
Infinite flow of metaverse

Fu Qinghai was sucked in the infinite reincarnation world when he witnessed Alien vs Death Eaters, Jedi vs mutants, Predeator vs Anna Bell, Titan Beast vs. Mecha Hunter, ... Join Fu Qihai journey to the messed up world’s where we don’t know what’s gonna happen next … The main world will be Warhammer 40K world where Mc will begin as a giant Astarte . RAW-https://www.69shu.com/txt/B39100.htm

Tortle121 · Jeux vidéo
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21 Chs

Chapter 18: Astarte Implementation

Fu Qihai fell into a coma, but Master Quinto's work did not stop.

It is still Warhammer 31K, that is, the era of the thirty-first millennium. The imperial truth that opposes feudal superstition is still the mainstream core value of the human empire.

Except for the Octed Staffs of the Word Bearers, the Mechanicus were not popular.

There was no pre-operative prayer session. Master Quinto will start the operation directly when he is ready.

He pressed the button on the side of the culture cabin, and the open culture cabin lay flat, and the bright yellow culture fluid spread upward from Fu Qihai's feet, gradually submerging Fu Qihai's body.

A skinny left hand protruded from Master Quinto's burqa, and his fingers were replaced by liquid syringes one by one.

The delicate mechanical arm on his right skillfully screwed on the needles and injected various medicines into Fu Qihai's chest in an orderly manner.

Another mechanical arm protruded from the armpit of the left arm, holding a scalpel, and with one stroke, it cut open Fu Qihai's entire chest cavity precisely.

Blood gushed out, staining the fluorescein-yellow culture fluid red, and the machine servant next to it promptly handed over a transparent jar.

Inside was a throbbing red heart.

The first stage of remodelling surgery: the second heart.

This is the first implant to become a space marine, and it is also the most basic implant. On the basis of the second heart, subsequent transformations can continue.

This heart can continue to supply blood to the body when the other heart is damaged.

It can serve as a spare tire with the original heart, strengthen the adaptability to hypoxic conditions, and improve the survival rate on the battlefield.

When the two hearts are running at the same time, they can also provide space marines, a surging and endless source of strength.

After the heart was implanted, Master Quinto inserted two small and complex flesh and blood organs into Fu Qihai's chest cavity.

In order:

the second stage of reconstruction surgery: bone-strengthening organs or Ossmodula.

The third stage of remodeling surgery: muscle-strengthening organs or Biscopea.

The former will secrete corresponding hormones, stimulate bone regeneration, promote bone healing, and will absorb ceramic compounds in the special rations of space marines to participate in the formation of new bones.

It is not the same as the calcium hydroxyphosphate skeleton of ordinary humans.

At the same time, under the action of this organ, the space marine's ribs will gradually grow and close together, forming a closed bone plate like a shutter, better protecting the chest cavity.

The function of the latter is similar to that of the former.

This small spherical organ secretes corresponding hormones to stimulate muscle growth and also has the function of regulating human hormones.

Under the influence of drugs and brand-new organs, Fu Qihai's body produced a strong stress response and rejection reaction, his limbs twitched continuously, his eyes closed tightly, and the veins on his forehead bulged and then relaxed.

Master Quinto stopped his work and silently observed Fu Qihai's performance.

Under the hood, the sharp left eye, which is completely opposite to the old face, and the mechanical right eye, which emits a faint green light, are carefully observing Fu Qihai's body.

The mechanical prosthetic eye continuously transmits the reading data to the brain for analysis by the technical priest.

Fu Qihai, who was twitching, suddenly stopped, his chest slightly retracted, and then suddenly expanded outwards, and a large cloud of black blood spurted out from the unhealed wound.

After spitting out black blood, Fu Quhai's chest rose and fell slightly, the fluorescent yellow culture fluid stirred, and then he began to breathe normally.

Master Quinto heard the powerful beating of two hearts at the same frequency.

He was relieved and raised his hand to continue with the next stage of the operation.

Normally, after the implantation of these three organs, you need to wait for one to two years for their growth and development, and then start the next stage of organ implantation.

But Quinto didn't want to wait. Firstly, this receptor was already 17 years old, so he didn't have more time to wait for the organs to grow and develop.

Secondly, he was facing a battle that might be encountered at any time. One more space marine would increase the possibility of winning.

Quinto Anastasio has this self-confidence, allowing Fu Qihai's transformation surgery to be completed quickly and well!

Immediately afterwards, he started——

The fourth stage of the reconstruction operation: regenerating organs with blood or Haemastamen.

This organ is like a tube of liquid that is directly injected into the entire blood circulation system.

It increases the content of haemoglobin in the recipient's blood, improves the oxygen-carrying capacity, transports oxygen and nutrients more effectively, and detects the operation of other organs at the same time.

The fifth stage of the reconstruction operation: Larraman's organ.

As mentioned above, Wo Kuotai relied on the Lariman cells secreted by this golf ball-sized liver-shaped organ, commonly known as platelets, to quickly form scabs and heal wounds.

Remodelling surgery stage six: Stiff nodes or Catalepsean Nodes.

Also known as nerve knots, a soybean-sized organ implanted in the back of the brain is responsible for regulating the resting function of the brain, allowing space marines to perform combat missions for a long time without sleep and achieve ultra-long standby.

At the same time, fast recharging is achieved by allowing the Space Marine to quickly enter deep sleep when it can rest.

What's more, through relevant training and cooperation with this organ, it is even possible to artificially control a certain area of the brain to work and another area to rest, just like dolphins and whales.

As the operation progressed, Fu Qihai's whole body was already suspended in the culture tank, with dense metal tubes and transparent infusion tubes inserted behind him.

Master Kunto stared at the screen data on the workbench beside him, where Fu Qihai's physiological condition was monitored in real-time.

The technical priest said to himself: "Well... the rejection reaction is a bit serious, let's put him in a low-temperature culture room to raise him for a few months."

Following his instructions, the machine servant pushed the culture cabin containing Fu Qihai around into a cabin.

After entering the Culture cabin containing Fu Qihai, Quinto stood in front of the workbench thinking about it, hesitating for a long time.

Finally, he pulled out a tube of blood-red liquid from a dark compartment under the workbench.

He named this potion: Quinto's Blood.

This is the refined and extracted product after Quinto's hundreds of years of anatomical research on various alien races and cosmic monsters, and it has many magical effects.

One or two tubes of this potion are useless for the huge territory of the entire empire. Quinto originally planned to create a potion that could be mass-produced.

However, the replication of active compounds in many cosmic trolls failed.

After all, the experimental materials were limited.

After many failed experiments, he extracted the few remaining experimental materials and extracted this tube of potion.

Master Quinto wanted to use this potion to speed up Fu Qihai's growth process.

The reason for his hesitation was not because he was reluctant to part with this medicine.

It was because he was worried that Fu Qihai's gene-seed would mutate after using this potion, which would indirectly pollute Baiscar's gene bank. If something like this happened, forget about Wo Kuotai, even mighty Jaghatai Khan would not let him go.

But he really wanted to know what would happen after the potion was used.

Master Quinto played with the tube of liquid with his delicate mechanical hand and murmured in a low voice: "Mutation... what a fascinating evolution, Humans are born from mutations, orcs are born from mutations, and Eldar are born from mutations... The origin of all life comes from mutation, why do ignorant people fear mutation so much..."

"Praise the Omnissiah, the evolution in nature is mutation, and the mutation in the laboratory is also mutation. I am allowed to do this."

Five months later...

"Chi——" Accompanied by a gust of white mist, the Culture cabin containing Fu Qihai was dragged out of the cabin by the servant.

Master Quinto had been waiting for a long time in front of the workbench.

What Wo Kuotai said somewhat stimulated him a bit. Like many scientific researchers, Quinto also has a little perfectionism.

He wants to make this young man, who was transformed by himself, one of his many exquisite works.

Rather than a product on the assembly line.

Products only talk about pass rate and works only talk about artistry.

There is absolutely no room for loss.

Master Quinto looked at Fu Qihai under the transparent glass cover; he had grown a lot taller than when he just underwent the operation.

Quinto accelerated the process with his unique technical means.

After opening the Culture cabin and observing the situation for a while, the scalpel cut open Fu Qihai's abdominal cavity precisely again.

The seventh stage of reconstructive surgery: presetting the stomach or Preomnior.

This is a stomach implanted between the native stomach and the oesophagus to detect toxic substances that enter the oesophagus and either neutralize and absorb them or become encapsulated in secretions and vomited out.

Master Quinto cut open the skin and muscles of Fu Qihai's back, exposing the white spine.

The eighth stage of the reconstruction operation: genetic detection of nerves or Omophagea.

This organ is placed in the spinal cord, connected to the original stomach, through the digestion and absorption of the genetic material of other lower organisms through the stomach wall, and "analyzes" some genetic memories and instincts of the creature, so as to enhance the ability of space marines on alien planets Wilderness survivability.

The memory and instinct at the genetic level are emphasized here.

This organ does not mean that space marines can learn other people's knowledge and skills directly by eating people because those are not instincts at the genetic level, they are acquired.

At most, this organ can perceive and learn the survival skills of some alien creatures, as well as initially grasp the natural environment information of a strange planet.

Ninth stage of remodelling surgery: Third lung or Multi-lung.

This extra lung allows the Space Marine to survive in low-oxygen, toxic gaseous environments, including underwater, allowing the Space Marine to adapt to a variety of alien atmospheric environments.

Master Quinto cut a hole in Fu Qihai's eye socket, and gently plucked Fu Qihai's eyeball out with a pair of tweezers.

The tenth stage of remodeling surgery: visual control organs or Occulobe.

Instead of directly transforming the eyeball, an organ is added at the connection between the eyeball and the brain, which releases hormones to regulate eyeball regrowth, and enhances the vision of space marine's in normal environments and low-light environments.

Putting back the original eyeballs, Master Quinto cut off Fu Qihai's ears.

The Eleventh Stage of Remodeling Surgery: Lyman's Ear.

This ear completely replaces Fu Qihai's original ear, including the inner ear canal, eardrum, cochlea, etc. It is no different from the original ear in appearance, but it can enhance the resistance to vertigo, including nausea caused by loss of direction Dizziness and dizziness from concussions also allow the receptors to filter certain sounds and amplify others on their own.

For example, the shock bombs commonly used by the Earth's anti-terrorist special police in the previous life were ineffective against Fu Qihai.

Moreover, Fu Qihai's ears are like wearing the active noise-cancelling headphones that the special forces of the earth used to wear in his previous life, which can actively filter out background white noise and amplify key sounds such as footsteps.

It feels like playing CS.

After implanting Lyman's ear, Master Quinto took out a delicate and compact power saw.

No matter in what age, craniotomy should be done with caution.

Twelfth stage of remodelling surgery: Sus-an Membrane.

This organ is implanted in the upper part of the brain and fused with the brain tissue. After special training, space marines can put themselves into a state of suspended animation, which can last for decades without eating or drinking.

Self-protection measures during the period, after entering the state of suspended animation, the assistance of the legion pharmacist is required to regain consciousness.

The thirteenth stage of remodelling surgery: pigment control organs or Melanchromic Organ.

This organ protects against high levels of sunlight or other forms of radiation damage by controlling the amount of melanin in the skin.

The pigment-controlling organs of the gene-seeds of different Legions are also different, and this organ also causes the skin colour and hair colour of Space Marines of the same Legion to be very similar.

For example, the skin colour of the salamander marines of the Eighteenth Legion became dark after implanting this organ.

After re-closing Fu Qihai's skull, which had really opened his mind, Master Quinto cut open Fu Qihai's lower abdomen.

Stage Fourteen of Remodeling Surgery: Oolitic Kidney.

Like the original kidney, the pebble kidney controls the body's fluid circulation system and has a more powerful detoxification function than the original kidney.

Master Quinto cut off Fu Qinghai's tongue.

The fifteenth stage of the reconstruction operation: taste detection nerve or Neuroglottis.

Enhances the sense of taste of space marine's, giving them the ability to identify and track targets by smell.

Quinto cut open the skin bit by bit.

The sixteenth stage of reconstruction surgery: Mucranoid.

Let the space marine secrete protective sweat to cover the skin in an extremely cold or extremely hot environment.

This sweat can even allow the space marine to survive for a short time when exposed to a vacuum environment, and it also has certain sterilization and self-cleaning functions.

Seventeenth stage of remodelling surgery: Betcher's glands.

It is also called the corrosive poison gland. The location of this gland is the same as that of the salivary gland, which allows the space marine to secrete poisonous saliva. This saliva not only blinds the eyes but can also corrode metals constantly.

At this point, the reconstruction operation is almost in the final stage.

The eighteenth stage of the reconstruction operation: gene storage glands or Progenoids.

This organ is the key to the continuation of the Astartes. This gland will enrich the hormones produced by other modified organs and store them to form two-gene seeds.

The gene seeds need five to ten years to mature. After maturity, the pharmacists of the Legion can pick it up and use it to expand the legion.

Aside, it is also the pharmacist's responsibility to recover gene seeds from fallen soldiers and maintain the legion's gene-seed bank.

After Fu Qihai's vital signs stabilized, Master Quinto made some adjustments to the instrument panel of the workbench and then took out a large piece of water-drenched black flaky substance from the cultivation tank in the hand of the mechanic.

From a distance, it looks like a plastic sheet, but from a close look, it looks like an insect's chitin shell.

The nineteenth stage of reconstruction surgery: black carapace.

The last transformation stage is the most iconic and recognizable implant of the space marine except for the giant body.

These thin slices will grow and spread after entering the subcutaneous tissue, and extend the nerve bundles into the space marine.

Once fully developed, the nerve bundles can be connected to neural sensors fixed on the surface of the Space Marine's skin, which in turn are connected to the interface of the power armour.

In this way, the space marine can directly manipulate the power armour with its nerve signals, such as using the arms and fingers, so that the solid and huge power armour can directly become another layer of skin for the space marine.

At the same time, these neural sensors also feed back the physical condition of the space marine to the power armour in real time.

Without the black carapace, a Space Marine cannot wear power armour.

The black carapace implanted.

Astarte Implementation, Completed.

Master Quinto's face showed a trace of fatigue.

The implantation and transformation of nineteen superhuman organs in a row was not an easy task for him, and it had to be done quickly and well.

"Push him into the cultivation chamber, fill the cultivation chamber with ceramic compounds, increase the concentration of the nutrient solution by 275%, add...concentration...increase...concentration.….monitor vital signs and development status at any time, and remind me if there is any problem,"

Master Kunto instructed the machine servant's

And finally, Two strong machine servants obediently pushed Fu Qihai's Culture cabin away.
