
Infinite Revolt: Chronicles of a Rebel

Brand Michaels, a survivor in a world overrun by the tyrannical Perfects and their enslaved Lesser beings. When Brand is unexpectedly sent back in time to the beginning of the Perfects' invasion, he finds himself trapped in an endless cycle of fighting to save humanity. Armed with newfound abilities and a determination to defy fate, Brand must navigate the complexities of a world on the brink of destruction, rallying allies and uncovering secrets hidden in the shadows. But as he struggles against overwhelming odds, he soon discovers that his actions have consequences far greater than he could have ever imagined. With the fate of humanity hanging in the balance, Brand must confront his own past and forge a path towards redemption, even as dark forces conspire against him. As the lines between friend and foe blur, Brand must harness the power within him to break free from the chains of destiny and rewrite the future of mankind.

Magic_ · Urbain
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Re: First Try Pt 1

-April 1st, 2026 | 0 Deaths

Greg was the first person that I saw when my eyes opened, but my mind felt like a mess. I tried to blink away the pain, but a fist to the face helped me ignore that.

"Trying to pretend you have a headache isn't going to get you out of this worm!" Greg yelled, and then more fists came my way.

Strangely enough, I barely felt any of them as I was knocked to the ground. I wasn't even paying attention to my childhood bully as he continued to pummel me. How could I think about him when my mind was filled with everything that had just transpired.

Had I really been sent back in time? Did the concoction I took at the last minute work? I kept asking myself these questions, but it was getting harder to think with all these mosquito bites. Looking up to the person trying to assault me, I smirked. Something about me had changed, and I felt like I no longer needed to take this annoyance.

As the next fist came down, I slapped it to the side, but the effect was much greater than I expected. I felt a few of the bones break in the hand as I hit it, and Greg was sent spinning around to land on the ground screaming. Ignoring the guy who had made my life a living hell even after the apocalypse, I looked down at my hand in confusion. What was going on here?

"What did you do to my hand, you freak?!" Greg screamed at me as I stood up, but I only gave him a cold glare. If I killed this guy here and now, it would only serve to benefit humanity's future, but it had to be too soon for that.

Rather than answering the crying man, I walked away pulling out my phone, but then stopped when I saw the date. "April fools? What kind of sick joke is this?" I asked out loud with a bitter laugh, but this was more than half a year before the invasion of the Perfects would begin. If I had to guess, this was to give me more time to struggle so I could fail more.

I still didn't understand how I could be sent back to this time, but I didn't plan on wasting it, so I started to head to my apartment. My parents died when I was very young, but I am twenty now, and away from the constant shifting of homes through foster care. It took a moment, but by the time I got to my one bedroom apartment, I remembered what I had been doing.

I was recently fired from my janitor job because of higher demand for immigrants to get jobs. Just another way our governments failed us, and it made me wonder if humans even deserve a second chance. My life had been hard, but I always figured that I would climb out of the hole my life had always been up until this point.

Then everything changed, and a war started. All hope for life to get better went down the drain, and yet, somehow I was back. 

Shaking my head, I unlocked my door and headed inside to a place I never thought I would see again. In my last life, it, like all other homes, was one of the first buildings to be destroyed. The Perfects had targeted our militaries and homes, hoping to cripple and force us to surrender, but humans were much more stubborn than that.

Walking over to my messy couch, I sat down and pondered what I was supposed to do now? How does one prepare a world for an interdimensional invasion? 

That thought made me laugh out loud. Just who could I tell that would actually believe me? I was a nobody, and the world was filled with crazy people spouting end of the world nonsense. If I tried to tell anyone, I would more than likely be either laughed at, or even thrown in jail.

Looking down at my hand, I wondered if maybe I could force people to listen, but I tossed that idea out fast. Sure, I was like a Lesser now, but they could be killed. Only a strong Lesser could resist bullets, and I had no idea how I could even get stronger, if that was even possible.

Feeling frustrated, I pressed the power button on my laptop, but as I did, a strange green pulse rushed over the device. I was confused by this, since nothing else changed, and the computer began to start up normally.

*Bang, Bang*

I frowned, and looked at my door, wondering who might be assaulting my door, but the voice that came from the otherside left little doubt.

"Brand Micheals, This is officer Riley. We need to have a word with you about Greg Hopsteader. He claims that you used a brick to crush his hand."

Really? I mean, I had barely touched him, but I knew the damage I had caused. Still, Nothing about this was going to end well, and yet, what was I supposed to do? Go Rambo, and try to fight my way out? I might be able to do it, but then what? How would I convince anyone that the world was going to end if I was a fugitive?

"Coming!" I called out, and let out a groan as I got up and headed over to the door.

When I opened the door, the police pushed into my place, and I was tackled to the ground. Every part of me wanted to resist, but I had to figure out how I could deal with this problem. If worse came to worst, I was pretty sure I could break free, but finding a solution was more important right now.

A small part of me was tempted to just throw everyone off me, and steal a gun to take my own life, but I still wasn't sure how this resurrection stuff worked. There was also a very small part of me that didn't believe that I would get to restart. With all of that in mind, I let the officers drag me out of my building and into a cop car.