
Infinite flow of metaverse

Fu Qinghai was sucked in the infinite reincarnation world when he witnessed Alien vs Death Eaters, Jedi vs mutants, Predeator vs Anna Bell, Titan Beast vs. Mecha Hunter, ... Join Fu Qihai journey to the messed up world’s where we don’t know what’s gonna happen next … The main world will be Warhammer 40K world where Mc will begin as a giant Astarte . RAW-https://www.69shu.com/txt/B39100.htm

Tortle121 · Jeux vidéo
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21 Chs

Chapter 7: Calvin

In a small villa adorned with Tyra Cuban Rock style decorations, exuding an overall simplicity and practicality reminiscent of colonial strongholds, Fu Qihai sat on a brown-red classical sofa, dressed in simple attire.

A servant poured him a cup of black tea by his side.

"So, Little Locke, are you also seeking me out because of that spaceship?"

Calvin, a middle-aged man with brown hair, clad in a loose imperial official uniform, sat opposite Fu Qihai on the sofa. Exhausted and stubbled, he leaned wearily, crossing his legs, and gazed at Fu Qihai before him.

"Yes, news of Cedric's death and the others has spread throughout the stronghold, and I'm sure the higher-ups are aware of it," Fu Qihai maintained eye contact with Calvin.

"I want to know, Lord Calvin, what lies within that spaceship?"

"What's there..." Calvin took a sip from the bottle, contemplating. "It's hard to put into words... Little Locke, have you ever witnessed a battle between angels?"

Calvin's gaze fixated on the coffee table, his eyes distant, his expression filled with fear and helplessness. "Those angels you admire, those demigods walking among us, the invincible guardians of the empire... Could they also fall and betray? Will they turn on each other one day? Holy Emperor, I've never witnessed such... such..."

He chuckled self-deprecatingly. "Hehe, yes, you and me, a child who grew up in the slums. What are we talking about?"

"Someone is alive inside, right?" Fu Qihai ignored Calvin's rambling and asked directly.

"Yes, you're correct, there are survivors,"

Calvin took another sip from the bottle as if only alcohol could soothe his shattered worldview. "I've considered it. Once everything is over, someone will come to this stronghold. We just have to wait. Regardless of who they are, they will rule over this stronghold, or perhaps even destroy it. Who knows."

Calvin wearily waved his hand, and added, "This isn't something you need to concern yourself with, Little Locke.

It's your first time experiencing the direct rays of starlight since arriving in Cheslatan. Enjoy it, continue feasting on the free provisions provided by the stronghold, and stay away from that spaceship."

"This is my final advice to you."

Calvin was right. Locke, who previously resided in the lower levels of the hive capital, now enjoyed all the offerings provided in the Upper level of Hive City.

Artificial lighting had been his only experience before, never basking in the light of the stars.

"Heretic... or whatever they were, just a bunch of bottom-dwelling worms with no purpose..." Calvin muttered lowly, seemingly intoxicated.

"Very well, Sir Calvin. I shall take my leave," Fu Qihai said politely after obtaining the information he sought.

Outside the villa's gate, Fei leaned against a jet motorcycle, waiting for Fu Qihai.

Her long, slender legs were eye-catching. Upon seeing Fu Qihai emerge, she quickly asked, "How did it go, Locke? What did Calvin say? Did he say anything about the spaceship ?"

"He didn't say directly," Fu Qihai, with a serious expression, got on the motorcycle. "But it was as if he did."

The dim light casts upon the brown-coloured concrete wall, stretching the room's furnishings into long shadows.

This house, larger than Fu Qihai's single-person cottage, had three bedrooms, one living room, one kitchen, and one bathroom.

It was a considerable improvement over Fu Qihai's modest accommodations.

Having lost her parents to illness, Fei inherited their assets, including this house with a small attic on the second floor, a Levantine Cyclone-V small jet motorcycle, furniture and household appliances, various sampling and analysis equipment, and a collection of exotic plant materials.

It wasn't considered impoverished, and certainly better off than Fu Qihai, a true proletariat. After all, even Fu Qihai's single-person room was not his private property; it was provided by the colonial stronghold.

The night in the colonial stronghold was dry and cool.

In the kitchen, Fei, donning a grey linen suspender dress that belonged to her late mother, focused on slicing a plate of exotic fruits native to Cheslatan.

She resembled a virtuous young wife, her dress draping over her slender shoulders, which accentuated her budding bosom. The faint whiteness under her arms brought an alluring touch to the serene room.

Fu Qihai paid no mind to appreciate the scene. He sat barefoot on the living room carpet, leaning against the sofa, deep in thought, weighing the pros and cons.

He was almost certain that the crashed spaceship was not just a warship but also carried Astartes!

Calvin, an administrative officer from the Ministry of Military Affairs following the expedition fleet, was no ordinary civilian.

Lazur may refer to all incomprehensible entities as "demons," but Calvin had a distinct name for the one and only beings he called "angels" – the Space Marines or Astartes

These humanoid biological weapons, developed by the Emperor based on twenty Primarchs, were also known as Astartes or Space Marines.

Towering in stature, possessing boundless strength, fearless in battle, and exceptional in combat skills, they were the invincible champions of the empire.

The Space Marines played a pivotal role in the Warhammer 40,000 universe.

In the past millennium, the Great Crusade had been the central focus of the human empire and the entire galaxy.

The Emperor, supreme leader of the empire, led the legions of Space Marines he personally crafted.

Starting from the sacred Terra, they employed subspace navigation technology to reclaim the lost human colonies scattered across the Milky Way during the Dark Age.

Simultaneously, they searched for the Primarchs scattered throughout the galaxy by the forces of subspace and integrated them into the future Space Marine Legions, genetically tailored based on their respective genes.

And now, the subspace storm had disrupted the colonial strongholds' communication networks, so Fu Qihai's era should be amidst the Horus Heresy.

The Primarch Horus Lupercal, promoted to the rank of "Warmaster," commanded the other Space Marine Legions and expedition fleets, further advancing the Great Crusade.

However, he eventually turned against the Emperor, succumbing to the gradual corruption of the malevolent warp gods. The galaxy plunged into chaos and flames as rebellion and counter-rebellion unfolded.

Loyalty and betrayal, rebellion and counter-rebellion became the prevailing themes of that era.

Whether Fu Qihai chose it willingly or not, he was entangled in this catastrophe that engulfed humanity. And he couldn't face it alone.

The crash of a spaceship carrying Space Marines on Cheslatan was clear evidence that this conflict between human minds and chaotic forces had reached even this remote colonial planet.

"Locke, come and eat," Fei placed a plate of purple-red, uniquely shaped fruit slices on the coffee table in front of Fu Qihai.

Then, imitating Fu Qihai, she sat on the carpet, her legs crossed.

Fu Qihai picked up a piece and tasted it. It bore a resemblance to the passion fruit from his previous life on Earth, with a slightly strange undertone.

Fu Qihai wondered if Fei Yi had been cutting and eating the exotic plants her parents cultivated for their research.

"I know what's on that spaceship, Fei Yi," Fu Qihai calmly stated.

"What is it?" Fei leaned closer to Fu Qihai, savouring the fruit, seemingly unfazed by the question.

"Space Marines. Have you heard of the Astartes?" Fu Qihai asked.

"Of course, I have," Fei nodded, her interest piqued. "They're legendary warriors, superhuman soldiers of the Emperor, and the Empire's patron saints."

Fei listed a string of adjectives before giving Fu Qihai an incredulous look. "Don't treat me like a naive girl who has never seen the world. Remember, you're the one from the lower levels."

Indeed, the Astartes were renowned figures in the empire. They served as the foundation for the Emperor's unification of Terra and the main force behind the Great Crusade.

Although information about space marines was limited among the common populace, the sheer scale of the empire's population and its standing army meant that only a select few had direct encounters with these elite marines.

Ignoring Fei Yi's protest, Fu Qihai continued, "I believe that the Astartes on that crashed spaceship were fighting amongst themselves."

Fei Yi's interest finally sparked.

"Why were they fighting each other? Did Calvin mention anything?".

"Calvin didn't explicitly state it, but I deduced it from his words," Fu Qihai explained.

"Calvin is in a dreadful state of mind. He's highly pessimistic, possibly due to witnessing two groups of space marines engaged in a life-or-death battle. The situation deeply impacted him.

Cut off from communication with Terra and the expedition fleet for an extended period, he cannot make a judgment. Instead, he's leaving the fate of the colonial stronghold in the hands of those who emerge victorious."

"It doesn't matter who the winner is."

"Then how will you decide, Locke?" Fei Yi turned and held Fu Qihai's arm, gazing into his eyes with her piercing blue eyes.

Fu Qihai couldn't explain why, but even with the colony's chief, who possessed vast knowledge and information, unable to make a decision, Fei Yi placed unwavering trust in Fu Qihai, a young boy from the lower class of the hive capital.

"I don't know either," Fu Qihai took a deep breath.

"But I've decided to go to the crash site and find out."

"Ah? Don't go! Why are you doing this? Have you forgotten what happened to Cedric's group?"

Fei Yi grew anxious, placing her hand on Fu Qihai's forehead.

Fu Qihai gently removed Fei Yi's hand and said, "I know, but I still have to go. I must uncover the truth. I can't simply surrender my fate to others, sit at home, and pray while resigning myself to destiny."

It seemed that superstitious religions like the Emperor's Holy Words, secretly circulated within the expedition fleet, hadn't reached this remote colonial stronghold.

Even if Fu Qihai wanted to pray, he lacked the tools and objects for such rituals.

"But... But I promised my parents I would protect you!" Fei Yi's began to panic, her big eyes watering.

Fu Qihai was momentarily at a loss for words. Holding Fei Yi's small hand, he replied, "I promised your parents the same—to protect you. There's no contradiction. Fei Yi, the Milky Way is a cruel place. If I don't seek greater power, how can I protect both you and myself? Can I rely on you to shield me time and time again?"

Faced with Fu Qihai's question, Fei Yi fell silent. She hadn't grown up sheltered, even though she lived in the middle layer of the Levante Hive Capital. She was well aware of the brutality of the universe they inhabited.

They couldn't lead carefree lives in this small colonial stronghold forever.

"Furthermore, such a small-scale battle shouldn't have lasted this long. The outcome should have been decided already. Why hasn't anyone from the colonial stronghold arrived yet? There might be other changes on that spaceship," Fu Qihai reasoned.

"I can't draw a definite conclusion about what exactly happened, but we can go and see for ourselves," Fu Qihai said, his eyes fixed on Fei Yi.


The next day, before the stars had risen, and the first light of dawn painted the sky, Fu Qihai and Fei Yi packed their bags and embarked on their journey.

Cheslatan's main continent boasted natural scenery akin to the United States of Fu Qihai's previous life.

The jet motorcycle raced across the desolate desert, leaving a trail of smoke and dust behind, enhancing the desolation of the landscape.

Fu Qihai sat in the back seat of the jet motorcycle, holding onto Fei Yi's slender waist tightly to withstand the bumps and prevent himself from being thrown off.

The morning sun was not yet scorching, still, both of them covered their heads and faces with face scarves, revealing only their eyes.

Fei, who was driving, wore a pair of brown goggles, giving her experienced appearance.

It was challenging to describe Fu Qihai's current image, resembling Lawrence of Arabia.

Attached to the side of the motorcycle was a long rod-shaped object—a stun gun.

It had belonged to Fei Yi's parents, used for their wilderness exploration.

At present, it was the only weapon in their possession.

Fu Qihai couldn't help but think, ' The second life given by the reincarnation world is truly extraordinary. Not only did it grant me a beautiful appearance, but also a childhood sweetheart from the start, along with the peaceful Cheslatan colonial stronghold.

It's rare to find such a gentle haven in the Warhammer 40K universe. Yet, here I am, willingly risking my life. I simply can't take the good intentions of the reincarnation world for granted.'

The Levantine Cyclone-V jet motorcycle, manufactured by Levante Hive World, had been around for several years, but it was still sturdy. However, its engine noise was a bit loud, and the vibrations were noticeable.

The original design allowed it to reach a maximum altitude of 3 meters, but due to Cheslatan's stronger gravity and their lack of promethium fuel, they could only fly about 1 meter above the ground, practically skimming it.

That's why Fei Yi was the one driving the jet motorcycle. After all, flying at a height of 1 meter required avoiding various obstacles on the ground. The motorcycle's speed was very fast, and Fei Yi was more familiar with operating it since she had a motorcycle driver's license.

Of course, it wasn't because Fu Qihai was afraid to drive…..

As the noon sun began to heat up the desert, Fu Qihai and Fei Yi found a spot shaded by a massive boulder to have lunch.

From the colonial stronghold to the place where the spacecraft crashed, it would take a day and a half to reach it at the speed of a jet motorcycle.

The premise is that the direction is correct.

  There is no satellite positioning and navigation on the colonial planet. Relying on the impression of the residents in the stronghold and the compass, Fu Qihai and Fei Yi corrected the direction several times.

Gradually, they approached the crash site of the spaceship, passing scattered remnants of man-made objects along the way.

As evening approached, and the spaceship still seemed distant, they found a cave nestled between two massive rocks and decided to spend the night there.

Lighting a tin promethium lamp, Fu Qihai and Fei Yi spread out blankets on the ground and slept, silently, with only their clothes as cover.
