
Infinite flow of metaverse

Fu Qinghai was sucked in the infinite reincarnation world when he witnessed Alien vs Death Eaters, Jedi vs mutants, Predeator vs Anna Bell, Titan Beast vs. Mecha Hunter, ... Join Fu Qihai journey to the messed up world’s where we don’t know what’s gonna happen next … The main world will be Warhammer 40K world where Mc will begin as a giant Astarte . RAW-https://www.69shu.com/txt/B39100.htm

Tortle121 · Jeux vidéo
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21 Chs

Chapter 16 Training

Fu Qihai was allotted an empty room of a fallen Space Marine next to Wo Kuotai.

A single independent rest cabin is a very high treatment in a battleship, and ordinary crew members have cabins for 2-4 people.

Fu Qihai was picked up by Wo Kuotai early on.

There is no concept of morning and night in space, but Fu Qihai just feels that he hasn't had enough sleep.

The sleepy Fu Qihai followed Wo Kuotai in the bright and narrow crew passage.

Wo Kuotai said as he walked: "According to the normal process of the Legion, hundreds of school-age boys selected by the Storm Prophet will undergo closed training for several years in the Legion Monastery, and only the top few with excellent graders will be selected as Candidates for Promotion surgery."

Wo Kuotai looked forward with a serious face and said: "I am not a person who likes bad rules and backdoors, and now no one is competing with you, so you must be able to reach the top three in the monastery by default.

Moreover, Master Quinto has a quick way to cultivate super organs, so I will not give you two or three years."

"Within one year, you must have the prerequisites to undergo transformation .."

Fu Qihai asked: "Then what if I don't have it within a year?"

Wo Kuotai turned his head and smiled: "Then I'll give you an escape pod and throw you off the spaceship. You can Swim back to Cheslatan."

Fu Qihai swallowed; now it is light years away from Cheslatan, is it okay to swim back with the escape pod?

As they walked, the two came to a gate with a danger warning sign written on it.

Wo Kuotai verified his identity, and the gate opened.

Inside was a huge steel cage surrounded by all kinds of swords, guns, sticks, and dark long-range weapons.

Wo Kuotai pushed Fu Qihai into the steel cage and then pressed the button a few times, and the cage closed slowly.

Wo Kuotai said calmly: "Settings, lowest level of strength, stop threshold: mild disability."

"Boom!" Fu Qihai screamed and flew out, hit the side of the cage, and bounced back to the ground.

"Completed, mildly disabled." The emotionless electronic voice sounded.

Fu Qihai was still lying on the ground moaning.

Wo Kuotai twitched his lips and said with a smile, "Too weak."

... in the restaurant of the frigate.

Wo Kuotai and Fu Qihai sat facing each other. Wo Kuotai crossed his arms, looked at Fu Qihai in front of him, and said, "Your stomach is still an ordinary person's stomach, and you can't take supplementary food for space marines, but you can eat more reserve food."

Fu Qihai raised his head from a pile of rice and said with a bitter face, "But I can't eat anymore, I'm so full."

"Keep eating, you can only stop if I say stop." Wo Kuotai's emotionless voice sounded.

The mortal crew around looked at them from time to time, talking in low voices.

"I really can't eat anymore, it's stuck in my throat." Fu Qihai said with a mournful face.

"Bang!" Wo Kuotai raised his hand and pushed Fu Qihai's head into the pile of rice.


After that, there was special devil training day after day.

The training before promotion was more about physical exercise and mental willpower polishing, while more skill training and tactical learning can be carried out after promotion.

After all, space marines have an almost unlimited lifespan. As long as they can be promoted successfully, they have a lot of time that can be used to learn military skills.

But even if it's just physical exercise and mental willpower polishing, judging from Wo Kuotai's strength standard, it is still not enough for Fu Qihai to bear.

Under the continuous high-intensity training day after day, month after month, Fu Qihai has blurred the concept of time, could not perceive the passage of time, blurred his memory, and gradually forgot that he came from the earth in his previous life and forgot that he was still alive in the world of reincarnation.

During that time, the voice from the world of reincarnation never sounded again.

Thanks to the advanced medical technology of Warhammer World and the occasional care of Master Quinto.

No matter how Wo Kuotai tortured Fu Qihai the day before, he will recover the next day, but the painful memory will not dissipate with the recovery of the body, but will still be imprinted in his mind.

Except for a brief subspace jump just after leaving the outer orbit of Cheslatan, so far the entire frigate still relies on the sublight speed engine to travel at "turtle speed" in the empty and vast space.

The boring voyage also gave Wo Kuotai a lot of time to torture Fu Qihai.

The criteria for screening Space Marine candidates vary from Legion to Legion.

Some legions like to play Battle Royale, and the last ones are eliminated; some legions use a designated ferocious beast as the assessment target.

Fu Qihai could sense that Wo Kuotai also had obsessions in his heart. His behaviour of recruiting recruits on the frigate did not conform to the rules of the empire and the legion, so he hoped that Fu Qihai was good enough to prove that his vision was correct.

Before he knew it, four months had passed.


Training cage.

Wearing only a pair of training shorts, Fu Qihai, naked and bruised, stood in the centre.

Bowing his head, left and right, panting.

"Ding - low-level intensity, one hour, completed."

An emotionless electronic voice sounded above his head.

Wo Kuotai outside the training cage watched the tired boy and smiled with satisfaction.

He didn't tell Fu Qihai that the training cage is a training aid specially designed for space marines, and even the lowest intensity level is not something ordinary people can bear.

Mortals are not allowed to enter the training cage at all, and the promotion and selection of space marines in the past did not include training in the training cage, and the top few candidates of the so-called Legion Monastery did not enter the training cage before the transformation operation.

It wasn't that Wo Kuotai deliberately tortured Fu Qihai to death, it was because the conditions on the frigate were poor and there were no specially designed training facilities like those in the Legion Monastery, so he could only adapt to local conditions and try to give Fu Qihai a training cage.

Unexpectedly, he really persisted.

The tall Talar quietly appeared beside Wo Kuotai at some point and looked at Fu Qihai who was panting and resting in the training cage together.

"Master Quinto said he is ready, what about this child, is he ready?"

Wo Kuotai chuckled lightly, "Very good."

The strong man with a big forehead sitting in a wheelchair continued: "This kid's basic physical condition is not bad, he has not been polluted by radiation, has no messy dark wounds, and has no weird drug addiction."

"This is quite rare for a slum boy in the lower level of the hive capital."

Wo Kuotai narrowed his eyes and said, "The most important thing is, don't look at him smiling with me, he has persisted in this training, his tolerance for pain, his mental willpower... I don't know what Locke is feeling. Or What's going on in his mind, but I know there's something supporting him, something I can't understand."

Talar said noncommittally, "Everyone who can become a space marine has strong willpower."

Wo Kuotai snorted twice, and said, "He has other talents, you will see later."

As for Fu Qihai, who was slumped in the training cage and breathing heavily, it was only a few meters away, but he couldn't hear what the two were saying at all.

His black hair was wet with sweat and fell over his forehead.

His ears were buzzing right now, he couldn't hear anything, his whole brain was dizzy, and he could hardly think.

Fu Qihai, who had just been freed from the endless saturation attacks from all directions, almost collapsed at this moment.

This is his longest record.

After a while of slowing down, Fu Qihai finally raised his head to look at Wo Kuotai outside the cage.

Wo Kuotai nodded, indicating that he could come out.

Fu Qihai stood up unsteadily and walked outside the hatch.

Four months of high-intensity training has overwhelmed Fu Qihai's body.

Every organ and part of the human body has a different lifespan.

Excessive training and use can wear it out.

Fighters and soccer forwards are more likely to develop dementia after retirement, as are sprinters' knees, tennis players' elbows, and basketball players' ankles.

But neither Wo Kuotai nor Fu Qihai ever worried about this problem.

Because once the promotion surgery is started, these problems will eventually be solved.

The transformation surgery of space marines is not simply the addition of artificial biochemical organs.

The creation of artificial biochemical organs appeared as early as the era of barbaric science and technology when the earth's warlords fought.

The barbaric development of various uncontrolled genetic technologies brought a variety of transformed warriors to fight on Earth Terra in full swing.

Yet only the Emperor led his Thunder Warriors, unstable versions of the original Space Marines, to conquer and unify Earth.

It is rumoured that the genetic modification technology of the space marines originated from a transaction between the emperor and the evil gods of the subspace, rather than pure technological invention and innovation.

Legend has it that the Emperor finally played tricks on the evil gods of the warp.

No one knows what the emperor promised the evil gods of the warp, but he did not fulfil his promise.

So the evil gods exiled the original space marines—the embryonic cabins of twenty genes primarchs to every corner of the universe through an accident.

This is all for later.

What I want to explain here is: the transformation surgery of space marines is different from the general transformation of biochemical organs.

In a sense, this is indeed a sublimation of the level of life.


In a dark and small cabin, there was a table and two chairs.

Fu Qihai was sitting two meters away from the table, and Wo Kuotai and Talar were sitting in front of the table.

"Ahem..." Talar cleared his throat with a dry cough, and said, "According to the normal procedure, the officials from the Military Affairs should be reviewing you now, but we..."

Wo Kuotai directly raised his hand and interrupted Tarar

"I have only one question for you, Locke."

"Why do you know about the rebellion within the White Scars Legion?"

Wo Kuotai stared at Fu Qihai's eyes with burning eyes.

Fu Qihai thought to himself that it was finally here.

The civil strife in the White Scars is known in their legion.

In addition to the mortal crew members belonging to the imperial military, there are also narrators from various worlds in the expedition fleet.

They are civilians and do not understand military discipline and confidentiality regulations. It doesn't mean that the information about the White Scars civil strife has spread all over the world.

Communication between the Warhammer 40,000 universes is inherently difficult.

Space marine legions can only rely on the intermittent words of astropaths to communicate.

As soon as Horus rebelled, the evil gods in the subspace set off a subspace storm, and the astronomical communication in the galaxy was almost cut off.

That day, Wu Kuotai didn't get anything out, so Fu Qihai knew that the space warrior would force him him about the source of the information, but he didn't expect him to be so calm, and he didn't ask until now.

Fu Qihai took a deep breath and said,

"I dreamed it."

"Dreamed it?" Wo Kuotai and Talar asked in unison.

Obviously not mentally prepared for this answer.

"Yes, believe it or not, I saw it in my dream anyway, and I firmly believe in what I saw in my dream."

I don't care if you believe it or not.

Wo Kuotai and Talar frowned and looked at each other, seeing what the other wanted to say from each other's eyes.


Wo Kuotai and Talar thought of this at the same time.

There are many types of psykers, and divination is one of them.

Wo Kuotai said in a deep voice: "Boy, you'd better be honest and don't play tricks. This is related to whether you can participate in the promotion."

Fu Qihai shrugged, leaned on the back of the chair, and stopped talking.

"If he's a psyker, this matter is even more complicated... involving the Black Ship, the Navigator Family, the Psychic Academy, and the Legion's think tank..." After speaking, Talar rubbed his chin and muttered to himself.

"..." Wo Kuotai knew what Talar wanted to express; he was silent for a while and said, "Didn't our navigator say anything when Locke boarded the ship?"

Talar said, "That's exactly what I wanted to say. If Locke had a psychic talent, Van Leer would have already said so."

Affected by the subspace storm, this navigator has not been effective for a long time. As a result, the Dagger has been unable to perform subspace jumps and can only sail at sublight speeds.

The communication and transportation of the human empire is very dependent on the subspace.

The psykers of the human race are mutant humans who can communicate with the energy of the subspace.

Psykers are not welcome in most parts of the empire because they are dangerous and uncontrollable.

But there are two kinds of psykers, the astropaths communicated with all the planets and fleets in the empire's territory, and the navigators relied on the third eye on their foreheads to see the light of the Terra Astronomical Torch, guiding the fleet in the dangerous subspace.

Seeing the two chatting in front of his face, Fu Qihai didn't open his mouth.

Countless lies are needed to complete a lie. The more you tell, the more mistakes you make.

The history of the White Scars Legion comes from the novels he read in his previous life, which is equivalent to a dream in this life, saying that what he dreams about is fine.

After discussing for a while, and asking a few more questions about Fu Qihai's dream, Wo Kuotai made up his mind and went according to the original plan.

He made a decision and said: "Don't worry about those sub-organizations. It's not sure whether Locke has psychic talent.

This kid is now one of our people. The matter of psychic power will be discussed in the future when he meets Master Targutai Yesugei (Stormseer) ."

The crude political review meeting ended like this.
