
Infinite Money System: Never Ending Fun

At the tender age of 21, Zed Atlas's world takes a fantastical turn when he becomes inexplicably tethered to the enigmatic Infinite Money System. Suddenly bestowed with the boundless capacity to spend, Zed earns equivalent coins with each transaction, enabling access to a mystical emporium known as the System Shop. Within this extraordinary marketplace, Zed finds himself confronted with a staggering array of wonders: from the velocity of Flash, to the chilling breath of Superman, to the ingenious intellect of Ironman, and countless other marvels, all ripe for purchase. But the saga doesn't conclude there. In a twist of fate, Zed uncovers an additional gift: the power to traverse dimensions and universes, unlocking the gates to realms both real and imagined, where he can tread the hallowed grounds of fictional worlds.

Humo_Sofi · Films
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15 Chs

Unified Skill Set: Master of Darkness

Arriving at the warehouse, Zed scanned the area but saw no one. Emerging from the shadows, he moved inside and saw his sister chained to the wall. Across her was the man he spoke with. Losing himself to his anger, Zed rushed out of the shadow, aiming to kill. 

Just as he was about to stab the man, someone deflected his attack with swift movement. 

Jumping backward, Zed took his stance. Ten people with katanas looked at him across from him. One person was one step forward than the others, as he was the one who deflected Zed's sneak attack.

"Wow, that was scary." The man who was Zed's target said. 

"I told you to wait for us." the man with the katana said as he took his stance, followed by others. 

"Now, let's finish this quickly." he said, and suddenly, the dim light inside the warehouse brightened. Every warehouse corner was illuminated, leaving no darkness and shadows inside. 

Seeing this, Zed regretted jumping in like that. He was sure this fight would push Zed to his limits. But not wanting to dwell with them while he was not sure his sister was fine, he quickly opened the system shop, and then Zed searched for better skills. 


Unified Skill Set: Master of Darkness

Power of Elements: Darkness, Shadows, Undead.

Energy: Mana.

Tier: Mythical

Rank: SSS

Shadow Manipulation: It's the ability to create, control, and morph shadows into various forms and sizes for stealth, attack, or defense. The user can also use shadows to move silently or disappear altogether.

Darkness Absorption: It can absorb darkness from the surroundings to increase strength, speed, or healing, and it is incredibly potent in dim environments or at night.

Night Vision: Enhanced visual capabilities allow perfect sight in total darkness, granting tactical advantage in low-light conditions.

Necromancy: It's the power to summon and command the dead or spirits, using them for combat support, intelligence gathering, or manipulation.

Dark Energy Blasts: This ability unleashes powerful blasts of dark energy from hands or eyes, which cause severe physical and magical damage.

Fear Inducement: This can instill intense fear in opponents, possibly paralyzing them or causing them to flee through eye contact, words, or mere presence.

Curse Casting: Skilled in casting curses that afflict enemies with lousy luck, weaken their abilities, or cause ongoing damage.

Umbral Teleportation: The ability to teleport short distances via shadows is helpful for rapid repositioning in combat or escaping threats.

Darkness Shield: This ability generates a shield of dark energy that absorbs or deflects incoming attacks, protecting the user or allies.

Soul Siphon: Drains life force or energy from an enemy to heal oneself or boost the next attack.

Eclipse Domain: This domain can create a localized field or domain that absorbs all light within it, rendering the area pitch black. This domain enhances all dark-based abilities and disorients all who enter except the wielder.


In the annals of the ancient world, few tales are whispered with as much awe and trepidation as that of the Dark Sovereign, the solitary wielder of the Master of Darkness. Born under the shadow of a blood eclipse, the Sovereign was fated to traverse the lands enshrouded in perpetual twilight, realms where the sun dared not linger.

The Master of Darkness was not merely a skill but a covenant with the essence of shadow and night. With this formidable power, the Dark Sovereign could manipulate the umbral energies, bending the shadows to his will, casting curses that whispered of forgotten fears, and summoning forth beings from the nether planes to serve his bidding. Darkness was not just a veil to hide behind; it was an ally, a confidant, and a weapon.

Legend holds that the skill was first discovered etched into the ancient, runic stones of the Obsidian Halls, accessible only to those who could navigate the labyrinth of eternal night. The stones promised unimaginable power to the one who could decipher their secrets and bind their essence to his soul.

Once a mere mortal bound by the frailties of flesh and spirit, the Dark Sovereign was transformed upon mastering these shadows. Like twin voids, his eyes could pierce through the deceit of light. His hands, veiled in the cobweb of twilight, could reach through the hearts of his enemies, siphoning their life essence to feed his ever-growing need for dominion.

His journey was not just one of power but of profound solitude. Commanding such darkness meant walking a path alone, feared and revered in equal measure. Kingdoms would rise and fall at the mere murmur of his approach, and the wise would never dare utter his name, for it was said to bring a shroud of darkness upon their lands.

Cost: 8.000 coins


Zed looked at the system with a questioning look. Mythical tier skill costs 8.000 coins? He had become god, spending 8.000 coins. Now, a skill set at the equal price of divine tier? Not understanding why is it like that, Zed continued with his search, but there weren't any divine tier abilities; removing the price range, Zed filtered to show only Divine tier abilities, and the next second, he froze. Because the prices of those cheap but powerful skills had been changed. The skills, which were at 8.000, now cost 100.000 coins at least. 

Deciding to learn about it later, Zed quickly bought and used the skill. 

[Congratulations to the user for becoming a mana wielder. Status Screen is now available. Extra rewards are listed below;

Emerald Isle Island estate.

Cosmic Artery Mana Veins.

Cosmic Spark Mana Heart.]

The next moment, Zed felt his surroundings change. He could hear clearly, see clearly, and smell much better. But he had no time to think about that because people were wanting to kill him and his sister.

Zed swiftly utilized his newly acquired Eclipse Domain skill, causing darkness to engulf the surrounding area. Within seconds, the entire warehouse was engulfed in complete darkness. 

"What's wrong with these lights?" one of Zed's enemies exclaimed as he looked around in the pitch black, trying to locate Zed. 

The leader of the men armed with katanas said, "Everyone stay close. We might be in trouble." His men walked towards him, following his voice. 

Out of nowhere, the leader got chills down his spine. In a split second, he dodged Zed's dagger with a quick duck. "Nice dodge." Zed said as he disappeared using shadows.

"Come out and fight like a man!" exclaimed the man who had also kidnapped Zed's sister and killed his parents. In the next second, everyone inside the warehouse heard the man gurgling before hearing a thud sound.

'Stupid.' the leader of the group, who was armed with a katana, thought to himself while attempting to sense where Zed was, but to no avail - he couldn't detect Zed's energy.

"You guys dare to lay a finger on my sister. Now it's my turn." Zed said before killing another one.

From Zed's perspective, inside the warehouse was as bright as it was earlier. But to others, it was pitch black that they couldn't even see their own hands.

While Zed was rescuing his sister, Task force 141 had just finished their briefing and they were on the way towards the hospital.

The plan was simple; Yuri was going to disguise himself as a nurse while Soap disguised himself as a doctor. Price and Gaz will act as patients while covering Yuri and Soap. After retrieving the bodies, the duo will hop on an ambulance, where Nikolai is the driver, while Gaz and Price walk out from the front door. If nothing goes wrong they will retrieve the dead bodies of their commander.

Back to the warehouse, Zed had already taken out five of them. Zed with his current strength was actually able to kill all of them easily but wanting to torture them, He is taking his time.

[Insufficient mana, the skill, Eclipse Domain will be deactivated in ten seconds.]

After hearing the notification, Zed rushed forward and killed another four within ten seconds. Then, the darkness surrounding them retracted. Inside the warehouse was just Zed and the leader of people armed with katanas.

After the darkness retracted, the leader was blinded by sudden lights and tried to block the light. Taking advantage of that, Zed rushed forward, trying to cut his neck. But to his surprise, the man successfully dodged his attack and jumped backward, creating some distance between them.

He then looked at the bodies lying on the floor and said, "I knew we shouldn't have tried this without doing any proper investigation. Now, I have 10 casualties. I was never aiming to kill you and your sister, but I just wanted to scare you before making you leave the country, but now, you killed my soldiers. On that cause, I can't let you live." Then he released a strong mana pressure, trying to shake Zed.

"You are a dead man. The second you were involved with that guy, your destiny was certain death. I would never forgive anyone who dares to hurt my family." Zed said without even flinching by the man's mana pressure.

"Cenav Borlan. Remember this name in case they ask you in hell." He said and rushed towards Zed.

On collision, sparks flew as the duo fought fiercely. They exchanged five blows in one second. Cenav attacked while Zed defended, then the other way. They fought for a few minutes before Cenav successfully cut Zed's shirt. Then, they both jumped backwards, creating a space.

"You are strong, but I am stronger." Cenav said, raising his katana and aiming the tip towards Zed.

"You were lucky. Let me take that away." Zed said before activating his Curse Casting skill.

Cenav, not giving any chances for Zed to attack, rushed to him and swung his katana, but something weird happened, causing him to trip over his feet. After getting up quickly, he took his stance and waited for Zed to move.

Zed then used his other skill, Shadow Manipulation, and created four shadows that looked like him. Cenav, after seeing the shadows, didn't flinch and kept his focus on the real Zed, thinking those shadows were illusions, but that was the worst mistake he made.

Zed and his shadows attacked Cenav with exact style. Cenav was focused on Zed, not caring about the shadows. He deflected Zed's attack, but then he felt a sharp pain in his chest. Looking down, he saw four daggers sticking out from his torso.

"H-how?" These were the last words he said before Zed decapitated him with a swift move.

"It's just a price for messing with Atlas family." Zed said, looking down at Cenav's decapitated head.

"How are you able to wield the power of darkness?"