
Chapter 2.5 A Test of Time Part 5

After lathering his skin with lotion, Thor changed into more comfortable pants and stepped out of the bathroom, surprised to see that Loki was sitting on his bed, as naked as he was before. It seemed that he'd used seidr to dry his hair completely, and when he looked up and smirked at him, Thor's heart stopped.

He'd never been this entranced by a person before and laughed softly, making his way over to the Jotun. "Every time I stare at you, I feel as if you've bewitched me."

Loki grinned and relaxed further on Thor's bed, inviting him over not so subtly. "Well, your men certainly think so. I believe they've taken to calling me a witch."

Thor settled himself on top of Loki, letting out a small laugh when the niouvi spread out underneath him and draped his arms around his neck, drawing him in for an earth-shattering kiss. "Have you ever been with someone like me before?"

Returning Loki's kiss, Thor moved to brush the pads of his thumbs over Loki's exposed nipples, pleased when Loki reacted to this. "I have not. But I have been with both sexes, so I'm certain I can be the reason you're writhing in the sheets beneath me."

Loki laughed softly and drew Thor's lips back to his own, finding that their kisses deepened quickly. The niouvi's hands moved to explore the expanses of Thor's exposed torso eagerly, reveling in the rippling muscles under his touch.

He felt Thor's tongue lick against his bottom lip and parted his lips, letting out a soft sound when their tongues connected, sliding against each other in ways that sent jolts running down both their spines.

Thor wasn't sure what Loki's nether regions looked like - all he knew was that he was dual-sexed - so he broke their kiss and pulled away, finally looking down. He was shocked to see that Loki literally had a cock and a cunt, and found himself growing curious, running a finger down Loki's wettening lips. "Norns…"

Loki bit a lower lip when Thor slid a thick digit into him and reached down, beginning to pump his cock. Climaxing from both sexes simultaneously was a world-ending experience, and Loki hoped that he would be able to do so multiple times throughout their coupling.

Thor couldn't help but notice that Loki didn't have testicles and made a mental note to ask him about it after their coupling. The last thing he wanted was to kill the mood by making Loki feel as if he was a science experiment. Instead, he traced kisses down Loki's torso, stopping when he reached the niouvi's erect cock and spreading his tongue along the length of it, gently moving Loki's hand out of the way.

The Jotun curled his toes and groaned when Thor maneuvered another digit into him while drawing the engorged head of his cock into his mouth and tossed his head back, moaning again when Thor continued to lick him here.

Hearing Loki moan or pant was like music to Thor's ears and he pulled himself off of Loki's member, reaching up and behind Loki to grab a pillow. He then pulled his fingers out of the niouvi and marveled at how wet they were for a moment before sliding this pillow under Loki's hips, propping them up.

Loki spread his legs and let out a loud moan when Thor licked along the lips of his cunt, the Aesir's tongue slipping into him while his large hand jerked him off at a steady pace. He reached down and ran his fingers through Thor's golden hair, encouraging him to continue.

Holding Loki down in place with a strong hand on the niouvi's hip, Thor quickened the rate that his hand moved along Loki's shaft, and spread his tongue along Loki's cunt, knowing that he was close.

Gasping, Loki arched in Thor's hold when the Aesir dragged his thumb across the head of his cock, the stimulation causing him to climax from both sexes. The waves of ecstasy that washed over him caused his body to twitch or jerk minutely, and he grasped at the sheets of the bed, trying to catch his breath. "Norns…"

Thor sat up and wiped Loki's juices from his lips and beard, making hooded eye contact with the niouvi. Almost instantly Loki was reaching up and pulling him closer, and Thor slanted their lips together for a sloven kiss, settling himself between Loki's legs, and rutting slowly against him.

Feeling Thor's massive cock rutting against him sent a passionate flame of desire running through Loki, and he reached down between them, beginning to stroke Thor through his pants. "Take these off."

Thor reached down and managed to shimmy out of his pants in between kisses, stroking himself a few times before sinking into Loki, letting out a guttural groan when he did so. His hips immediately began to snap into Loki, and when the niouvi dragged his nails down his back and arched into his hold, that sent a fierce fever through him, causing him to wrap his arms around Loki and kiss him again and again.

The way Thor was moving into him had Loki seeing stars, and he tossed his head back when the Aesir began to lick at his jugular, grasping at him even tighter.

When Thor reached down to pump Loki's cock in time to his thrusts, Loki cried out and arched in Thor's hold again, cum shooting onto his chest as he climaxed from both sexes once again.

Thor wasn't that far behind him, and feeling the niouvi's warmth pulse and spasm around him spurred his own climax.

The pair's lips came together again and they kissed as they crashed through the waves, being drawn together by an almost electrical force. It seemed that now that they started, they couldn't stop, and they fucked until they were both too sensitive to continue and collapsed in bed, their arms intertwined in each other's embrace.

It had been some time since Loki had been this sated, and he found that having sex with Thor made a lot of their walls crumble, as he was currently nestled comfortably against the Aesir's side, Thor's large hands resting on his rear. He was relieved that their sexual chemistry was so high, as that was at least something he had to look forward to.

Relaxing in comfortable silence was nice, and he hoped that this moment was a reflection of how their marriage would be. Marrying Thor was the only conceivable way that he could get what he wanted in the way he wanted, and although he felt more secure about marrying the Aesir now, there was still a bit of fear in his heart that made him chastise himself for giving up his life of predictability and comfort.

"Do you regret leaving your homeland?"

Thor's deep voice drew Loki from his mind, and he sighed softly, absentmindedly stroking Thor's chest. He was never completely honest with anyone and being that way was the only reason he made it this far in his life. Although he was marrying Thor, that didn't mean he would immediately open up the core of his being and share it with him. Self-preservation was a must, and he refused to entangle himself with something as useless as "feelings" and "romance".

"I don't." He knew Thor wanted a deeper answer, so he decided to let out a bit more, quickly thinking of a longer response. "Marrying you is a gamble, but… it's a risk that I'm willing to take. If nothing else, marrying you will give me my freedom. And that is more important to me than anything."

Thor hummed softly, his thumb gently stroking Loki's blue skin. "One of the reasons that I agreed to your proposal was because I believe that you can protect our guild, and help us become more formidable. As Drotta, you'll have responsibilities too."

Running a guild was something Loki never imagined himself doing, but then again, marrying a complete stranger was something he never thought he'd do, either. Thor's guild was the strongest in the realm, but it was still significantly smaller than a kingdom, and because of that, he understood why Thor needed him. "I figured that was the case." He sighed softly then, feeling himself growing tired. "As long as I am protected, and given my freedom, I will protect your guild, and help it grow into a settlement that has the might of a kingdom."

This was a tall statement, but Thor had no doubt that Loki could do this for them. "I want you to know that I'll take care of you. I-I understand that there is no love now, but I firmly believe that this can grow between us, in time."

Hearing this made Loki laugh softly and he tucked this piece of information away for later, not surprised that it seemed his betrothed was a hopeless romantic under his hardened exterior. This knowledge would make it easier to secure a comfortable life for himself. "When would you like children, betrothed?"

Being called this admittedly sent a fierce blush across Thor's face, and he was glad that Loki was nestled into his chest and couldn't see him. "For Aesir, any child born on or before our first year wedding anniversary is considered a blessing, and is a sign that the marriage is blessed by the Norns."

Loki was surprised to hear this but nodded anyway, not turned off by the idea. "Then we'll conceive on our wedding night."

"... You would feel comfortable doing this?"

"I would," Answered Loki. "I understand how important children are to a marriage."

This wasn't an answer that Thor wanted to hear. "How uncomfortable would having a child make you? Because I won't force you to bear our children if it makes you uncomfortable."

The more Thor spoke, the more Loki understood that this arrangement between them would be better than he expected. The things he could do if Thor loved him and respected him were immeasurable, and he grinned, knowing that this would end up being a turning point in his life where he could finally take control of it, and work towards conquering the realm.

"I can assure you that having children is not something that will make me uncomfortable." He stretched up then, placing a reassuring kiss against Thor's lips, undoubtedly surprising him. "I'm trusting you to take care of me and protect me, and in that same breath, you're trusting me to protect your guild. I understand that there is no love now, but I have the same hope that one day it will be there."

Of course, Loki didn't believe that last statement that fell from his lips. He'd never loved anyone and guarded his heart fiercely. Opening up to someone and allowing them in had only gotten him hurt in the past, it led to him being used and taken advantage of, and now that he was old enough and powerful enough to protect himself, he refused to let anyone in again.

It seemed that this was the right thing to say though, because Thor's lips were back against his again for another kiss, the Aesir's hands grabbing at his rear. "As Drotta, you will be fiercely protected by myself and those of our guild. No harm will come to you."

Loki shifted and rolled him and Thor over, taking his lips with his own. "And your people will be fine with a Drotta that's a Jotun?"

It was hard to hold a conversation with Loki in their current position, as the niouvi was literally every man's sexual fantasy. The only term that seemed appropriate when describing Loki was an "ethereal beauty" and Thor stared up at him in awe, amazed once again that this being would be joined to him and him only, for the rest of their lives.

Seeing Thor stare at him with an almost reverent gaze because of his appearance only boosted Loki's already sky-high confidence and he winked down at the Aesir, positioning himself so that the lips of his cunt ran over Thor's hardening length. "I suppose there will be plenty of time for talking later, then."

Thor sat up and pulled Loki into his arms, kissing the niouvi's jugular while he maneuvered himself into him. "We have our whole lives to do that."

The pair's bodies came together again and again throughout the day, and it wasn't until they were both panting from exertion once again that they stopped, knowing that they needed to rest for the journey ahead.

Thor was relieved that it seemed like Loki was warming up to him, as that meant that he trusted him. He knew that the way they got together was unconventional, but the longer he spent with the niouvi, the more and more he cared about him.

He understood the literal godsend that Loki was, both to his settlement and to him personally. Any children that he and Loki had would undoubtedly be some of the strongest beings in the realm; especially if they inherited his gift.

Thoughts of taking back what was rightfully his now that he had Loki ran through his mind, and he was almost too scared to believe that he now had the opportunity to take back everything that belonged to him.

As long as he provided the avenue for Loki to grow stronger in seidr, there was no doubt in Thor's mind that he and the niouvi could grow the settlement into something that could take on a kingdom.

Once they did this, everything he worked so hard for would finally come to fruition.

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Nyna_Rollinscreators' thoughts