
7. Agradoot

1916, Nawab's Manor, Bengal

Today the Nawab Asaf Uddaula is hosting a party at his manor for becoming a member of Muslim League. Many members of Muslim League and British officials are invited in the celebration. He is also going to announce the marriage of his two daughters with another member of Muslim League Wajid Ali Shah. From what I have learned from keeping an eye on him his daughters don't want to marry an old man but their father is forcing them for it. Well this celebration confirmed that Muslim League was in contact with British government and the whole partition was done to keep some control over Indian subcontinent after independence and that they were nothing more than terrorist who were responsible for Bengal famine, riots and the murder of countless people on both side of border during partition. I will not let any such thing happen this time even if I have to kill each member of Muslim League by my own hands.

But right now my goal is to literally blow up this celebration. For that I have already installed my men as servants few months back. They are going to spread black powder all over the place that will burn this place. And I have already started planning my next step for destroying this Nawab before I kill him.

So before executing my plan I sneaked into the two girls room when they were alone and crying over their fate. "I can help you in changing your fate if you want." I said to them while coming out of my hiding place. I was dressed completely in black with a black cloth and turban hiding my whole face other than my eyes.

They panicked seeing me and asked " Who are you?"

"I am Agradoot, a freedom fighter and I can help you in escaping from this forced marriage. So, do you want me to help you." I asked.

They thought about it for sometime than I asked "What will you gain by helping us."

Well I will have to say they are smart. So I decided to tell them the truth. "I want you to tell me everything your father plans with Muslim League and Britishers and in return I will help you in escaping from this forced wedding." I told them.

After sometime they agreed so I asked them "Do you love someone and want to marry that too loves you?" I questioned.

They answered that they love the twin son's of king of Indore. He is a king with very progressive thinking and very helpful towards his subjects. They told me that he agreed to take them as his daughter in laws and even sended a proposal for their hand in marriage but their father declined. So I told them to send a message to their lovers to be ready and I will help them flee the marriage on the wedding day.

After that I left their room and went to execute my plan. I went to the locker of the Nawab I his study where he keeps all his money, gold and important documents. I entered the room through the window as their were guards posted outside the room. I silently started working and opened the locker in ten minutes and stole everything and threw it out of the window of the window. My men outside caught it sneaked outside and went to the safehouse. Meanwhile, I searched the room for things like a diary, notes or letters that could tell me about his shady dealings. After looking around for sometime I finally found his diary in a secret compartment in the table.

I kept it on my person and made some noise so that the guards outside will hear it and come inside. When the guards enter and saw me they shouted chor(thieve) and came to attack me. I confronted them and made them unconscious very easily and ran out of the room so that everyone could see me. While running I picked a torch from a stand and ran to the event hall. Some armed officials tried to confront me and asked "Who am you?"

"I am Agradoot, death of slavers like you and salvation of my people" after saying this I threw the torch towards the place where the black powder was kept and the fire started spreading. I ran away in the confusion caused by the fire. I was not worried about any innocent getting caught in fire as we planned it such that it will not spread much but will end the celebration.

After running away from there I went to the safehouse we all planned and celebrated a the success of our first mission. We will hide the money and lie low for sometime then distribute the money between poor and oppressed people forced to pay high taxes like Robin hood.

Over the past few months we have done several raids, whenever there was a festival or celebration we raided a noble or rich man's house and took everything in their lockers. We also killed those who tortures people, sell them in slavery, etc. From the Nawab's diary I learned that he and his son's used to sell young girls in the area as sex slave with some of his partners. So after I made his daughters flee their marriage, I kidnapped him and his sons, tortured every detail about this out of them and made the Nawab write a will in which he leaves every thing he owns to his son in laws and killed them very painfully.

His daughters decided to give all the land to the farmers in all but name, otherwise British would have appointed a new zamindar who would have demanded high taxes again. The farmers were very happy that now they can farm whatever they want and will not have to pay almost everything as tax. I also tracked all the partners in this slave trade and did the same thing to them and have them write all there assets in the name of a family member who will think about people and nation before their own profit and religion. Britishers were not able to understand how I did all this, whenever they tried to lay a trap I will learn about it from my network and their whole plan will flop but I am gaining too much attention in Bengal so I have decided to send my men who are of almost same height as me and start operating in different states to confuse them.