
Inside the life of a billionaire teen

Give this book a try, don't judge it by the first chapter or the second one, it keeps on getting interesting chapter to chapter . Her existence was like a bone stuck in the neck . Nothing was good about her life, only bad memories filled with regret and anger . No one knew her pain apart from herself. Her life seemed good to viewers but only herself knew how messy it was. Heaven's only happiness was spending money like water , changing boyfriends like clothes, fighting and causing troubles.

ZoeTinnah · Sports, voyage et activités
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42 Chs

No body loves you!!!!.

Back to School, Heaven had many strange feelings, walking through the hallway to wards her locker dressed up from head to toe .

She wasn't the same weirdo from yesterday.

"F*ck, she's back" said a girl pointing straight at Heaven.

"OMG the school has been at peace without her."

Everyone in the school feared Heaven because of her bitchy behaviors and being a bully. Only those who were once victims of her doings testified how horrible and mysterious it was.

"So, no one noticed me yesterday because of my lose hair and glasses. I was a total nerd yesterday since no one noticed" me thought Heaven as she noticed everyone's weird and disgusting looks on her.

Heaven took a deep breath and looked at the bunch of kids sorrounding her with cameras and some asking questions . That name Tom Glutcher was something she used to hear everytime but again it was something she couldn't get used to especially someone mentioning him before her.

"I escaped reporters yesterday forgetting these bunch of useless sh*t." muttered Heaven

Before she could blink an eye, Mirror dragged her to an empty.

"I really pity you,you know that Heaven. You are the bitch who is hated by everyone no one loves you in this world even your parents hate you." said Mirror in a cold and teasing voice.

"Yes am a bitch, no one loves me but still I have a heart not like someone who pretends to be human." replied Heaven .

"Are you calling yourself human after killing someone, You killed Tom Glutcher . you are a real murder Heaven." said Mirror leaning in

"What about you ? we are no different ." replied Heaven laughing.

Looking at her dead in eyes, Heaven noticed that scared look of hers and a look of confusion in her eyes.

"Wha.... what are you even talking about ? How can I be in the same category as you ?" asked Mirror abit confused.

Heaven stretched her hand, picked up her phone from his back pack and played her an audio.

Mirror was in the washroom one day ago talking to someone on the phone asking for help . He explained everything and needed Justin to be killed .

Heaven couldn't finish playing the audio and suddenly Mirror grabbed her hair.

"You useless pit latrine delete that audio right now or else am pulling off your hair."

"Ouch.... let me go ....." Heaven yelled in pain

Heaven couldn't stand it after being discharged from the hospital weeks ago. That was the same pain she felt after waking up from the hospital. The unforgettable pain .

"Let me go." Heaven yelled again

"Bitch, am only letting you go after you delete that audio even if am to kill you no body will cry for you since no body loves you in this world." Mirror said still pulling her hair .

"I love her" said a voice from behind .

"Chen Lie, What are you even talking about you hate her as much as I do." Said Mirror abit tensed .

That's when Heaven got a chance and grabbed her hair . By the help of Chen Lie holding Mirror's hands Heaven really enjoyed her revenge until Justin showed up .

"Let her go..." Justin thundered

He handled everything as a gentleman, He held Mirror by her hands as he helped her out .

"Why would they pull her hair, is it because of what happened yesterday night" Justin thought in his head .

" It will be better if you keep that audio private and stay away from troubles." advised Chen Lie as he picked up a phone and laptop from his back pack .

"You are really a man of your words, but make sure you keep a ten metre distance from me around the school premises I don't want to cause you troubles. You know am a real trouble maker." said Heaven as she received them .

As Justin helped Mirror sit on a wooden desk, he set his way out hoping to meet Heaven but she had already left .

"Where could she be?"

"Looking for someone" asked Heaven.

"Is it because of what happened in the mall?"asked Justin

"Why?What are you talking about?" replied Heaven.

"Did you fight because of what happened in the mall yesterday?" asked Justin .

"You don't understand girls at all and it will be better if you don't interfere ," warned Heaven

"If you wanted to pull hair, you would have pulled mine but that has nothing to do with Mirror." said Justin abit down.

"As I told you it's better not to interfere . Anyway you haven't payed me for the work I did yesterday, pay me 1000 dollars for the good work I did yesterday." replied Heaven.

He opened his wallet picked up a 100 dollar note and shoved it into her hands " That's enough for you poor skills of acting" said Justin before walking away.

"What....? how..... ?" were the only words Heaven could say looking at the 100 dollar note in her hand before Justin vanished .

"Did he just gave me this?"

Later when the school was over, Heaven sent a message to his drive that He won't be picking her up from school since she had alot of stuffs to finish by herself.

She wandered along the streets in sorrow, all her clothes drenched due to the pouring of the rain, her mind was far away from what she could imagine

"Yes she was right, no body loves me not even my parents. No body has ever cared for me ever since I was discharged . They only care about work and themselves even those who pretend to care doesn't."

She was still in her wildest dreams and didn't notice the innocent young girl she knocked who was at the ground looking at her hesitatly.

"How dare you knock a kid and walk as if nothing happened"

"Such a ride brat"

"If any of you feels like beating me up until death go on because I have nothing to lose anyway" said Heaven in a cold voice .

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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