
Infinite Revolt: Chronicles of a Rebel

Brand Michaels, a survivor in a world overrun by the tyrannical Perfects and their enslaved Lesser beings. When Brand is unexpectedly sent back in time to the beginning of the Perfects' invasion, he finds himself trapped in an endless cycle of fighting to save humanity. Armed with newfound abilities and a determination to defy fate, Brand must navigate the complexities of a world on the brink of destruction, rallying allies and uncovering secrets hidden in the shadows. But as he struggles against overwhelming odds, he soon discovers that his actions have consequences far greater than he could have ever imagined. With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, Brand must confront his own past and forge a path towards redemption, even as dark forces conspire against him. As the lines between friend and foe blur, Brand must harness the power within him to break free from the chains of destiny and rewrite the future of mankind.

Magic_ · Urbain
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Re: Special Kind of Freak Pt 3

-April 2nd, 2026 | 1 Death

My mind raced as I tried to process what was going to happen next and everything I had learned. These people were clearly nuts, and this was not a timeline that I wanted to get tangled up in. I was all alone, trapped, and my awesome powers seemed pointless right now.

"Good, you seem to understand your position better right now. We can do this the easy way, or the hard way. It's your choice at this point, but know you will not be leaving this place. You are unlike anything that we have ever come across, and I have worked on more than a few species of aliens. You, though, are the first truly special human! You have to understand why this is so important, right?!" Elias's voice laughed over the intercom.

I ignored the crazy bastard's rant, and focused on what I knew. I was not completely powerless unless they filled the room with some kind of gas, or something. That was the worst case, but I was sure they knew about my Dash skill. They might not know it is an ability I have, but they had to know that I could move far beyond human speeds.

This being the case, I had to also assume that they had some way to restrict me, but my goal wasn't to get free. Even if I did get out of this place, I would never be free. I had ran for a long time, so there shouldn't be any way for them to have tracked me. Yet, they had been waiting for me outside of the cave.

I put my hands up to my face and sighed. I hadn't got more than a couple seconds to actually think about anything since everything restarted. I had known a lot of people in my past while trying to survive, but I hadn't met anyone until after the end of the world. Even then, I felt like I might have a hard time facing many of them.

In my past life, I had done whatever it took to survive, being called a cockroach more than one time. I had always put myself before others, but it made sense. The world had ended, and humans, rather than banding together, became worse than the monsters we were facing. I suppose that is just my justification for always running when others tried to make a stand.

Gripping my hair till it hurt, I pulled myself back to reality. Thinking about the past was going to get me nowhere. Right now, my only goal should be on how I can die so I can restart again. No matter how I looked at it, I would be on the run until the world ended, and then be sent right back anyways.

With a surge of determination, I focused on activating my Dash skill, willing the power to course through my veins once more. Despite the exhaustion that threatened to overwhelm me, I summoned every ounce of strength I had left and pushed forward.

In an instant, my body ignited with energy, and I dashed towards the door with blinding speed. The room blurred around me as I moved, the rush of wind whipping past my ears. With a mighty leap, I slammed into the door with all my might, hoping to break through the barrier that held me captive.

But to my dismay, the door and strange blue barrier remained steadfast, unaffected by my efforts. I cursed under my breath, frustration bubbling within me. I had heard about this type of shield in my last life, but they were few and far, and I had never actually seen one before in person. From what I knew, they only worked on small localized areas like doors. While active, it was supposed to make the door impenetrable, but only the door.

Ignoring the searing pain that shot through my body, I gritted my teeth and activated my Dash skill once more. With renewed determination, I launched myself at the white wall beside the door, channeling every ounce of power I had into the assault. I tore through the wall like it was made out of paper, stumbling on my way out.

"Guards! Capture him! I don't care if he is dead or alive!" Elias's voice screamed over the intercom. "How did you figure out the weakness to the energy field so fast?! Scratch that last order! I need him alive!"

Damn crazy scientist! There was no way I was going to let these guys take me alive! Me and the You Have Died screen had a date! I was going to restart my life again and take things slow this time!

I turned right as soon as I got back up and went right, bursting down the hall. As I sprinted down the sterile hallway, my heart pounding in my chest, I realized that I had no idea where I was going or how to escape this labyrinthine facility. Every door I passed was locked, and the only sound echoing through the corridor was the frantic pounding of my footsteps.

But I couldn't afford to panic. I needed to keep my wits about me if I had any hope of making it out of here alive. As I ran, I racked my brain for any shred of information that could help me find a way out.

Suddenly, I spotted a flicker of movement up ahead, and I skidded to a halt, my breath catching in my throat. Peering around the corner, I saw a group of armed guards racing towards me, their faces contorted in grim determination.

Without hesitation, I turned on my heel and bolted in the opposite direction, my mind racing as I searched for a way to evade my pursuers. But no matter how fast I ran or how many twists and turns I took, it seemed that the guards were always one step behind me.

As I rounded yet another corner, my heart sank as I realized that I had reached a dead end. Trapped with nowhere left to run, I frantically scanned the hallway for any possible escape route.

And then I saw it. A ventilation shaft set into the ceiling, just wide enough for me to squeeze through. Without hesitation, I leaped up and grabbed onto the edge of the opening, pulling myself up with all my strength.