

Henry is an orphaned boy from a "royal" family who hasn't seen the world with his own eyes, he finally gets the chance to gain experience and shape himself to be a good person but elnot all experience is good in this world where chaos could let loose anytime he must find a way to survive Arthur's not (I couldn't for the life of me find a cover that would be click ait for the man of culture out there but this is a good novel please give it a read and let me know what you think) Disclaimer I don't own the cover picture and I have no rights for it

The_Sad_one · Fantaisie
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31 Chs


Luther's group was quick to moved forward, they all had their eyes on someone. A fight that would be remembered for a while was about to begin.


A female guard who was petroling around the area heard loud shouts coming from the boys dorm, she quickly moved forward in order to investigate the source of commotion.

Passing the gate she meet up with the caretaker of the dorm, this person was responsible for implementing the rules and locking up the gate during curfew.

"I'm sorry for the disturbance, these kids will be the death of me" The old gaurd apologized with respect to the person obviously younger them him. This only happened because she was stronger than he was.

"No, sir please don't apologize, they are young" The lady wearing an ninja outfit said in a respectfully tone. Seeing the ladies' behavior the old man nodded in satisfaction.

"Shall we go and see what's going on" The old man said to the lady as he led the way.

They entered the building and followed the direction of the commotion. When they turned the corner they saw a bunch of boys laying on the floor. The quickly moved into the bathroom where there was still commotion.

Inside the bathroom Brody and Luther were still fighting in the center of the room, near the door 50 or so boys were grunting in pain and not fare from them a group of boys were sat there exhausted and bruised but instead of pain their faces were filled with excitement and pride.

Going a few minutes back when it all started.

"I have to get involved" Henry quickly assessed the situation, the boys from Luther's side were significantly outnumberd. The other boys had the number advantage and due to their current surroundings he figured that the fight would be over quickly and than they might come for him and he didn't know if he could take them on.

Better to attack than to be attacked, this was not his fight but the fight wouldn't ask for his consent he figured.

Looking at the big guy in front of him, Henry dashed towards the boy. He grabbed a small bucket that had hot water in it and when he covered enough distance threw it towards the boy's face.

The boy was caught of guard by this, he had fought many fights and this was a first, he hadn't seen anyone use such dirty tricks. The boy wasn't a noob and was a battle junkie himself, he quickly recovered from his confusion. It was to late for him to dodge so he protected his face while he jumped backwards.


The hot water made his skin tingle with pain as he fought back the urge to jerk his hands back. As he landed he realise his mistake, the wet floor denied his feet any stability.

Just as he found his balance his eyes widened in surprised, from the top of his eyes he saw a fist headed towards him at a fast speed.


His huge body slide across the wet and cold floor and slammed against the many boys by the door. The momentum he got from the attack only increased as he slide across the wet floor. He had honestly tried to stop himself from falling but his feet didn't find any friction. His head was throbbing and his ears ringing from the attack.

The boys that cushion his impact weren't in a good state and just like the pins in a bowling ally the boys fall on each other like a domino effect, even the boys standing by the door got pushed to the ground. The boys at the front of the row had wanted to jump out of the way but their feet got caught by the large body and they landed face first knocking them out cold.

"Damn...oof" The boy faught the dizziness and got up, he pushed the people around him that were limiting his movements away in anger. Before he could get up a series of kicks and punches landed on his face. He had wanted to power through the attacks and just retaliate but the sheer power was quite strong.

All the boys were hoorified, they watched in horror as Henry continued his assault. Henry's attack had a fast rhythm to it and seemed to carry the same power each time he attacked. The other party balled up to protect himself, he tried to retaliate but everytime he did Henry would dodge and use the opening to launch another berage of attacks.

"This guy is strong I must not let him get up" Henry was honestly surprised that the boy hadn't passed out yet, although the boy had a good defense, Henry had landed a few good shots that should have ended the whole thing but the boy persisted like a cockroach.

"What are you guys standing for" The boy being assaulted shouted bringing everyone who was watching back to their senses.

"Quickly move in and spread out but not to much and gaurd each others backs" Richard quickly commanded the boys as they moved forward. He saw an opportunity as most of the boys were in the hallway that led to the bathroom door.

Due to the lack of space the others couldn't properly fight and the other side was suffering terribly. The ones at the back were trying to push forward while the ones at the front were being pushed back. The number advantage that the others had quickly decreased. With their victory in the near future and some of them getting their revenge, the spirits of the boys increased as they fought harder but they were beinging reckless.

"Coward, fight me like a man" The boy felt like crying, he screamed out as he threw an attack in a desperate attempt to get some breathing room.

Henry dodged the attack by jumping and directly landing on the boys stomach, the boy held their stomach in pain. Henry's eyes shone but his expression remained the same as he saw an opening. He stomped the boy's head to the ground, Henry stomped it again to make sure. He didn't go all out but he also didn't hold on his attacks.


"How is this fare" The boy said as his body went limp and passed out.

"Che... fare my as*. Such a thing is for fools" Henry scoffed, he had been taught from a young age that a fair fight is something only fools would do. A cheater doesn't care if the gazel was caught of guard and didn't have any prior preparation it just eats, to the cheater it isn't about anyone's feelings or honor it was about doing what had to be done, nothing more nothing less.

"Shit hopefully I didn't kill him" Henry said as the boy lost consciousness, his attack where precise and he didn't feel any remorse. When he attacked the boy he didn't let up or go easy because that wasn't his style.

He looked around the bathroom that was littered in bodies and saw that the groups fight was drawing it's conclusion. Both groups had the same number of people left and they were both in a terrible state. Richard's group became sloppy as they were winning and were now tired, the other group were uncoordinated and were just attacking. Fighting became harder with each passing second and the people on the floor didn't help anyone, some where passed out while some were withering around in pain.

Richard who was one of the boys still fight from his side was getting tired. He looked around and saw that his side was only left with about 5 boys while the other side had about 9. He joined the battle and stopped monitoring the fight and before he knew it they were reduced to such a state and to make matters worse he was fight 3 opponents at the same time.

He dodged an attack and blocked one while another connected to his stomach. One boy took the opportunity to go behind him and hold him in place, the others assaulted him to their hearts content.

"Huh" Just as the one of the attacker was about to attack, a hot wet towel covered his face, a stinging pain soon followed which caused him to wither in pain.

Henry quickly twirled the towel again and hit the other guy. Henry didn't care about kicking a man that was down so he continued to beat them up. Whipping and muffled sound of crying filled the bathroom.

Richard used the confusion to break free and attack the other guy, after he wone his fight he helped the others. Seeing the change in power the others just surrendered.

*huff* *huff

Henry's body was dripping with either swear of water he didn't know, all he knew was that he was tired. Just as he sat down he saw two people entering the bathroom.