
Infinite Evolution: A spy in multiverse

An ace spy died and woke up in the body of Sheyan, protagonist of the Ultimate Evolution novel. With all his previous life skills and experience plus a System, read how he conquers all worlds while having fun along the way. I am not good with synopsis, just read til 10th chapter, I am sure you will be hooked. ✌️ --------&-------- First world: Terminator second world: Pirates of the carribbean Discord: https://discord.gg/mDFWsGubjt

_Crimson_ · Films
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94 Chs

Chapter 67 - Plans

Sheyan stopped and looked at the dead corpse laying in front of him.

"Well well, Killing this lord Fokke really wasn't included in my plans before coming to this world but after coming to this world my strength has increased tremendously and after I take over all of his powers, I can deal with almost anyone in this world except some chosen few." Sheyan muttered to himself and bent down to touch Little Lord Fokke's corpse.

A crimson key came out Little Lord Fokke and floated in Sheyan's hand and since since Sheyan still had his Pirate captain title equipped, he also saw some shiny objects on Little Lord Fokke's body. He picked them up too and stored them in his storage. After this Sheyan stood up and looked around the place.

There were many corpses lying around, including the corpses of some guards who came to help Little Lord Fokke, the corpse of magical horse Momore and the some hapless fellows who got involved in fight involuntarily and got shot by some stray bullets.

But there was no lack of living people either, with the death of Little Lord Fokke, his subordinates had already come out from their hidings and were standing in attention right now, many of the locals of Turtuga port and pirates were surrounding the place too, a look full of disbelief was plastered on their faces.

"Lo-Lo-Lord Fokke got ki-killed!"

"How can this happen!?"

"Who is this person, I have never heard about a pirate like him."

People and pirates were voicing out their doubts to each other.

Sheyan looked at them and the gears of his brain turned quickly.

'With the death of Little Lord Fokke and his magical horse Momore, this Turtuga port has become a 30 years old recently widowed woman full of seductive charm with no one to protect. Many pirates have gathered near Turtuga port because of the French fleet, who is going to pass by from this sea route soon, The news about Little Lord Fokke's death will soon be known by them, I am sure they won't be able to stop their greed and would surely attack Tortuga port to loot it.'

'Even the three legendary pirate groups are docking on this island, even though Black pearl is just a merchant ship right now but with such a huge pie before them, they will surely mix up in the chaos to loot this island, And Blackbeard, heh, black magic requires many resources, how could those resources be brought without money, I am sure he will be attacking too.'

'About flying Dutchman, I remember that there seems to be some type of contract between Davy Jones and the ancestor of Fokke family 'Bernard Fokke', according to that contract they can't attack each other's members and should always maintain a peaceful status, if anyone of them failed to adhere to these terms then the violator will be cursed. In the original novel, Davy Jones got cursed after Paul accidentally killed a member of the Fokke family, so there is a high chance that he won't attack the island for now.'

'This Turtuga port will surely fall in chaos very soon, if all goes well then it might happen tomorrow as there is still a fragrant enough pie of the French fleet for the pirates loot but by tomorrow those pirates will surely attack Tortuga port.'

'With my current force, I no longer need to fear anyone in the current world but keeping the gains of Turtuga port is not possible with my current force and there is still the hidden danger of other candidates in the dark, the only way to solve all the problems is....'

Sheyan thought of many things but only a few seconds passed in real life, very soon an evil and smug smile appeared on his face.

Sheyan looked at his subordinates and walked to them.

"ALL OF YOU DID A GOOD JOB, AS YOUR CAPTAIN I AM REALLY SATISFIED." Sheyan spoke while deliberately increasing his voice, so all the bystanders could hear him.

And just how Sheyan expected, after the bystanders heard his words, they showed a surprised face.

"He is the captain of this group!"

"He doesn't look fierce and evil at all, but the way he fought with that Cursed Lord Fokke, I can say he is not someone we can fight."

"What is he gonna do now? Will he loot the Turtuga port?"

People discussed in low voices while looking at Sheyan.

Some of the affiliated pirates quietly left the group to run towards their ship, such a big information must be reported to their respective captains soon.

"Captain, you are flattering us, everything was done by you all alone."

"Yes captain, You did everything, we just fired the magical artifact given by the captain."

Pirates quickly exclaimed and praised Sheyan.

Just now they saw everything, they saw how Sheyan dealt with Litte Lord Fokke. They helped too but they just killed some scattered guards and delayed Little Lord Fokke, while Sheyan did everything else on his own with his two female subordinates and killed the fearsome Little Lord Fokke.

"Well there is no need to be humble, you all helped in your own way." Sheyan smiled and spoke while waving his hand.

"But there is no time for relaxing right now, I have new orders for you all." Sheyan continued.

"Captain, just say it, we will complete the order even if you order us to die for you!" Mongor stepped up and exclaimed loudly in excitement while bowing down.

Hearing this conversation, all the bystanders perked up their ears, all of them were really curious about this group's next course of action, after all their next course of action will decide the fate of Fokke family and even the fate of Tortuga port.

"Now that Lord Fokke is dead, all the treasures kept in Fokke family's castle are our to take, but before we can do this there are still three big obstacles in our way." Sheyan spoke while showing three fingers.

Pirates listened carefully.

"First, The guards of Fokke family. Second, other pirate groups. Third, that group of mysterious people who attacked the castle of Fokke family."

"Dealing with these three groups individually is already very tough, let alone right now, all three of them might attack at the same time." Sheyan spoke in a serious tone.

Hearing his words, faces of Sheyan's subordinates appeared serious, but none of them showed fear, they might have been with Sheyan for less than a day but the things they have seen and experienced in just this one day are something, they haven't seen or experienced in their whole life, they were completely convinced of Sheyan's strength.

"Captain, you just need to order, it doesn't matter who appears, I will cut off their heads and offer their bodies to you." Mongor spoke with a serious expression.

Sheyan nodded in satisfaction and continued speaking.

"Well the current situation is actually not that serious, there is still a way for us to deal with all these problems and earn even more profits."

Pirates showed a smile and listened carefully. Their eyes revealed what they were thinking. 'as expected of captain, there is nothing he can't deal with.'

"Our current pirate group contains only 100 or so members, it's too little, If we take more people to join our group, preferably 400 or so people and give all of them a magical artifact gun then no matter who comes to the door, they can only rest here forever." Sheyan spoke about the way to deal with his current situation.

Eyes of all pirates shown with a light and they quickly looked around the place. This place was filled with people, there were already more than 200 people here.

"JieJieJie, captain is really well versed in strategies." An old pirate spoke while looking at the people standing around them.

All the bystanders suddenly felt weird from the gazes of this group.

Sheyan looked at the bystanders and spoke loudly.

"All of you standing here must have seen the power of my pirate group right, well the thing is I gathered this pirate group from scratch yesterday."

"What! He gathered this fearsome group only yesterday! Who is he kidding!?"

"No no, I have been a pirate for a long time and have seen the members of many pirate groups, because of that I can tell you all for sure that some of these guys standing beside that Eastern guy belongs to different fearsome pirate groups."

"I heard a rumor in the morning, some big pirate ship was seen running around attacking other pirate ships and that big ship actually swallowed its opponent ships after the fight."

"Could it be that this guy is the captain of that hungry ship!?"

People once again started to discuss among themselves and the rumours circulating around the Tortuga port surfaced.

"Now, I am presenting an opportunity to all of you." Sheyan spoke at this time, disrupting the discussion among the bystanders.

"What opportunity?" A young pirate asked loudly.

"Opportunity to be the member of the strongest pirate group. None of you may have heard the name of my pirate group but know that I created this group just yesterday. I am sure in future the name of Scarlett Pirate group would resound all over the Caribbean Sea and right now all of you have the opportunity to join this group." Sheyan spoke loudly, his voice filled with strength and confidence.

"Although this guy is very strong, but the strongest pirate group? Does he not know about the legends of the Flying Dutchman and Queen Anne's revenge." A pirate spoke with a sneer.

Hearing his words, other bystanders nodded in agreement and thought that this easterner was just boasting.

Sheyan looked at the bystanders and sighed.

'Subduing people with just words really isn't made for me but...' An evil smile appeared on Sheyan's face.

He lifted his foot and took a step forward.


Right after Sheyan placed his foot down, an invisible occursion spread all over the place and struck the bystanders.

*Plop* *plop* *plop*

All the bystanders fell on their knees from the sudden shock, their hearts came to their throats.

"What the.."


"Well, this is my proof of power, now all of you have two choices. First choice is of course to surrender. Second choice hehehe." Sheyan chuckled evilly before completing the words.

All the bystanders felt dread in their hearts from Sheyan's chuckle and made up their minds quickly.



Immediately exclamations of the people rang all over the place.

Very soon all the people who were kneeling surrendered.

Sheyan looked at this scene and a big smile appeared on his face.

Sheyan's subordinates also smiled enthusiastically as they saw this scene, the captain really is a god, making everyone surrender with just a look, which man can do such a thing in this world.

The people who surrendered also thought.

'Anyways this person is this strong, maybe surrendering to him and joining him isn't such a bad thing.'

"Good, now that all of you have joined me willingly then it's time to explain some small things and distribute the first task you all have to complete." Sheyan spoke, his words made every one quiten down and listen carefully.

"Very soon, a group of guards of Fokke family will appear here, you first task is to deal with them, ofcourse I am not gonna use you all as some cannon fodders, I will give each of you a magical equipment, with the equipment you can deal with those guards easily." Sheyan continued speaking while a part of his clothes separated from his body and transformed into a big pile of mini Uzis.

"For this task, 200 people should be sufficient, the rest of you got a different task. Many of you should have seen those people who bombed the Fokke family castle right. So, my task for the rest of you is to hunt them down, kill them and bring their bodies to me."

As Sheyan stopped talking, the people who were listening carefully looked at the pile of strange guns in front of them, who were made by this new captain of theirs by some unknown mysterious means.

"We understand" Newly acquired subordinates answered.

"Good, these people behind you will teach you the basics of this weapon. Now stand up and take your weapons quickly." Sheyan nodded in satisfaction.

After this all the people got up quickly and picked up one Mini Uzi each.

While they were picking weapons and learning about it, Sheyan opened the nightmare Imprint to check the notification he received just a while ago.

[ The number of subordinates under your command has crossed 300 people. ]

[ Your current reputation status among pirates is Revered 2500/15000 ]

[ You have completed the advanced milestone 'Pirate Captain' ]

[ You have obtained an Advanced title 'Pirate Captain' ]


I know it's been a long time since I last updated, I sincerely apologise for that my friends. My exams are still ongoing and it's very hard for to write, I try to write whenever I get free time but this breaks my ryhtm of writing as starting to write then stopping then continuing it the next day makes it very hard to write a chapter. My exams will end on 8th of June, after that I will fasten up my pace of posting chapters.