

meet debby, a blonde white girl, then her best friends, devi and dido both brown girls, they all seemed like a normal teens but they are more than just normal teens

odaannabellokonkwo · Sports, voyage et activités
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That evening Sabrina and didi arrived at her house, they tried getting in but the boys on the door could not let them ,but then Carlos gave them a signal and they let them in,Sabrina walked up to her mother and the music stopped.

Mrs Bush: the fuck are you doing in my house.

Carlos:Don't worry mami, I told them to come.

Mrs Bush: But why the other girl.

Didi: hi I'm didi and I'm her girlfriend.

The crowd started to whisper.

Mrs Bush: Well, I find you annoying.

Didi: Many do (Sabrina looked at her ,and she just shut up)

Sabrina: mami ,please?

Mrs Bush: I'm not your mami (she walked away,the music continued)

Carlos: (shouting)Don't worry, baby girl, i got you (he joined mrs. Bush)

Sabrina: (whispering to didi) that bitch,I hope she goes to hell.

Didi chuckles softly. Just then, they got a text from debby. they went into the bathroom and called debby .

call on loud speaker:

debby: The boys are here, so when?

Sabrina: Very soon,I'll text you

call ends.

They made out a little, then someone knocked, and they laughed, came out,they headed for the living room, and everyone gathered one place.

Didi: What's happening?

Sabrina: Birthday song.

Didi: No fucking way, dying at his own birthday it's fucking sick .

Sabrina: I know.

Didi: I love you more.

Sabrina smiled. They went outside and made sure that all the doors were locked ,then they were to others.

Luca: Are you ready to kill your family.

Sabrina: Oh hell yeah.

He hands her a bottle full of gas and its mouth covered with a piece of cloth and also gives her a lighter ,they were all holding the same but two each, while luca had a full box of it.

Luca: Do you know why I like it here?

Sabrina: Why ?

Luca: cause its fucking lonely.

They all laughed so hard and walked closer to the house, and their laughter got the attention of the people in the house, and they came to the window,they noticed what they were holding and soon realised what was about to happen.

Mrs Bush: Sab, what is all this .

Sabrina: Oh, so you know my name now because you are about to die. You know you should have thought twice before saying I'm not your daughter, I wanted to give you a second chance, but now it's over. You have to die and meet Maria.

Mrs Bush: You want to kill all these innocent people because of me?

Sabrina: Oh no, no, no (she chuckles) you see I want to kill everyone under you and everyone is here, so there's no fucking innocent people here, all of you are killers, you fucking killed my sister.

Mrs Bush: Your sister was a disgrace to the family name, and so are you,kill me,I dare you, you don't have the guts .

Carlos: Mami, you really shouldn't anger her.

Sabrina: He who seeks for death finds it, you're words mami ,see you in hell (she smiles).

Sabrina then came to the window and kissed the glass where her mother was standing, and she went and yelled, "I love you all."

She lights the cloth on the bottle, and threw it at the house, and the others followed her. The people inside the house kept trying to get out as they were running, and screaming ,Sabrina and her friends kept laughing while the house was burning. There we met luca's boyfriend, Chad, who was a dumb but not deaf and he helped them take a picture of them and the burning house. After taking pictures, they drove off to debby's house where they had a little party before falling asleep.