
Internecivus Raptus

2180, Chaeyoung was thrilled when his father asked him to accompany him on The Amhul, the space station his company has been working on. Chayoung instantly agreed to join his father and his journey to outer space, however after the first day on The Amhul, Chaeyoung discovers that his father has gone missing and that all the passengers on the Amhul have gone completely out of their minds. Chaeyoung must find his father by searching the entire space station while dodging bullets from savage passengers, avoiding lethal androids and hiding from a carnivorous and extremely lethal creature that wants him...dead...

Booh_bear · Films
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36 Chs

Five: Rapacious

I must have been traveling through the vents for about fifteen minutes before I acknowledged an automatic opening to my right. If it weren't for the dull lighting the lanterns gave off, I wouldn't have spotted it.

Gradually I crawled towards the vents circular opening, but not close enough so it could sense my presence and open up. I took a moment to listen outside the vent, I wanted to make sure that my surroundings was clear before I went out in the open.

Everything sounded quiet from the other side, so I assumed that it was safe to come out. I hoped that the vents weren't sound proof. If so, I couldn't hide in them forever. I had to take the chance, I'd never get to my dad if I kept in the vents hiding.

I inched my way closer to the opening, watching it open up in a spiral like movement. I peered out the bright corridor for a moment, listening and looking around to make sure I was clear.

No people. No creature.

I think I was safe. For now at least.

Carefully, I climbed out of the vent and stood up to my feet, dragging the large tool out with me. It was awfully heavy but it was the only weapon I got, and it was probably useful for something too.

I wasn't sure which terminal I was at. I fell about ten feet from the floor vent which must have dropped me a level down. I looked around for any signs of direction but there was nothing. This air vent probably led me to a mid section of the terminal, I'd have to keep moving and get to the base to find a map of the area.

It wouldn't be easy, depending on how crowded this area was. According to what Leo and David were talking about, everyone was killing to survive. Probably because they didn't trust anyone else. I just wish I had more than a heavy tool and a few granola bars with me.

I cautiously started down the foyer, leaning against the wall with the tool raised above my head. I could feel my arms starting to shake.

Baby steps, baby steps.

My heart leaped in my throat as my foot made contact with something hard, I did all I could not to shout as my legs collapsed beneath me and I hit the hard floor. I probably would of passed out if my head hadn't been cushioned by something soft, partially breaking my fall.

I looked down to my horror seeing a pair of legs beneath me. My heart began to race as I lifted my head, traveling my eyes upward. A body. I tripped and fell onto a dead body.

There was a bloody wound in the center of his chest, soaking his white t-shirt. He was young, I would say around my age. He had wispy brown hair and his eyes were closed. Was this wound the chest wound that lady at the reception desk told me? No..it looked like he'd been shot.

I swallowed hard as hot tears started to well in my eyes.

I scrambled off him kneeling besides him, subconsciously burying my face into his leg as I started to cry. His body was warm.

What was WRONG with people!? Shouldn't they all be working together to survive!? This wasn't fair. The poor kid still had his life ahead of him.

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..." I whisper to the kid.

I didn't know him and I didn't know what his intentions were, probably just trying to survive like me.

I had to stop this crying, I had to be strong or I'll end up like him. Anyone who saw me in this vulnerable position right now could kill me on sight. I had to keep moving.

Taking a deep breath, I lifted my head but not too far. I could not bring myself to look at the wound that killed him or his innocent face. Instead, I looked down at his hands. In his right one, was a revolver...

I jumped at a loud crash in the distance. Looking around me frantically, the corridor was still vacant but it probably wouldn't be long until people began patrolling the area.

Looking back at the dead body besides me I took a deep breath and grabbed his right hand.

"I'm sorry...it looks like, I'll be needing this more than you..." I say in a whisper, gently prying the revolver out from his hands.

As sick as it was, I began to scrape the dead body for any other supplies I might need. I felt a wave of nausea as I did so. This was wrong, his body deserved to rest in peace, not just be left here to rot and be poked around with. Maybe I could have my father seal away his body until we got back on earth and we could have a service for him...

Right now I had to worry about getting to my father alive.

I found a pack of bullets from the right pocket of his sweatshirt along with flashlight batteries, and a flashlight in his other pocket. I quickly stuffed the flashlight, batteries, the tool, and extra batteries in my bag before shakily getting up to my feet.

Holding the revolver out in front of me, I slowly started to move forward. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears and my breathing was going rapid. I didn't want to have to shoot anyone. I didn't want to be responsible for a death...I didn't even want to be responsible for knocking out that college professor, but I didn't want to die either.

Maybe I could try and get the others to talk and work something out with them.

They couldn't all be ruthless, could they?

The corridor diverged into a circular room and to my surprise, it was empty. Looking around carefully, I spotted out a few rooms. Keeping my revolver out in front of me, I slowly stalked towards one of the rooms and jumped when I heard a gun fire off behind me.

I raced into the room nearest to me and shut the door behind me, locking it as quickly as I could. I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply. A hoarse wheezing sound escaped my mouth as I exhaled. I continued to take deep breaths trying to calm myself down as my body began to tremble.

"Do you think it's after us!?" I could hear a voice just outside the door.

"Probably! What was that thing!? I-it didn't look like it had eyes...maybe it didn't see us..." Another voice replied.

Slowly I backed away from the door, being as light as I possibly could on my feet.

"We have to get out of here before that thing kills us!" The other voice cried.

I could hear heavy breathing and their footsteps as they scurried away.

They must have been talking about that creature Amber and Caleb were trying to kill before I fell down the vent.

But that creature seemed too small to be a serious threat. Were there two creatures lurking around!? Or maybe that creature was stronger than it looked.

I opened my eyes to look around the room. It was very similar to the one David and Leo were in. It had a computer desk, chair, and computer, along with a green sofa, and dozens of filing cabinets. I walked over to them and were relieved that they weren't locked as I began pulling and opening drawers.

Most of them were empty, I assumed that other people have been here already scavenging for supplies. Just when I was about to give up, I pulled another drawer and spotted a few small bags of chips, nuts, and a couple bruised apples. Being greedy, I took everything in sight and tossed them into my bag.

I would be willing to share if people would be willing to cooperate with me. I just had to figure out a way to approach them without startling them. Pulling open another drawer, I spotted another pack of batteries and a few needles along with a strange tube of clear liquid. It was probably medicine but I wasn't sure what kind of medicine.

I decided to pack it anyways. Maybe I'd run into a nurse and she could tell me what it was. Or maybe It was some kind of medicine that calmed patients who went hysterical. Whatever kind it was, I'm sure it could be of some use.

I looked over at the computer and decided to take a look at it. Fortunately, it wasn't locked or shut down. It was actually opened and a video message was still on the screen. Curiosity getting the best of me, I grabbed for the mouse and played the video. A middle aged nurse was on the screen, her blonde hair was piled up in a bun at the top of her head and she looked at the camera with big brown eyes.

"Captain Jeremy, this is nurse Debby here. I'm hoping with all my life that you've received this video message. It is urgent. The patient we've took in..was an astronaut..he came in a group with others...he had something....it was something that attached itself to his face. I've never seen anything like it in my life...it appeared to have broken through his space helmet...it was a tan color with spider like legs and a long spiny tail...we tried and tried to pry this creature off this mans face but the more we pulled the harder the creature would strangle the victim with it's tail..it was hours before the creature fell off his face and died. The patient woke up saying he had severe chest pain..we gave him medicine and...and in a few hours he started foaming at the mouth, his eyes rolled around as if he were having a seizure..but then...then something erupted from his chest..something small. It looked like an enlarged worm with very sharp teeth. We have no idea what this creature's intentions are but I can ensure that it is NOT friendly! We must go into lock down. Make sure that NO ONE is outside their rooms! Please, I beg of you, it is loose on the station!"

The women let out a few frantic cries before she ended the tape.

It's going to get more gory from here just a warning! Also! iF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED ALIEN ISOLATION YET YOU SHHHOOOUUULD IF YOU LOVE HORROR. :D

Thanks again for reading! Y0u all rock socks :)

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