
Chapter Two hundred and fifteen.

Recognition flashed in Jeff's eyes the moment he saw Alexis. Even though he had not stepped inside the office yet, he did not back out either. There was no reply from his side rather he had resorted to silence.

Alexis tilted her hair examining him further, "Are you not the secretary I was told about?"

"Huh?" He shook out of his stupor. "Yes, yes I am."

She smiled. "Well then get to work. I can tell you this I hate tardiness." She warned him with a smile on her face.

"Yes ma'am," he nodded.

"And Jeff?" He halted. "Bring me a diary. The one with a good, not extravagant cover and don't bring it directly here, run it through Nadine first." Of course, Nadine went with her.

"Yes Ma'am," he nodded and left.

She smiled and swirl it around in her chair. This was going to be fun.


'Revenge is sweet.

         ... Within limits of course.'