
Internecivus Raptus

2180, Chaeyoung was thrilled when his father asked him to accompany him on The Amhul, the space station his company has been working on. Chayoung instantly agreed to join his father and his journey to outer space, however after the first day on The Amhul, Chaeyoung discovers that his father has gone missing and that all the passengers on the Amhul have gone completely out of their minds. Chaeyoung must find his father by searching the entire space station while dodging bullets from savage passengers, avoiding lethal androids and hiding from a carnivorous and extremely lethal creature that wants him...dead...

Booh_bear · Films
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36 Chs

Four: In The Vents

I landed hard on my back, hitting my head against the hard floor.

Blinking above me, I watched as the rectangular opening that I fell through, started to close automatically. Away from Amber, Chelsea, Caleb, and....that creature...

I wonder what it could be? I shouldn't be too shocked because I'm not a genius when it comes to biology, but still. Taking life science and biology through high school I would think that I'd be somewhat familiar with that strange organism. Whatever it was, it didn't seem friendly.

For the others, I would have to say that they were just acting out of fear to protect themselves.

I really hope that their Professor was okay....

I never physically hurt someone before in my life, but it was the only thing I could do. Jane would have shot me the second she spotted me. I don't think I could ever forgive myself if I killed someone, even if it was for defending myself. The thought of taking away someone's life was just unbearable.

Fortunately, I couldn't spot a ladder or stairs to make my way back up the vent, and it was at least a ten foot drop. So there was a very slim chance that Amber, Caleb, and Chelsea would come after me. As for the creature? I wasn't to sure. But I knew I couldn't climb my way back up to the communication center even if I wanted to. The vent was way out of my reach. I had to find another way out. I slowly got up to my feet, brushing some dust off my sweater. Ten feet wasn't too high to fall from, but I was very lucky that I didn't seriously injure anything, get shot, or attacked by that creature.

This isn't going to be easy since there are no signs or maps inside these vents or much lighting. Only a few bulbs hung from the ceilings of the vents, offering a gloomy view of the vents wide and foggy corridors.

The vents seemed like the safest hiding place, from the looks of it they seemed completely deserted. I could use these as refuge If I were to run into Chelsea, Caleb, Amber, or that creature again, or even other crazy passengers. However, I couldn't stay in here forever. I had to find my father.

It would of been nice if I brought a flash light with me, but the dim light bulbs would have to do. Placing my hand on the wall I started my way down the cloudy corridor, reminding myself to be light on my feet. I might not be alone in these vents and I'm sure that I wasn't out of earshot from Amber and her trio.

The walls of the vent transitioned to thick horizontal lines. I stumbled forward, nearly loosing my balance as I was surprised by the sudden change of construction. The openings between each metallic line gave the gloomy vent rays of white light.

I peered through the openings of the lines, surveying a small rectangular room, it looked like an office. A white desk was centered in the middle of the room with a computer on it, and a desk chair behind it, there were a few filing cabinets behind it, and two middle-aged men in the right corner standing in front of a green sofa.

My heart fluttered at the sight of them. Could they see me peaking through these openings? Would they shoot me too?

I crouched down and backed up slowly to where the lines start to transition to a full wall. As small as the openings were, I couldn't risk being seen. After my last encounter, I'm going to assume that every passenger on this station is hostile and armed. Except for my father of course.

Positioning myself on my hands and knees, I craned my head slightly in attempts to hearing the two men. I know it was rude to eavesdrop, but it was very possible that these men worked with my dad or knew what was going on. I had a feeling it would be too risky to move along the openings of the vent as much as I wanted to.

"I just don't know David. I just don't know what we're going to do!" A man cried, sounding very frantic and overwhelmed. "I heard gun shots! People are losing their minds! We should of kept quiet about this whole situation! Now, thanks to you, we caused a bigger problem!"

"Yes, I know, I've heard them to." the man named David replied. "They would have gotten suspicious or worse, in danger if we haven't warned them."

"They're putting themselves in danger right now as we speak!" the other man shrieked. "You just said you heard those gun shots! It's probably a war up there! They've all gone crazy and are shooting each other!"

David hushed him. "Keep your voice down! I've realized that, but there isn't much we can do at this point!"

"What do you mean!? Call the captain! Make an announcement! Do something! You have the power on this station, USE IT."

"I've already tried contacting Jeremy, he hasn't answered my calls and no one will listen to our announcements no matter what we tell them. The only thing they're focused on now is keeping themselves alive." David replied, sounding serene.

David and the man went silent for a moment before David spoke once more.

"Have you heard from Yeon-Woo?"

My heart leaped at the mentioning of my fathers name. Please be alright...please...

"Yeah, he called me about forty minutes ago...saying he was headed for the fourth tower to activate the security camera's and possibly shut down the electricity." the man replied.

"Electricity? Leo, why on earth would he shut the electricity down for? There's a lethal creature lurking around this station, you heard from the me-"

David cut off and the two men went silent. I could just barely make out the sounds of screams and gunshots. Anxiously, I crawled forwards on my hands and knees, my face inches from the ground. I was desperate to look again. Maybe if I stayed low, I wouldn't be seen. I could memorize the room and where they stored supplies, maybe it could be another safe haven for me.

Looking through the openings once more, David and Leo were still standing by the couch. My eyes roamed the cramped room, there wasn't anything useful in eyesight unless it was hidden.

I looked back at David and Leo. Leo was a short and heavy African american with a black afro. His face and clothes were soaked with sweat, his eyes were big and filled with tears. David's back was facing me but I could make out the outline of a gun in his back pocket.

"You're right David, there is no way we can stop these people...but we've got to try and help them!" Leo finally spoke.

"The only ones who can help those types of people are themselves..we're low on supplies, weapons, medicine, food...it's starting to become a problem. Everyone is packing what they need and blowing up anyone who gets in their way. It's terrible, but it's survival....." David said.

"What should we do now, David?" Leo asked, wiping his brow with his forearm.

"I don't know about you..." David paused, and to my horror I watched as he slowly reached behind him and pulled his gun out from his back pocket and pointed it straight to Leo. "but I'm getting out of here alive."


Leo gasped and held his chubby arms up. "David! Please! We can help each other! You don't have to do this!"

"I'm sorry." David replied, and shot Leo right in the head.

I jumped at the emphatic sound of the gun, clasping my hands over my mouth.

Blood splattered onto the porcelain white walls of the room as Leo dropped to the floor. Dead.

I sprang back against the wall, my entire body shaking. Hot tears began to form in my eyes, blurring my vision as I began to sob into my hands. I just saw a guy get murdered and I didn't do anything about it. But what could I do?

"I really am sorry, you were a good friend." David said, as he gazed down at Leo's dead body before sticking his gun back into his back pocket as if it were his phone.

He was dead. Leo is dead. I didn't know the guy, but I know that he didn't deserve to die.

I watched him pause for a moment before turning around to inspect the room. His hand was behind his back, holding onto the handle of his gun. My breath hitched in my throat, I smashed my hands harder against my lips and nose not daring to make another sound.

I needed to move back, he could see me...I know he could see me through these vents if he looked hard enough, but I couldn't move. I just watched him kill someone.

David lurked around the room in a menacing way, his green eyes darted back and forth like a lion stalking it's prey. He knew I was here.

My heart started to race as he walked right by the vent, but his eyes weren't searching for me. They were looking directly at a surveillance camera. I didn't even notice the camera before. It was located in the corner behind the desk in the corner of the room.

"I'm coming for you." David said, pulling out his gun once more before shooting the camera causing it to shatter and crumble to the floor. He walked over to it and stepped on it. "I'd watch your back."

He then shuffled out of the room leaving a camera and dead body behind.

I couldn't dare myself to look at poor Leo. I had to keep moving forward, far away from David and the creature, and the others. I was right. I couldn't trust anyone.

Slowly dropping my hands from my mouth, I planted them onto the floor and began to crawl. Even though David was gone, I still wasn't taking any chances. My entire body was trembling, still shook up from the murder I just witnessed.

I had to get to tower four immediately.

The problem is that I had no idea where these vents lead to.

As far as I know, I could be walking myself into tremendous peril.