
Chapter Fifteen

It's been thirteen days. Thirteen days since my instructions. The killer hasn't contacted me but I know he will soon. Ever since Lisa died I have been locking myself up in my house. Only go out when I have to go to class and even when I go to class I don't pay attention. I even distanced myself from my friends. I don't want anyone to be around me right now... I don't trust anyone.

Luke has tried talking to me, but I have been brushing him off. Kim has been distant. She isn't even trying to talk to me. Whenever I see her around campus we just make small talk and pretend as if everything is fine between us but it's not and we both know it. The tension between us is so thick it can be cut with a knife. The worst part is that I don't even know what is causing it. I feel so alone. I can feel depression's ugly claws coming toward me. I just want to give up and hand myself over to it, but I can't afford to fall into depression right now, because if I do I will be letting the killer win and I can't let him win.

Since I have been spending a lot of time alone I have been doing a lot of thinking. I have been thinking about the situation I'm in. I have so many unanswered questions.

Questions like:

Who is this stalker?

Why does he want to kill Cameron?

Why does he want me to kill him?

Did he want Matt to kill Cameron too?

And the question that has been bugging me the most is why doesn't he kill Cameron himself?

These questions need answers if I'm going to find out who is trying to destroy my life. I have already decided that I'm not a killer. I don't have it in me to murder someone. So I have to get to the killer before he gets to me. Right now his biggest advantage is his anonymity. I need to find out who he is to have a fighting chance, but while I do that I need to make sure that he thinks I'm going to do as he says. I need to get close to Cameron. I know the killer is watching me. I need to find out how he knows my every move. I have a few theories. I think he has cameras in my house because I feel like I'm constantly being watched.

I need to find them. I need to be smart and calculate my every move from now on. I need a good solid plan because this guy is very smart and the only way I can trick him is if I have a good solid plan. He seems to know a lot about me. I doubt he googled me to get that information. I do try to keep a low profile with the press. I only have a couple of random pictures of when I go to red-carpet events with my mom. The paparazzi are not interested in me because I rarely do anything interesting. So I can't trust anyone right now.

The killer could be anyone.

Two minutes.

120 seconds left until this class ends. The lecture keeps going on and on about electromagnetic principles. Kim didn't bother showing up for this class. She has been missing a lot of classes lately. I feel guilty for the fact that I don't have the energy to find out what is bothering her. It's probably a new boyfriend keeping her busy. I don't need any of Kim's drama right now. I just have to keep her safe. I need to keep us all safe.

"Okay class is over. Remember your assignments are due in a week."

I pick up my stuff and walk out of the class. The sad part is that I have no idea what assignment he is talking about. I am so behind with my work right now. As I walk out I notice the suicide awareness pasted all over the walls. Since two students have "killed themselves in the last couple of weeks I guess I can understand.

"Ria! Wait up."

I hear someone calling me behind me. I turn around and notice this small Asian girl rushing towards me. It's only when she is close that I recognize that it's Emily. I haven't seen her since the bonfire party.

"Hey Em. What's up?"

I ask her when she finally catches up to me. I don't know why she wants to talk to me. Sure we talk at parties but we never talk at school.

"Nothing. I was on my way to meet up with my friends and I wanted to see if you want to come with me?"

I frown at her question.

"Come with you where?"

I honestly don't know why she is inviting me anywhere. We are not friends.

"A bunch of us are going over to Cameron's house to watch a movie and chill there. It's gonna be fun."

"Why are you inviting me?"

I can't keep the suspicion from coming out when I ask her that. I can't trust anyone now, can I?

"Look Ria I know we are not friends, but I want us to be. I have always wanted us to be friends but you are always hanging around that Kim girl and to be honest she scares me."

She says with a slight giggle. Normally I would have said No right away. I like Emily, but I have always found her to be a bit stuck up to be my friend. Even though our parents are acquittances and her dad is some famous Hollywood actor, between you and me I think he is a bad actor.

I have watched a couple of his movies and all of them sucked. Emily is one of those people who walk with their nose stuck in the air. She doesn't have time for people that are 'below' her social status.

If you don't come from a rich or famous family you don't exist to Emily but I am tempted to take her offer. This will get me closer to Cameron.

I need the stalker to think I'm going to do as he says.

"So you coming or not?"

Emily asks getting impatient.

"Yeah, I'm coming."

I say planting a small fake smile on my face. She claps her hands with excitement.

"Awesome. We are gonna have a great time. I want you to meet all the other th-"

Emily immediately starts dragging me and talking my ear off. What did I get myself into?