
Infinite Money System: Never Ending Fun

At the tender age of 21, Zed Atlas's world takes a fantastical turn when he becomes inexplicably tethered to the enigmatic Infinite Money System. Suddenly bestowed with the boundless capacity to spend, Zed earns equivalent coins with each transaction, enabling access to a mystical emporium known as the System Shop. Within this extraordinary marketplace, Zed finds himself confronted with a staggering array of wonders: from the velocity of Flash, to the chilling breath of Superman, to the ingenious intellect of Ironman, and countless other marvels, all ripe for purchase. But the saga doesn't conclude there. In a twist of fate, Zed uncovers an additional gift: the power to traverse dimensions and universes, unlocking the gates to realms both real and imagined, where he can tread the hallowed grounds of fictional worlds.

Humo_Sofi · Films
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Zed's Plan to Become Rich

After filtering and checking the prices, Zed immediately lost the gleam in his eyes. A simple spiritual tree had a cost of 100,000 coins. And one simple tree wasn't enough to significantly raise spiritual energy. Then he searched for spiritual healing, but everything available was just methods he would need once he began nourishing the world with spiritual energy.

After carefully considering his options, Zed realized that the only choice was to spend money without hesitation. He needed to spend billions on every purchase. For that, Zed devised a plan. He would buy existing car manufacturers worldwide and then use his own money to fund the companies. He would also establish his own space company and research institutes solely for expensive research. This way, he could generate a good amount of coins to buy anything he wanted from the system shop.

With the plan formed in his mind, Zed lay down on his bed and closed his eyes, hoping to get some sleep.

"Initial reports show us that no one inside the mansion survived. Not even the children," the reporter on the TV said, standing in front of the famous Borlan Family's mansion. Zed's massacre had reverberated across the world. Multiple severed bodies, decapitations, and such created horror stories for little kids.

"Good morning, Master," Elara said with her sweet voice as she saw Zed descending the stairs.

"Good morning, Zed." Hearing Elara, his father and mother also greeted him.

"Good morning," Zed replied and walked toward the table, which was laden with dozens of food items for them to feast on. Zed, missing his mother's dishes, waited patiently or at least appeared to.

The family devoured the dishes, leaving none left on the table. After that, Zed's father went upstairs, saying he would read some books, while his mother went downstairs to try out Zed's cinema. Zed, on the other hand, went to his sister, giving her some healing and a kiss on her forehead before leaving with Elara. Today was the day Zed's plan would be implemented.

Outside the mansion, a McLaren P1 sped off at high speed. Inside the car, Elara and Zed were headed to the international airport. His first intention was to buy General Motors as it was one of the biggest car manufacturers in the U.S.A. Then he would move on to the next manufacturers without stopping.

Zed also sent a message to Yavuz, telling him to arrange for a few people to deal with paperwork and management. At first, Yavuz didn't want to scout around to see who fits Zed's needs, but with Zed's godly charm, he managed to persuade him.

While on the road, Zed gave his phone to Elara and asked her to make a few calls while she got used to this new world and new technology. At first, she struggled, but then she grasped how to use the phone. Then she made a few phone calls to rent a jet for themselves.

At the mall, they had spent five hundred million, which was an easy 5,000 coins for Zed. Then they went to the airport and boarded their private jet. Minutes later, it took off, leaving Philadelphia, and heading to Detroit, where General Motors' headquarters were located.

After arriving in Detroit, the duo went directly to the headquarters and asked for a meeting with the owners, but the receptionists simply dismissed them. Reaching out to Yavuz and asking him to shake a few trees, Zed finally got a chance to sit with the big men.

Zed offered to buy the company for 500 billion dollars, which was declined by them. They stated they didn't have the intention to sell, after raising the price and discussing a few terms like giving them 10% of the income generated by the company transferred to them every year, etc. they finally accepted the deal, and Zed was happy with the outcome. He had spent 700 billion dollars, which was just the beginning. Thinking about it, Zed also considered buying other companies with valuable assets.

While Zed was having fun spending money and earning coins, he received a call from Yavuz, which soured his mood. Yavuz told him that having those companies under his name, holding all the shares, would be monopolizing and wouldn't end well. Yavuz then told him to stop buying companies. Zed then explained that he needed to spend money, which angered Yavuz. After arguing a little, Yavuz told him to spend money on R&D.

After agreeing with General Motors owners, Zed had to go through multiple bureaucracies because of the acquisition. They investigated Zed's life and the money's background, which made Zed sweat a little, but trusting the system, he passed all the necessary tests and signed the contract. Then he received a few warnings from the FTC.

After buying General Motors and completing the transaction, Zed and Elara went shopping once again. This time, though, they bought what they needed because Zed liked the place and wanted to stay around for a few days while thinking about new plans.

"Why don't you just die!" a woman screamed at Luna, who was inside her own consciousness.

"Stop it, please!" Luna replied while covering her ears. Her surroundings were pitch black, with white dots resembling a starry night.

This woman had appeared out of nowhere in her mind when she was tied up in that warehouse. She claimed herself as the Goddess of the Moon and needed her body to rise again. Luna, at first, thought that her mind was playing tricks on her because of the events that happened in her life, but later she gained new memories and knowledge, making her believe everything was real.

"If you don't die, we both are gonna die, you slut!" the woman screamed again, demanding her to give up. But Luna trusted her brother to save her again, just like he did in that warehouse.

"Brother, where are you?" Luna whispered, tears streaming down. She couldn't take it anymore; this woman kept insulting her.

"Hey, look at me, bitch, I'm a goddess! This body is mine!" Hearing her, Luna crouched down while covering her ears and started singing, hoping not to hear that woman.

Inside a room with twelve monitors showing eleven different faces while one of them was completely black, twelve individuals were having a meeting.

"Who is responsible for the massacre?" one of the men on the screen asked.

"There are no clues right now. The only person we could think of is that boy," the man wearing a military uniform said.

"Hah! Do you really think a 21-year-old boy is capable of doing something like that? That's ridiculous," a man in a business attire said, wearing a golden ring on his left hand.

"That 21-year-old boy just bought General Motors for a total price of 700 billion dollars, and the money was transferred from 'the' company," the man looking at the eleven screens said. If Zed were here, he would definitely recognize the man.

"What? I thought that company was just for show?" the man with the golden ring said.

"Apparently not, and from the looks of it, they are planning something big. We need to be careful with our next steps. Let's watch their move first before doing anything. If they are not enemies to us, that will be better as we could get a better ally than the Borlan family," the man inside the room spoke.

"Watch your words, Edward. Rex was a good fellow; I won't let you disrespect him," the man with the golden ring said, pointing towards his camera.

"Don't forget your place, Victor," the man replied. After a brief silence, they started discussing different topics as they analyzed the world.

After a month of touring in the USA, the duo finally returned to the house. Zed's parents hugged them tightly, missing them dearly.

During this month, Zed implemented most of his plans to earn more coins. He opened a few investment companies and research institutes. He also established a company for space exploration, which he named "Atlas Space Industries Inc."

While traveling, Zed also met with a few bigwigs and became acquainted with them. One of them was Elon Musk, whom Zed enjoyed talking to. Even though he wasn't as smart as Elon, Zed still enjoyed discussing what space could be hiding from us. That conversation was also a strong push for Zed to focus on space exploration, as he was too wondering.

With these new companies and incoming research expenditures, Zed could literally become rich in earning Coins.

As the saying goes, when everything seems perfect, something must go wrong.

"Bring them in quick!" Zed said to Elara as the operators of Task Force 141 were carried inside on stretchers with fatal injuries.

"Hey, look at me! What the hell happened?" Zed inquired, shaking Gaz from his shoulders.

"We've been ambushed. There were too many of them, and we couldn't fend them off," Gaz replied, punching the wall.

"Don't do stupid moves; you are injured too," Zed said as he lifted his shirt and checked Gaz's wound.

"I'm fine, Commander; it's just a graze. You need to save Price," Gaz said, closing his shirt. After seeing Zed's terrifying look, Gaz raised his shirt again, allowing him to heal.

"Don't worry; Elara can heal them," Zed said, looking toward Elara, who was healing three of them at the same time.

"Where is Shepherd?" Zed asked Gaz while he was healing.

"He said he would meet us here. I guess we were faster than him," Gaz replied, enjoying the pure light enveloping him.

"I hope you're right," Zed said.

After an hour later, every injured operator had already healed, and they were talking about retaliation. Shepherd was still missing inside the house, which made Zed tense. The system had told Zed that the individuals summoned by the system would be completely loyal to him without having any internal conflict, but he also knew Shepherd's character, thus making him afraid of his treason. While Zed was thinking about Shepherd, he finally walked inside from the front door, carrying a white suitcase.

"Sorry for being late," Shepherd simply said before placing the suitcase on the table and then opening it. Inside was a laptop that was probably never connected to the network.

"This group is responsible for the ambush," Shepherd said, turning the laptop toward Zed.

On the screen was a photo of a flag. A red background with two machetes on the front making a cross. Under the machetes were the words written in Mexican Spanish: 'Belicistas.'

"What's the translation of that text?" Price asked, looking at Alejandro.

"Warmongers," Alejandro replied, gritting his teeth.