
Infinite flow of metaverse

Fu Qinghai was sucked in the infinite reincarnation world when he witnessed Alien vs Death Eaters, Jedi vs mutants, Predeator vs Anna Bell, Titan Beast vs. Mecha Hunter, ... Join Fu Qihai journey to the messed up world’s where we don’t know what’s gonna happen next … The main world will be Warhammer 40K world where Mc will begin as a giant Astarte . RAW-https://www.69shu.com/txt/B39100.htm

Tortle121 · Jeux vidéo
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Chapter 6: Cheslatan Colonial Stronghold

The Milky Way, Obscure Star Field, Cheslatan Star, Human Colonial Base of the Main Continent.

Bright dappled warm yellow light hit the floor through the panes, and a soft breeze blew through the door.

Fu Qihai, who was shirtless and wearing long trousers, sat on the edge of the bed, turned his head and looked outside the door.

The dazzling star was hanging in the sky, a little bigger than the sun.

It has been a week since he came into this world.

A standard Terra week, to be precise.

He probably understood the situation in front of him.

Fu Qihai is currently in the Warhammer 40K universe.

Warhammer 40K is a popular cultural IP created by the British company Games Workshop. It began to release the first version of the war chess board game in 1987. It is a cultural IP with a long history and distinctive features. It has a large number of fans at home and abroad.

Of course, Fu Qihai had heard of it a little bit.

Fu Qihai spent a week trying to recall the Warhammer 40K games he had played and the novels he had read in his previous life, in order to think about the way out in light of his current situation.

He is now on a colonial planet called "Cheslatan," which was originally a barbaric planet without civilization and intelligent creatures. It was discovered by the Human Empire during the Great Crusade, and the empire number 17-974.

It means the 974th planet discovered and conquered by the 17th Expeditionary Fleet, and "Cheslatan" is the name given by the colonists.

Although it was a barbaric world, Cheslatan is not too far from the stars. There is water on the surface of the planet, an oxygen-containing atmosphere, and a dry and pleasant climate.

It is a rare Terra-like planet, not to mention the possible existence of the underground ocean.

The current conditions alone are very suitable for developing into an agricultural world.

The administrative departments of the empire can directly establish biochemical breeding factories on the planet without paying the huge cost of transforming the surface environment of the planet.

The only downside is that Cheslatan is on the edge of the Obscure Starfield, a little far away from the galaxies where human activities are concentrated.

Therefore, after the No. 17 Expeditionary Fleet from the Blood Angels Corps inspected the natural environment of the planet, they found a lizard-like creature on the planet that might pose a threat to human survival.

Extinction, and then notified the nearest hive world to send an immigrant spacecraft to the planet 17-974, leaving behind a few poor administrators, and finally patted their buttocks and couldn't wait to go to the next world to be conquered.

The Levant hive world closest to Cheslatan began to send colonial spaceships here.

As a result, after the first colony spaceship arrived at the planet through a long subspace voyage, the entire star area suddenly began to be filled with violent subspace storms.

The star language communication in the hive world was interrupted, and there was no news of the follow-up colonial fleet.

A colony spaceship and more than 6,000 colonists on the spaceship were stranded alone on this wild planet in the distant universe.

It's been two years.

Fortunately, the possible threats on this planet have been cleaned up by the space marines, and the climate is suitable for survival, so the first batch of human colonists also worries about survival but has little apprehension about the subspace storm raging for a long time.

In the simple hut built of brown concrete, Fu Qihai got up from the bed, walked to the floor-to-ceiling mirror, and looked at the figure in the mirror.

Appeared a handsome young man with black hair and black eyes. His appearance was roughly similar to his previous life.

He has fair skin, a straight nose, and deep eyes. Compared with pure Asians, he was mixed-blood. 1.8 metres tall at the age of 17, and a faint muscular outline without exercise.

Such a young man with a handsome appearance, smart mind, strong learning ability, good physical fitness, great development potential, superior temperament, a Dazzling face, and a Chad figure.

In the Warhammer 40K universe, there is a simple and unified title - mortal.

A creature that can die in units of billions in any local conflict in the human empire.

In the Warhammer 40,000 universe, the galaxy is dark and brutal.

"Locke! Locke, come and eat." A familiar brisk voice sounded outside the door.

The blue-eyed and short-haired girl jumped in, not surprised by Fu Qihai's naked upper body, and walked out while pulling Fu Yuhai's arm,

"Come on, let's eat."

He was dragged out of the room by the girl.

After stepping out of the room, the metal door behind him closed automatically.

Fu Qihai came to a street filled with People in twos and threes, walking casually, occasionally raising their face towels to cover the slight dust carried by the wind.

The climate of the main continent of Cheslatan is a little hotter and drier than most areas on the earth, and the vegetation was not too lush, but this climate is already a rare and livable climate in the entire galaxy.

The girl brought Fu Qihai to a low-rise building where food was distributed. The two of them received a uniform set of meals, found a corner at random, and listened to the girl chirping about what she had seen and heard about Fu Qihai's stronghold during his coma.

Thanks to the fact that the first colony spaceship did not carry too many people, but carried a lot of large-scale development equipment, so the three thousand people in the current colony stronghold were insignificant compared to the resources of the entire planet, so life in the stronghold is quite comfortable.

Without a new bureaucratic system, the first few administrative officials from the expeditionary fleet became the highest officials of the colonial stronghold, and the captain of the spaceship who was forced to stay here was also regarded as an official of the stronghold, establishing a temporary settlement of the colonial stronghold Management order.

No, it can no longer be called "comfort." At this moment, Cheslatan is simply a paradise, a paradise in the cruel galaxy!

As mentioned earlier, the Warhammer 40K universe is dark and cruel. The quality of life of most human beings is far inferior to that of the ancient Earth Terra era.

The human empire is always facing the invasion of various alien creatures and mysterious forces in subspace.

Ordinary humans living in the hive world and the forge world, fought to the death on the front line against heresy and aliens, perhaps without leaving any honour and name, or worked to death in the dark and heavily polluted lower level of the hive and ate dead starch from the circulatory system all their lives.

Compared to these two poor options, the colonial stronghold of Cheslatan, which was isolated by the warp space storm at this time, was a refuge in a cruel galaxy.


Unlike the people who were at a loss in the colonial stronghold, Fu Qihai certainly knew why this sudden subspace storm lasted for so long.

The supreme military commander of the Human Expeditionary Force, Primarch Horus, launched a rebellion at the end of the unfinished Great Crusade, and half of the Space Marine Legions joined the rebellion camp.

The evil gods in the subspace took the opportunity to set off a subspace storm, blocking the connection between various parts of the empire and various space marine legions, whether it was communication or transportation.

Fu Qihai's new identity after rebirth is Locke. There is no surname, just a simple word.

The name of a typical lower-level hive is as simple as his orphan background, and the opportunity to immigrate by lottery is the result of the mercy of the planetary governor.

Of course, it is also possible that the population carrying capacity of the Hive Capital of Levante has also reached its limit.

The blue-eyed girl is called Fei Yi, and she is also an orphan, but unlike Locke who boarded the immigration ship as an orphan in the hive city, Fei Yi used to have parents, a pair of botanists, a middle-level resident of the hive city of Levante.

The one who was commissioned by the imperial government to study the vegetation and animals of the New World just got sick and died during the exploration of the colonial world.

During the long journey of the colony spaceship, Fei Yi's family took good care of Locke, who was an orphan. The two of them were able to live together in the colonial stronghold. Apart from being orphans, there was another reason - Fei Yi was not likeable.

There is no reason, no reason, all the people in the colonial stronghold, except Locke, find this little girl annoying for some reason, and they don't want to get close to her.

Recalling this, Fu Qihai felt a little unbelievable. Such a beautiful and kind girl, how could anyone not like her?

Fei Yi has an ethereal appearance with a hint of wildness and a height of close to 1.7 meters at the age of 15.

In his previous life on Earth, she didn't need any talent to gain a million fans as an ins beauty blogger. She had the looks, and long legs, and excelled in makeup. She had a promising future in the modelling circle.

But Fu Qihai didn't think too much about it. What he needs to consider now is another more urgent issue.

How to participate in the current human empire, also the main plot of the entire galaxy - the Horus Rebellion.

Unlike the previous universe, this time Fu Qihai did not have the novice gift pack for free choice of camp and randomly chose the emperor's camp.

Not bad, at least a faction that can succeed without the intervention of other reincarnators.

However, recalling that the reincarnated people in the previous universe dared to fight Iron Man's, and almost succeeded, Fu Qihai couldn't be happier—how could there be no reincarnated people to intervene?

With a thought, Fu Qihai opened his attribute panel in his mind.

[Name: Fu Qihai (real name)

Reincarnation Number: 60731920

Race: Human (Space Terran)

Height: 184cm

Weight: 75kg

Ability: Tony Stark Electronic Soul Backup (Completion 17%) Bound Brain Domain

Reincarnation Equipment: No

Assimilation Points: 124

Anchor of the world: X1

Reincarnation life: X2]

The name has not changed, and the reincarnation life is missing one, but the "real name" in the brackets makes Fu Qihai a little imaginative, connecting it to the magic novels he read in his previous life. Could this "real name" be related to some magical rituals or head-drop techniques?

The race has changed, from the original Earth human to the space terran, which is different from the Earth human.

When Fu Qihai focused on the four words "space terran," a section of introduction emerged: 'In the long process of space exploration, human beings gradually adapted to the microgravity environment and radiation background in space, developing a certain resistance to cosmic rays, and improving their ability to withstand limit overload to a certain extent.'

A reasonable change, Fu Qihai knows that traditional Earth people can't stay in space for a long time.

Scientific research institutions have studied the bodies of astronauts and found that staying in the low-gravity environment of outer space for a long time will lead to various chronic diseases.

Vision and cognitive ability will be affected, as well as genetic mutation, osteoporosis, muscle weakness, and accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

"Tony Stark soul backup (17% complete) bound brain domain."

And this is the reward that Fu Qihai fought for with his life in the previous universe.

It was also the reason why Fu Qihai fainted from the pain as soon as he woke up in this universe.

Fu Qihai, who just understood what the extra stuff in his brain was a week ago, couldn't contain his ecstasy.

He knew that Iron Man had electronically backed up his brain in the Marvel plot.

After he died, a Tony Stark composed entirely of data often appeared in the form of a blue holographic projection and participated in the follow-up plot.

When it was powerful, it even destroyed the universe once.

But those plots mainly happened in the Marvel Ultimate Universe (1610 Earth Universe) and other parallel universes. In the plots currently shown in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), there is no scene of Iron Man electronically cloning himself. At first, Fu Qihai didn't think about it.

Unexpectedly, in 2013 in the MCU, Tony Stark started the plan to electronically back up his brain, perhaps also out of post-war anxiety after the New York War, and the Ultron plan was also carried out simultaneously.

At present, the completion rate of the electronic cloning project is still very low, only 17%, but when Fu Qihai's thoughts touch it, he finds that the knowledge contained in it was already vast.

This is also very easy to understand. According to Fu Qihai's understanding, it is actually straightforward for Iron Man to back up the knowledge he has mastered. Isn't it just building a database of knowledge documents? Third-rate programmers can do it, after all, knowledge is dead. No matter how much knowledge there is, it is dead.

But this is not artificial intelligence at all, let alone electronic souls.

The real difficulty of this electronic soul cloning project should be how to digitize and clone Iron Man's emotions, personality, likes and dislikes, and the choices and judgments he will make in the face of different situations.

This is the core of this black technology.

Fu Qihai guessed that when the electronic soul backup is actually completed, knowledge and logic will only account for 30% of the data at most, and the remaining 70% will be Iron Man's clone of his personality and emotions.

After all, there are countless smart people in the Marvel universe. The reason why Iron Man is Iron Man does not depend entirely on that knowledge.

Now it seems that Tony Stark may not have found a solution for the time being, so the plan was put on hold.

As for how the data interface of a hard disk is connected to Fu Qihai's brainstem, this may be attributed to the magical world of reincarnation.

Fu Qihai explored his thoughts in the vast thinking field, and pieces of knowledge emerged and disappeared in his mind.

This was a wonderful experience, similar to trying to recall a certain memory fragment, but with more clarity than mere recollection.

Fu Qihai can clearly feel that there is an ocean in his head, icy and cold. Every now and then, a bubble bursts in the ocean, but when he tries to "think" about that thing and chase the bubble, it disappears again.

Fu Qihai gave up on the endeavour. He felt a little discouraged, thinking to himself, "What's the use? I may have 17% of Iron Man's soul back up in my mind, but I haven't become 17% Iron Man."

After taking a deep breath, Fu Qihai sighed and looked around in confusion. Suddenly, he notices a machine servant on the side of the street not far away.

The machine servant is a short and stocky humanoid creature, with nearly half of its flesh and blood body replaced with various agricultural machinery.

It stands on the side of the road with dull eyes, motionless, and its hunched back suggests that the over-installed mechanical arms on its body have crushed it.

Machine servants are not human beings but flesh-and-blood machines used to replace artificial intelligence.

They have stripped most of their brain functions and are derived from cloned organs or criminals in cultivation warehouses. They serve as the cornerstone of the labour force in the human empire.

Fu Qihai uses the word "putting" to describe them. It took him a while to adapt to seeing the flesh as a refrigerator or a washing machine, rather than a steel.

As Fu Qihai stares at the servitor, a bubble suddenly bursts open in the strange sea of his thoughts. "Mechanical slave worker, mechanical prosthetic artificial human, additional modification of the hand: shallow drilling arm, additional modification of the left shoulder: high-power lighting, additional waist... Preliminary analysis of the modification has exceeded the load set by the original factory, and the output power is insufficient... Optional transformation directions: 1. Remove the shoulder... 2. Modify... 3...."

Accompanied by Fu Qihai's gaze, a large piece of fragmented information suddenly flashes in his mind. Despite his lack of knowledge about manufacturing principles, he feels more and more that there is something wrong with this servitor.

There are issues here and there, and he senses that he can improve it on his own. There is a vague impulse in his mind that drives him to take this servitor apart and study it.

Shaking his head, Fu Qihai dismisses this unrealistic idea.

The officials in the colonial stronghold may appear kind to the people, but it's only because they need to ensure the survival rate of the immigrants.

Every population is precious when communication traffic is cut off.

Moreover, the machine servants in the colonial stronghold, like various large-scale development equipment, belong to the property of the imperial government.

They are not something that Fu Qihai can casually play with. He realizes that he needs to find a Tech Priest.

Understanding this, Fu Qihai becomes thoughtful and gains a general understanding of his "Tony Stark electronic backup (17% completion) bound brain domain." In simpler terms, the superpowers tied to Iron Man shouldn't be useless; they just need to be developed.

Unexpectedly, at that time, an alloy hard drive was pulled out, and it turned out to be Iron Man's electronic backup.

No wonder a mere hard disk required a massive assimilation point cost of 7012 points to assimilate. Fu Qihai thought for a moment and wondered if he is the legendary European Emperor.

Certainly, if you want to get rich, you have to take big risks. Winning the young model in the clubhouse and losing the reincarnation heavy work... Fu Chenghai thought happily.

"Hey, hello, Locke!" A slender hand waved in front of Fu Qinhai's eyes, "Why are you smirking at the servant? Is your head still not right?"

"Uh..." Fu Qinhai collects his expression and replies, "What were you saying just now?"

"I said a terrible event happened in the stronghold yesterday!" Fei said in a tone of shocking secrets.

"What's the big deal? How terrible is it?" Fu Qihai asked casually.

"Do you still remember what caused you to lose consciousness?"

"Didn't you tell me that I was hit on the head by a stone falling from the sky? Do you want me to repeat it?"

"Yes, Calvin and Caesar later found out that a spaceship crashed more than 200 kilometres away from the stronghold. A lot of iron and stones fell that day, damaging some of the roofs of the stronghold..."

Calvin and Caesar are the administrative officials of the colonial stronghold.

"Including the one that hit you on the head," Fei added.

"Why did you bring that up again..."

Fu Qihai said, "Then, didn't Calvin inspect it, blocked the news, and didn't allow the people in the stronghold to approach the crash site."

Fei spoke in a low voice, "I heard that the night before yesterday, Cedric and his group went to the spaceship quietly at night."

"Oh?" Fu Qihai focused his attention.

"After Calvin and the others went to the spaceship crash site for the first time and came back, there were private rumours in the stronghold that the spaceship was a warship, a ship of the expedition fleet. However, I don't know why Calvin ordered that the residents of the stronghold should not be allowed to approach that ship.

Cedric and the others have been clamouring for a long time to go to the spaceship to hunt for treasure, to find weapons."

Cedric's small group consists of ten young boy's in the stronghold, mostly punks and orphans.

If they were the same age as on Earth, they would be described as undisciplined and relatively unruly at best.

But these young people who grew up in the lower hive capital are more than just "undisciplined." The dirty streets of the lower hive are filled with drugs, guns, bloody murders, and violent gangs.

They are more like young warlords who fight for independence with an AK in Africa. What they lack is an independent environment.

Cedric and his gang often bullied Locke, in the past. Maybe it was due to jealousy over Locke's handsome looks or other reasons.

Whenever that happened, Fei Yi bravely stood in front of Locke to protect him, not because Fei was skilled in fighting, but because Cedric and the others found Fei repulsive and didn't want to get close to her.

"As a result, this morning, only one person came back. It was Lazur. He was covered in blood, pale face, and he was unconscious. If he wasn't immediately treated, he would have died shortly after returning!"

Fei Yi can't tell whether she feels fear or glee, considering Cedric's small group often caused trouble for Locke, let alone the trouble they brought to the colonial stronghold.

Hearing this information, Fu Qihai narrowed his eyes. Even if he doesn't consider participating in the main storyline, Cheslatan's colonial stronghold can only serve as a temporary shelter

. No matter who ultimately wins the great rebellion, it will eventually be ruled by a certain faction.

The worst-case scenario is that other alien races on the edge of the galaxy might invade before the rule of the human empire, which would be a disaster for this vulnerable colonial stronghold.

Therefore, regardless of the reason, Fu Qihai cannot simply idle away his time, he will eventually need to find a way to leave.

The spaceship that crashed half a month ago presents an opportunity in that regard.

"A demon, a subspace demon?" Fu Qinhai muttered to himself, but the information was too vague.

A subspace demon? It is unimaginable, considering the complicated and extensive sacrifices and rituals required for subspace demons to break through the barrier and manifest in reality.

If there truly is some kind of evil entity from subspace within the spaceship, then Lazur would have had no chance of escaping.

Beings that don't belong to the rules of the real world can hardly be harmed by even powerful space marines.

Furthermore, Calvin, the chief of the colonial stronghold, inspected the spaceship crash site.

In that case, Fu Qihai decides he will consult with Calvin to see if he can glean any information from him.

"Let's go!" Fu Qihai took Fei Yi's hand and walked toward the mansion of the stronghold's official.

"Why are we going?" Fei Yi asked, led by Fu Qihai.



Note - Damnn-3828 words😅.. sorry if you found some minor mistakes in this chapter 👍