
Infinite flow of metaverse

Fu Qinghai was sucked in the infinite reincarnation world when he witnessed Alien vs Death Eaters, Jedi vs mutants, Predeator vs Anna Bell, Titan Beast vs. Mecha Hunter, ... Join Fu Qihai journey to the messed up world’s where we don’t know what’s gonna happen next … The main world will be Warhammer 40K world where Mc will begin as a giant Astarte . RAW-https://www.69shu.com/txt/B39100.htm

Tortle121 · Jeux vidéo
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21 Chs

Chapter 12: Astarte

Fu Qihai and Wo Kuotai sat side by side on a steel plate on the top of the battleship, looking at the busy residents below.

The stars slowly emerged and the setting sun drew two long silhouettes in front of them.

One big and one small.

"It's been a day, why haven't they come?" Fu Qihai asked.

Wo Kuotai calmly watched the busy scene below and said, "The spaceship is a little far away from the planet, and they may also be confirming my identity."

"Your identity?"

"You know, psykers have special means."

"Special means?" Hearing this, Fu Qihai looked at Wo Kuotai with eyes full of curiosity.

Wo Kuotai explained, "As far as I know, the chief stormseer of our legion, Targutai Yesugei, can make a strong Astarte temporarily lose his memory, forget his purpose, and even make him forget what just happened."

"Oh," Fu Qihai nodded, a little disappointed. He thought that the psykers of the Space Marine could directly control a person's mind like Professor X.

Wo Kuotai's comrades may be worried that Wo Kuotai was temporarily brainwashed by the Legion Think Tank of the Son of Horus.

There is such a possibility, but the probability is not high.

Fu Qihai couldn't think of the significance of a precious legion think tank appearing on a remote planet like Cheslatan.

The appearance of a Space Marine is news enough. Even brainwashing can only last for a short period of time, and it is impossible to control a Space Marine for a long time.

Taking it a step further, the current Son of Horus, who used to be the Luna Wolf, clearly supported the Emperor's decision to abolish the establishment of the think tank of legion psykers.

The proportion of think tank units is also not high.

"Believe me, they will be here soon." Wo Kuotai comforted.

Fu Qihai also had some expectations in his heart.

He hoped that many of his doubts would be answered in the subsequent landing.


In the distance, a white and red fixed-wing aircraft set off violent dust, and with the roar of the engine, the huge fuselage slowly descended.

Different from the streamlined aerodynamic shape that was popular with previous Earth spacecraft, this aircraft, apart from its huge size comparable to a space shuttle, has sharp edges and corners, straight and rigid lines, solid and thick armour, and is full of ferocious muscles.

The main wing is placed at the rear, and there are two duck wings next to the nose.

The two types of wings looked strong, thick, and angular.

Two pairs of dark side double-mounted heavy explosives exposed on the side of the fuselage.

If the fighter plane on Earth in the previous life was an elegant and slender lady, this behemoth is a muscular man armed to the teeth.

The Warhawk VI transport ship, also known as the Stormbird, is a common attack and transport ship of the Space Marines, It can fight outside the atmosphere or within the atmosphere and is usually used as a landing craft by the Space Marines.

Fu Qihai has no opinion on its appearance, which looks very strong and durable but is not in line with aerodynamics.

There is also no need to consider the aerodynamic shape when flying outside the atmosphere, but when flying inside the atmosphere... as we all know, as long as the power is enough, the bricks can fly into the sky, and only those sissy aircraft with insufficient engine thrust need to consider the aerodynamic shape.

Brainless and thrust are the essences of flying violent aesthetics (dog head).

Looking at the Stormbird slowly descending in the distance, Fu Qihai's thoughts gradually jumped out of the universe itself.

He doesn't have much understanding of the history and culture of Mongols to help him better integrate into the White Scars Army, and he has to rely more on trying to recall the development of the original plot to gain benefits.

After coming to a complete stop, the hatch on the belly of the Stormbird slowly opened, and Fu Qihai pushed Wo Kuotai's wheelchair to meet him.

A tall silhouette of at least 7 to 8 feet tall emerged from the smoke , he was incredibly muscular and well-built physique , his helmet concealed his faces only showing glowing red eyes and wore a advanced power armor, which was a marvel of technology and provides them with enhanced strength, speed, and protection.

The smoke dissipated, and the tall warrior in battle armour gently took off his helmet and put it on his waist, revealing a cropped, weather-beaten face.

Looking at the empty lower body of Wo Kuotai in the wheelchair, the original joy on his face gradually disappeared, and he said in a complicated tone:

"Wo Kuotai, my brother, are you okay?"

Looking at the tall warrior in front of him, he suddenly laughed and opened his arms, and said, "Of course, Talar, I'm doing fine !"


In Calvin's small villa.

Two men who were huge and obviously different from ordinary people sat facing each other. There was no one else here, and even Calvin himself was kicked out of the living room.

"This is a worthless colonial planet. There was no time to establish an agricultural breeding factory. Limited food, fuel, materials, supplies, and population. Why did the Sons of Horus come here?" Talar asked.

"I don't know," Wo Kuotai pursed his lips, "but I have a guess."

"What guess?"

"They don't know either." After speaking, Wo Kuotai became silent.

"What do you mean? Oh, you mean..." Talar, who was sitting across from him, was taken aback for a moment before realizing it.

"That's right, this is a planet discovered and conquered by Expedition Fleet 17, not by us, nor by the Son of Horus."

Wo Kuotai continued: "Look, the Blood Angels conquered a planet and marked it on the star map as a Terra-like planet suitable for the development of agriculture, and that's it.

They don't need to, and they have no way to inform other legions of the actual development of this planet. What do you think they will do with the planet marked as an agricultural world?"

"Anyway, they will take a look first," Talar affirmed.

"That's right, and then we ran into them by chance." After Wo Kuotai finished speaking, he pushed his wheelchair towards the door.

A trace of hatred flashed in Wo Kuotai's eyes, "I can't wait to catch up with our fleet now and go to Terra to fight the traitors to the death, for the Khan and the Emperor."

"You're right." Talar said in a deep voice, "But don't forget, we have a mission."

"I haven't forgotten." Wo Kuotai slowly nodded, "Needless to say, we're leaving now."

"But before we leave, I have to take someone with me."