

after trying so many times, a couple couldn't get a child. then they make a wish to a legendary dragon, and their wish is fulfilled. is that child, normal or not?

Utkarshuniyal · Fantaisie
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18 Chs


One Month Later.

Eric masters his first form of 'heaven slayer'. he just needs to learn how to create a sword aura, he practices the sword in the morning, then goes hunting, after hunting he gather mana.

after mastering the first form, he went to Aldon and said "gramps I have mastered the first form of heaven slayer"

Aldon said "saw me "

Eric saw the first form and cut a tree. then Aldon take out his sword and move toward Eric, they both start fighting with the first form, Aldon is not using his sword aura and energy. Aldon thinking (this kid footstep, sword swing and balance are perfect. he masters the first form, I was known as the genius in my time, and it takes me 6 months to master the first form, and he did it in just 1 month. I didn't make any mistake by teaching him, heaven slayer. )

after few minutes they both stop.

Aldon said "your progress is not bad, you need to practice more and now hunt 5 lower-mid-level beasts"

Eric ask "how can I make a sword aura and energy?"

Aldon answers "for that you have to immerse your sword with your soul "

Eric ask "how can I do that?"

Aldon answer "you have to do it by yourself"

then Eric went to the jungle and start hunting. after mastering the first form, it becomes easier for him to hunt lower-low-level beasts, that's why Aldon increase the difficulty.

One Month Later.

Eric is sitting on a stone, gathering mana in his heart, mana gathering is at its limit, which is about to burst and it burst, the energy that releases from Eric body destroyed all of the surrounding trees. Aldon hears the voice and thinks (it came from there where Eric practising. ) he run to that place as fast as possible. he was worried about Eric. when he reaches that place. he saw Eric unconscious, he ran to him, when he touches Eric he feels the flow of mana from his body, he was shocked to see and say "how is that possible" then he remembered his words ( if it's me, then it's possible) then he laugh "this kid is something"

when Eric wakes up, he saw himself in his cave. where Aldon making him some food.

Eric ask "grandpa what happened to me, when did I come here "

Aldon answers "you brat, you become awaken"

after that Aldon tell everything to Eric what happened, after eating Eric asks about his attribute.

Aldon reply "to know your attribute we need a magic crystal, which detects the attribute of a person, but first, you need to learn sword aura. when you get to that point, I will take you somewhere"

Eight-Month Later

Eric (6 years old ) learn sword aura and sword energy, he masters the second form of heaven slayer. now he hunts medium-high-level beasts.

Aldon looking at him proudly and thinking (it take me 5 years to learn sword aura and sword energy and this brat already learn it within a year. and he awakens at age of 5, his mana room will be bigger than a normal human, and the energy that comes from that brat in his awakening is way bigger than mine, the bigger the energy burst stronger the attribute. )

Aldon said "Eric, we have to go now, but first let's buy you some clothes"

Eric and Aldon leave the forest, Aldon hides in Eric sword.

Eric said "how you do this gramps"

Aldon reply " my physical body was destroyed by the demon king, the thing that you are seeing is my soul. I am compatible with that sword, that why I can enter in this sword at my will "

Eric said " it means, I spend my whole year with a ghost"

Aldon said " I am not a ghost. I just need to find a body, then I can enter him. and one more thing, you are the wielder of this sword, only you can hear me "

Eric reaches a town, he went to a clothes shop. shop manager sees him, she went to him and ask "where is your mommy kid? "

Eric said "I want to buy some clothes"

the manager said " ok son, you can buy clothes, but where are your parents"

Eric said "they are at home"

shop manager is kind-hearted, watching a kid wearing worn-out clothes, she pities him. she takes him to bathroom arrange warm water and clothes for him. when Eric come out wearing those dresses after bathing, shop manager said "you are too cute and handsome "

Eric said "thank you" and he gives her a pouch, and said, "people like you, are the real treasure of this world " then he left the shop.

(when the shop manager open the pouch, she see so many gold coins in it, she was wondering who that kid was)

Aldon said "you need to buy gloves too "

Eric said "why"

Aldon reply "because your birthmark is showing your identity, stronghold"

after hearing that Eric buy gloves and a mask to hide his identity and ask Aldon "so, you know who I am from the start"

Aldon said "yes, that mark is the birthmark of stronghold family. and I know it from the start when you meet me the first time "

Eric said " why didn't you tell me that you know my identity"

Aldon said "because you never told me, after asking about you. so I thought you want to hide your identity"

you may be the great grandson of Rawn stronghold or somehow related to him.

Eric didn't say anything after that.

Aldon takes him to the Neutral city, it takes a weak for them to reach there.

(Neutral city is a city, which is made after the end of 'the battle of the four races'. where all four races can gather and do their business. )

(it's the first time for Eric in Neutral city. he can see people of different races in one place.)

Aldon takes him to the elf embassy.

Eric ask "will they accept me"(Eric wearing his mask)

Aldon said "just show them your ring, they will treat you like a VIP "

Eric went in front of the door, guards stop him, he shows his ring to them. they get panic and ask for forgiveness. Eric acts like royalty and went in. all the elf in the embassy treating him like VIPs. then Eric asks "where is the embassy master, " embassy master secretary said "master went to do some important work" then Eric ask for a room and sending a magical crystal to his room.

when they were in the room, Aldon came out from the sword and said "are you ready to check your attribute"

Eric said "yes"

Aldon said "what do you think you will get "

Eric reply "I don't care whatever I get, as long as it can help me become stronger "

Aldon thinking

(I don't know what you will get either Eric. but observing you all this time, I am sure about one thing, that is

you are destined to be great...)