

May finds himself on an island in the East Blue when two strangers wash up ashore. See how May changes the world of One Piece with feather and ink and some good stories from the old world. May won't be a strawhat pirate. I have taken the liberty not to follow the canon to the point.

Syfa_SinOB · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

Chapter 8 - Cozia

Around noon on the next day they arrived at the port on Cozia. The port was busy with people loading and loading a fleet of merchant ships and even a few fishing boats. The marine ship passed by this busy area and continued a bit further to the left side of the port where a smaller port was located. The smaller port was located inside a cove, the entrance was just a bit broader than the ship, preventing too many enemy ships attacking from that side.

As the ship entered the cove, the first thing May noticed was the big fortress that seemed to have been build into the cliff above the cove. Two other marine ships were already anchored in the port. As they docked the ship a little group of marines were already running up to the ship.

"Welcome back, Captain. I thought you'd want to hear the news from the Marine Base in Shells Town, Captain Morgan has captured the pirate 'Captain Kuro'." the soldier reported.

Horne sighed "That bastard, I wonder who he cheated this time to capture 'Captain Kuro'. Anyway, organize someone to bring those three to the city. We picked them up on our way." he turned to the three "It's time to say goodbye for now. If you need anything or want to join the Marine you can come back to the fort anytime, we are always searching for new recruits."

Deuce bowed down and said "Thank you again for saving us."

""Thanks."" Ace and May shouted out.

Later that day in an Inn.

Ace, Deuce and May were sitting at an overflowing table. The plates had built up so high you could start playing Jenga with them and more food was coming still.

"How can you eat so much? Where does it all go?" Deuce asked bewildered, watching Ace empty another plate.

Ace paused eating for a second "This is nothing. You should see my little brother he eats way more than me."

Deuce eyes widened as he mumbled "What a family of monsters"

"Did you say something?" Ace asked.

"No, I was just thinking what I'm going to do now. I set out to seek adventure and write a book about my great travels but fate didn't seem to like that too much." he replied.

"I feel you mate." May chimed in.

"Fuck fate! If you want to have a great adventure do that. I will leave behind a legacy in this world nobody will forget so easily and step out of my fathers shadow." Ace proclaimed quite loudly causing a few heads to turn towards them.

"I am not like you, Ace. I don't think I can do it." Deuce seemed to be in low spirits but Ace knew exactly how to solve that problem. "How about you join me and become my first mate. We will be the second greatest pirates there will be."

"Wha...What? Pirates? You never told me you want to be a pirate. Why don't you just tell to come killing and robbing the weak." Deuce didn't seem to take to pirates too well.

"Whoa calm down, Deuce. Not every pirate abuses the weak for their own gain. They just ignore the authority of the kingdoms and the world government. You could say that the goal of piracy is freedom. I'm sure Ace wasn't thinking about burning down villages for a few Berri." May tried to calm Deuce down.

"Yes, May gets it. Becoming a pirate is about being your own person and fighting for your own morales and justice not the governments." Ace agreed.

"Okay so let's say I join your crew. We don't have a ship, we don't have a crew and why do you say second best? If we aim high, we should aim to be the greatest there are." Deuce argued.

"I mean we can try but that's impossible. Second greatest is very realistic. My brother Monkey D. Luffy will be the King of the Pirates, we stand no chance." Ace said with a grin "But concerning the crew and the ship I have a solution." he turned towards May.

"Hmm, me? Ahmm I'm would love to help you with the crew but I can only summon non-living things. But I could summon the Princess Swan II if you want."

"That would be great, May. But I thought that maybe you want to join our crew." Ace said.

May had to think. On the one hand he really liked Ace and Deuce and would love to spend more time with them but on the other hand he wanted to write a few books first and publish them. And he knew what would happen next for Ace he hadn't always been caught up with the One Piece anime back in his old life but he knew enough. It would maybe be smarter to make an entrance at the battle of Marineford.

"I'm sorry Ace. But I think I'm not ready yet. One day I will set sails myself and then I will come to find you but not yet."

Ace nodded "I thought so but it was worth a try. We can leave you the third place open."

If you read until here, feel welcome to leave some pointers what could be improved. This is my first time writing anything and english is my 2nd language.

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