
Inhuman Warlock

"The boy has no powers," they claimed. And thus, the Son of strongest Warlock was declared useless and sent to his death. But was it really possible for the son of the greatest heroes of humankind to be useless? Or was it the biggest mistake the humans made that cost them everything and drove a potential Warlock to the dark side? ________________________________ Lucifer Azarel was the son of humanity's strongest Awakened humans, in a world where people awakened various powers. After his parents perished for the sake of humanity, he was sent to the government facility so that they could keep an eye on his powers when they awakened. Unfortunately, even after 5 years, his powers didn't awaken. The government gave up on the boy and allowed the scientists to use him as an experimental subject for their painful tests on the human bodies, but on the first test itself, Lucifer died. He saw the smile on the scientist's face even as he took his last breath. Was it truly the end? But what happens when the boy truly awakens? What if he awakened not one, but more than four powers that were capable of destroying the world itself if used properly? The strongest Warlock who could have been humankind's greatest protector was driven to become it's biggest enemy. What happens when the boy that has awakened several powers at once starts seeking vengeance. Can the protectors of humanity face the wrath of the Strongest Warlock? Can they stop the person who kills without blinking? Or are they destined to be swallowed by the Darkness they created? Join the journey of the Most Powerful Warlock... .............. Discord Link: bit.ly/demonic1

Demonic_angel · Fantaisie
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1075 Chs

Chapter 12: Ticket to hell

"I'm willing to be your dog. Just don't take my home from me. This is my everything!" The old man begged. Tears streamed out of his eyes that were bleeding red by now.

The red-haired man grinned as he stepped closer to the old man. He sat on one knee before the man as he touched the old man's cheeks.

"Oh man, I didn't know about it. I would never have bullied you so much if I knew how sad your life was," he said as he sighed.

The old man nodded as he saw the concern on the red-haired man's face. He did find it somewhat suspicious, but he could only believe. The red-haired man patted the head of the old man gently before standing up.


The old man had just wiped his blurry eyes; however, before he could even get a clear view, he heard a gunshot. A bullet penetrated his head, leaving a big hole in his skull. His eyes remained open in shock as the old man dropped to the ground, getting an instant death.

Lucifer had stopped looking towards the scene of commotion. He didn't care about whatever these people did, but the loud banging noise of the gun attracted his attention. He looked towards the small group only to find the old man lying on the ground. Blood spilled out of his head.

The red-haired man was laughing nearby. A gun was in his hand, which was still aiming towards the old man.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The red-haired man fired three more shots despite knowing that the old man was already dead, as if he was furious.

He didn't stop laughing like mad every time he fired. His laughter echoed in the surroundings. He laughed so happily that unaware people might have misunderstood that it was his wedding day.

"Hahaha, you fool! You really thought we would let you live? Why should I care about your pitiful life?" The man declared as he squinted his eyes.

"We should just sell his house and get some more money," One of the men chimed in.

"Yeah. Even if it's a trashy house, we should be able to get something." The red-haired man grinned. Other than these few men, not a single person was on the streets.

None of the townsfolk wanted to be involved in the matters of gangs. They didn't want to be lying dead. Everyone had locked themselves inside their houses.

"Poor guy, he didn't even know that it was us who stole the money from his house. It was so fun to see his expression when he died." Another guy started laughing as he kicked the body of the old man.

"Let's get inside the house. It belongs to us now after all." The red-haired man let out a burst of laughter as he started walking towards the house. One of the two remaining men followed him inside.

The third person was a dark-haired man who had stayed outside. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. He pulled out a cigarette from the pack and placed it on his lips before lighting it up using a lighter.

"This is life," the dark-haired man let out with a grin on his face.

Lucifer took a glance at the dead body, but there was no change in his expression. He didn't stop and continued walking.

He did feel somewhat angry, though. The way those guys laughed, he could see a glimpse of that mad scientist in them. There was an urge inside him to kill these people, but there was another urge inside him to not care.

These were ants. Why should he care? He was conflicted, but he decided to ignore it. It was as if he just needed one spark to blow up.

Unfortunately, that spark came sooner than expected as the dark-haired man's eyes fell on Lucifer. He didn't know that his following action was going to be his one-way ticket to hell.


The dark-haired man's eyes fell on Lucifer. Lucifer was dressed in loose clothes, which seemed somewhat funny.

"Hey, Joker! Come here!" He called out to Lucifer.

Lucifer ignored the words and didn't stop.

As the dark-haired man saw Lucifer ignore him, his blood started boiling. He lost control of his words which was going to be his biggest regret soon.

"You, little bastard! I'm talking to you! Listen to me, you son of a bit-"

He hadn't even finished his sentence when a black lightning bolt hit the skull of the man.

His body dropped to the ground right away as he died. But this wasn't enough. What he had said was intolerable! He had dared to talk bad about Lucifer's mother, which was his red line.

Lucifer ran towards the dark-haired man who was lying dead on the ground. His skull was charred black. A hole was also visible in his head.

Lucifer stopped before the dead body. The words this man had just spoken now were still echoing in his head. He raised his right foot and stomped on the head of the dark-haired man, crushing his skull.

He didn't stop. He kept smashing again and again, but his anger didn't stop. It wasn't enough. He needed more!

He gazed to the right towards the small house where the two partners of this dark-haired man had entered.

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One more chapter coming soon.

Also, join Discord for all characters description and character images.

link: bit.ly/demonic1

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