
8. Gathering Support

1917, Maharashtra, India

I have achieved most of my goals that I set to achieve suring the war. I have already made many contacts with patriot nobles and convinced them for support. My organisation and spy network is spreading at great speed and have spread to central, western and some northern and southern parts of India. I am still recruiting people for my party as I want some people for each state of the country and people of every caste and religion so that everyone have some representation in the government. That's what I am doing right now in what will be known as Maharashtra. I don't want to recruit nobles or anyone related to them so I am looking touring through the area to look for educated people or atleast those that can help me are progressive. I have already went through the people I trained from this region and selected some people but I want some well known people too.

I am also trying to get in contact with tribes all over India to get them on my side and to keep an eye on the trade routes through forests to loot premium products of British so that they don't profit from it. But we will also ensure that normal Indian merchants don't suffer raids on their cargo through these routes. In future I want these tribes to help in collecting herbs for medicine, guarding forests from over hunting and severe deforestation and to rovide guides for save travel through forests.

I will empower them, train them and make them as salf dependent as possible so that no one ever thinks of them as lower caste in any society.

My parents are looking for a girl for me to marry and settle down, they don't want me to quit the struggle against British but says they want to see their grandchildren before dying. Seriously, I can't understand them sometime they only in just entered their 40s. As they will not listen to me I said that the girl should atleast meet my conditions like beautiful, well educated (not a degree but atleast should have completed school) and shouldn't try to stop me even if I get arrested in future.

They finally agreed to this and are looking for a girl who meet these conditions. Last I heard they were in talks with the prince of Indore whose sons got married to Nawab's daughters, for his daughter, Rudramma's hand. I met her once when I was taking the Nawab's daughter to the palace of Indore. She is truly beautiful with silky black hair, onyx doe like eyes, petal lips and a slim waist with curvaceous figure. Truly, if the prince of Indore agrees and she meets my conditions then I wouldn't be against it.

But aside from that I have met many kings of different princely states that are against the colonial rule and agreed to support me in my my rebellion. I also eliminated any kings and Nawab's that supported Britishers and put pro nationalists in their place. I also removed all spies in their regions so that the Britishers don't know the real figure head of the rebellion until I finally decide to come out till now I am only gaining support through my charities and showing support for myself as Agradoot infront of normal people.

I can easily say that if I launch a movement now Bengal, Bihar, Orissa,most of Maharashtra and central states will rise in support of my rebellion if my Agradoot persona says them to.

So after securing whole Maharashtra and Karnataka, I am going to focus on northern regions, mainly Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh the biggest and most populated states respectively.

I am also sending my men in the region of Myanmar and Nepal so that it doesn't separate from India this time and am trying to convince Bhutan to join India after independence but Bhutan is going to take a long time as it is an independent country but a weak one as it needs loans and military support from India even in 21st century. I will think about Lanka after I convince Gond tribe to help me and spread into southern states.

I will spread my influence in eastern and southern states in the end because South was the least affected culturally and is still difficult for Britishers to hold and West is too far from major states but I will spread my influence in these states by next year.

I am already spreading knowledge about arts that were lost in the colonial rule and constant invasion by different dynasties from lodhi to mughals, like ayurveda, metallurgy and cloth designing. I am setting up several small factories for these works in different areas like textile mills in Bengal, iron factories in Bihar and such. I am also promoting art of every kind as much as I can.

My businesses are spreading in India too but slowly. I have become a well known name in science fields and in industrial sector too. I am taking advantage of the inflation caused due to war to profit as much as I can and am creating as many problems for Britishers in their colonies as much as I can. I made sure that nothing could be traced back to me and will keep doing it till the war ends.

UK may have been the 5th ranked most economically stable country but it was only due to its colonies, mainly India, take them away from them before they could stablize themselves and their whole economy will crash on itself. My aim is not only to make India independent but ruin all the countries that illegally profited from India or atleast make them pay for what they did. This time no diplomatic relations will be be formed with them until they pay for what they did. This is my vow to Mahadev.


Author's note

Sorry for the delay I was busy yesterday and today. From now on there will be consistent updates if something unexpected doesn't come up.

Sorry once again