinthus and he died. The man with Hyacinthus weep and was so anguished that he turned Hyacinthus into a flower named on his honor, the flower Hyacinth so that his beauty could remain forever.

And when morning came I got up and took a walk to calm my thoughts and my heart for my dreams is overwhelming me. As I took a stroll, I saw a plant named Hyacinth. They come in all shapes and sizes and they are beautiful and as I look at the beautiful plant as the wind is blowing the stands of my hair, my tears immediately started to fall from my eyes for unknown reasons.

And then another dream of mine, a man who is being punished. He was condemned to being chained to a rock while an eagle pecks out the liver, only for it to regrow and for it to be repeated day by day.

It reminded me of the Titan Prometheus for he earned the wrath of The God Zeus for giving fire for mankind. I don't know if my dreams are trying to tell me about something or maybe my dreams just recount other people's experiences, or I'm just overthinking things.

All of my dreams are blurry and they just show me what's going on, without explanation. I don't know who are the people that are in my dream. Their face was all blurry and when they talk it's like they're just whispering and some of it isn't enough for me to be able to hear it.

and I have a dream that is stuck in my mind, I just dreamed it last two days. I feel like that has already happened to me, it feels nostalgic.

A lady plucked the flower that caught her eye into the ground and then suddenly a rift formed and everything turned black. A mother cries echoed into the forest of flowers, the mother weeps in grief for she cannot find her daughter. She saw a flower which was plucked from the ground and weep in agony for she knows that this was the last flower that her child touched before she vanished.

And then I woke with tears flowing into my cheeks, longing and pain started to throb in my heart. I feel that I don't know myself that there are so many questions and answers that somehow seem wrong.

Can you know who is the person starring on each of the dreams of Luna?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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