
Inhuman Warlock

"The boy has no powers," they claimed. And thus, the Son of strongest Warlock was declared useless and sent to his death. But was it really possible for the son of the greatest heroes of humankind to be useless? Or was it the biggest mistake the humans made that cost them everything and drove a potential Warlock to the dark side? ________________________________ Lucifer Azarel was the son of humanity's strongest Awakened humans, in a world where people awakened various powers. After his parents perished for the sake of humanity, he was sent to the government facility so that they could keep an eye on his powers when they awakened. Unfortunately, even after 5 years, his powers didn't awaken. The government gave up on the boy and allowed the scientists to use him as an experimental subject for their painful tests on the human bodies, but on the first test itself, Lucifer died. He saw the smile on the scientist's face even as he took his last breath. Was it truly the end? But what happens when the boy truly awakens? What if he awakened not one, but more than four powers that were capable of destroying the world itself if used properly? The strongest Warlock who could have been humankind's greatest protector was driven to become it's biggest enemy. What happens when the boy that has awakened several powers at once starts seeking vengeance. Can the protectors of humanity face the wrath of the Strongest Warlock? Can they stop the person who kills without blinking? Or are they destined to be swallowed by the Darkness they created? Join the journey of the Most Powerful Warlock... .............. Discord Link: bit.ly/demonic1

Demonic_angel · Fantaisie
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1075 Chs

Chapter 6: Dark Variant

Big Joe was confident and stood relaxedly as compared to everyone else.

He wasn't as shocked as others since it wasn't his first time seeing a Variant. He had crossed paths with variants before in his life. And during the two times he saw them, he actually managed to kill a variant once.

Even though it was years ago and the Variant that was killed was not only a weaker one but drunk as well, it still helped him gain confidence in himself.

It also helped him gain much respect amongst others. He often told these stories to the people that came to this restaurant. It fanned his pride a lot. So, now that another opportunity was present in front of him, how could he let it go?

He had been waiting for another variant to go rogue for many years now. He always kept a gun with him for that very reason. He also practiced shooting every now and then.

Big Joe had remained silent until now to attract as little attention as he could. He let Lucifer cause havoc inside the Restaurant on purpose. He wanted his entry to be as magnificent and dramatic as possible.

He also wanted to be seen as a "savior" by others.

Now that the moment was right according to him, he took out the gun from underneath the counter and aimed it towards Lucifer.

After he was ready, he shouted, "Everyone, be careful! That kid is a powerful Variant! He is probably an Evil Dark Variant!"

The people who knew what Evil Dark Variant meant grew even more afraid. They were the Variants that hated humans and wanted to rule them. There were even many organizations of those Variants. It was said that they rarely appeared in public sight. What was one doing there?

Lucifer was already indulged in his own thoughts, so it took him a bit longer than expected to break out of his trance. He soon turned towards the origin of the sharp voice. But just as he did, a bullet pierced through the left side of his chest.

Once again, the situation inside the restaurant had shifted. Big Joe's action had brought back the hopes of all the people present there. It was as if their souls had almost left their bodies, but the moment their savior appeared in the form of "Big Joe", their souls finally returned to their bodies

Cheers erupted inside the restaurant as the bullet pierced through Lucifer.

Lucifer couldn't help but drop to his knees, right in front of everybody's eyes. It was the first time he had been shot.


"Big Joe killed the monster!"

"Good work! No matter how powerful these Variants are, they can't survive being hit directly with bullets!"

"That kid is dead!"

People that were as silent as a mule before started to laugh like a banshee now.

"Hahaha, he was showing off a lot! Good riddance! I was right; he was a slightly powerful beggar but still a beggar," the man who had abused Lucifer earlier sneered at him again.

"Now, he can atone for his sins in hell! I hope God forgives this child who went astray and became evil." A woman in her mid-forties showed pity.

The customers started laughing as they saw Lucifer being shot. They were scared before, but now they calmed down. After all, in their eyes, Lucifer was already dead.

Finally released from the excessive stress originating from the threat to their lives, they started to laugh carefreely.

Unfortunately, their happiness didn't last for long. Slowly, more and more people started closing their mouths as they realized that Lucifer hadn't fallen yet. Despite being shot, he was still kneeling. His body hadn't dropped to the ground.

It was still in the same posture with his eyes closed. He didn't even budge, as if he was a statue.

As for his wound, the couple of people who had a clear view of it were able to see that it had already healed.

They were about to tell everyone about the strangeness when they got a chill down their spines; Lucifer opened his eyes. And as his eyelids flapped once, their hearts fluttered, all sense of smell and sound vanishing from their senses. Their world turned monotone, lacking all colours as their beings were filled with dread now. 

Lucifer soon rose to his feet. He stood tall like an unmovable hill.

The ones that hadn't seen his wounds heal suddenly noticed that he had stood up now. Their laughter was now replaced with dread.

"W-what? How can he even heal from that? Impossible!" Someone spoke on behalf of everyone as the tables turned yet again.

Once again, fear chained the hearts of everyone as they realized that the man they faced wasn't a normal Variant but something entirely else. They had never heard of a Variant who could heal himself.

Just what was he exactly? How could he heal himself? Was he even human?

Questions piled up inside their minds, causing their thoughts to go haywire, but they couldn't find any possible answers to satisfy their dreaded curiosity.

Lucifer looked towards the man who had fired the shot and began to walk towards him.

Big Joe was stunned to see Lucifer was still alive and moving as if nothing had happened.

Until now, he hadn't been afraid. But now, not only was he afraid, but his feet also froze in place.

But, he was too stubborn to give up. He kept firing as the distance between Lucifer and him lessened with each passing second.

Lucifer didn't look like he was getting affected at all as he closed in on the man. This time, he didn't even halt, let alone kneel as bullets pierced through his body. Lucifer faced the bullets as if they were nothing, completely unaffected.

It did hurt him, but he had already gone through more pain than anyone here would have imagined. This little pain didn't even make him frown now.

He stopped right before the counter, which was the only thing between him and the man.

With one hand, he grasped the wooden counter and threw it behind him, like it didn't have any weight.

It wasn't clear if it was intentional or just a coincidence, but the counter flew behind him and crashed into the entrance to the restaurant, blocking the exit. At that instant, the whole Restaurant had become a prison that no one could leave.

Lucifer walked in lazy steps towards the man who was holding the gun, speaking in a hoarse voice, "You all hate me. For what? The Doctors hated me. For what? Wasn't humanity a good thing that was worth protecting? Why did it become a nightmare for me?"

The more he spoke, the louder his voice got, as if he was letting out the tsunami of rage that had been built in his heart.

"Why? Why did my parents think humanity was worth it? Why did they sacrifice themselves for you? Why?" He yelled, his fists clenched, eyes bloodshot as he glared at everyone.

"That is all an illusion, isn't it? The illusion that makes people think that humans are good when you are the real monsters, isn't it right? Your smile, your kindness, your gratitude, everything is a facade." His voice didn't shake at all as he screamed in a frenzy, leaving everyone to tremble in fear.

Big Joe kept stepping back as he continued shooting, but soon, he realized that he couldn't step back anymore. His back was already resting on the wall.

Reaching out his hand, Lucifer caught the gun, which had already run out of bullets. As soon as his hand touched the rigid texture of the gun, it started deteriorating. Within seconds, the gun was utterly destroyed.

Big Joe was horrified and stunned. His eyes turned as round as saucers as he stared at Lucifer, but didn't know what the other party could do. He could see the grim reaper right in front of his eyes, and it was none other than Lucifer.

He wanted to run, but there was no path. Furthermore, he was regretting his decision to offend this God of Death! Why did he have to be the hero? He knew that if he could go back in time, he would have chosen to run away secretly instead of trying to be the hero and shooting Lucifer.

"Tell me why?" Lucifer roared furiously as he caught Big Joe's hand. Due to his rage, he failed to control his strength a little.


As he caught the hand of the man, the force was so extreme that the bones of Big Joe's hand were crushed instantaneously. Big Joe screamed in anguish like a dying pig who had lost a limb. However, the pain of his hand being crushed wasn't all that made him scream.

His body had also started decaying, which caused him even more pain. If the "burning in inferno" was a thing, that was what Big Joe was feeling right now was exactly that.

Big Joe's body turned to ash, forever disappearing from this world. His body decayed faster than the previous man; it looked like every second, Lucifer's strength was increasing by a few folds.

"Everyone! We can't escape today. He won't let us go! We must join hands to kill him! Even if we die, we will take him to hell with us!" One of the men—trapped in the restaurant—asserted as he picked up a chair and ran toward Lucifer, intending to attack him.

Seeing no other hope, the others also decided to give it their all this time.

Lucifer gazed at the man that was charging at him. He also started walking towards the man.

The only difference between the two of them was that one anxiously ran towards the other. In contrast, the other walked lazily without emotion, almost like an emotionless puppet on a mission to kill.

The man swung the chair towards Lucifer's face. Lucifer didn't even make an effort to dodge or stop it, as if he wasn't bothered by the attack at all. The chair hit his head and shattered into pieces.

His head started bleeding because of the injury, but he didn't care. The bleeding stopped promptly, and his head healed right in front of everyone's eyes, but the blood remained on his face.

Closing his fist, Lucifer directed his punch to the chest of the man. A single punch… a single punch was all it took to crush the man's ribs as he flew away like a paper plane.

The man slammed into the restaurant's wall, which proved to be his end. He died instantly.

After killing the man, Lucifer didn't stop as he continued attacking nonstop. He was like a true beast that only knew one thing, and it was to "kill" on sight.

The people who were inside the restaurant could only bully a powerless kid. However, in front of Lucifer, a Variant, they were like fish on a chopping block.

The slaughter continued inside the restaurant, and bodies started piling up wherever Lucifer walked. Not a single person was alive after taking attacks from him. His single blow was enough to end them.

Soon, the restaurant's ground was filled with bodies and ashes. It looked less like a restaurant, but more like a battlefield now.

Everyone was dead except one person. Only a single person remained in the entire restaurant, which was filled with dead bodies and ashes.

The slaughter that Lucifer committed was frightening, but he didn't feel even a bit of remorse. He had killed a lot of people, but he didn't regret it in the least. In fact, he didn't feel anything.

His heart was utterly emotionless now, and his face showed the same. His eyes vacantly scanned the place and stopped right at the last person who remained.

"Stop! I have already called the Awakened Protection Force! The APF will be here to catch you soon; you should escape while you still can. If you waste time on killing me, you won't be able to escape in time!" The man spoke, his voice trembling, but his warning didn't dissuade Lucifer.

On seeing that Lucifer didn't stop, the man became even more nervous. He couldn't find anything that could protect him, but he thought of giving it one last shot.

"Maybe you don't know about the APF because you're young! The APF is made of the most powerful Variants of this country! Their only task is to capture the Dark Variants that misuse their powers and punish them!"

"You might be strong against us, but you're nothing in front of the strongest Variants of APF! You still have a chance! Leave me and run away! Save your life!" He screamed, closing his eyes as he shivered both inwardly and outwardly, knowing Lucifer, who he saw slaughtering everyone a while ago like a grim reaper, was close to him.

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