
Chapter Forty-one.

"You called, Sir." Madison purred as she swayed her hips while walking towards him, completely ignoring Alexis's presence on the waiting chair and licking her lips wanting to enhance her sex appeal more.

"Stop." One word from the owner; Robert and she stopped immediately and in fact, she looked dumbfounded. Madison knew the effect she had on people especially men and rejection was something she had not expected.

"Madison," he began, "your behaviour, is something not approved by our owner, so it has been decided that you will be fired."

"M-me?" She pointed a finger at herself and watched everyone with wide eyes. "You're firing me?" She spoke again, barely whispering.

"Yes I am," Robert confirmed, "The investor or I'd rather say the owner has told me to do so. I would suggest that you go and talk it out with them." He had pointed at Alexis when he said that she was the owner and sat in his chair, completely ignoring Madison and focusing on Alexis again.