
Chapter Ninety-six.

Kindly drop a red stone. It would be highly appreciated. 


"The fuck?" Angelo growled into the phone as he heard the other person. "Who entered by the house?"

"A lawyer.." the person on the call muttered.

"What. Fucking. Lawyer?" He growled again. "Speak up!" He yelled.

"We don't know sir. A background check is being done.."

"What fucking lawyer, " he seethed. "This is the third time that I am repeating it and so help me God, if you are clear in what you say." He warned. He had had enough of this shit and God forbid if anyone came in his way now. 

The person on the other side of the firm was scared. He was talking to an angry boss. Angelo was always brooding but he was not angry. Now he was and the guard was sure that he was going to be executed.

"This lawyer is not someone that had appointed for Madam. She was arranged for a different lawyer." He said. "Should we stop him from entering?"