
Chapter Sixteen

Cameron lives in the same apartment building as the one Matt stays in but unlike the others, he lives in the penthouse, therefore, he has the entire floor to himself.

The size of his apartment is ridiculously big. I mean who needs so much space to live in?

You can imagine the flashbacks of memories I got when I entered the elevator. I almost pushed the third-floor button out of habit when I got in. All the way to Cameron's place Emily has been talking non-stop. She doesn't shut up and she just keeps on going on and on about her rich daddy. I'm pretty sure my dad is richer than hers but you don't see me bragging. I have blocked her voice, I keep listening there and there but I'm not paying attention.

"-So that's when daddy met Oprah and she like stayed over-"

Do you see what I'm talking about?

"So who is going to be at Cameron's?"

I ask her when we are in the elevator. I ask not because I care but because I just want to change the subject.

"Oh, just the usual crowd. There is gonna be Jessica, Tanya, Jared, Chidi, Kai, and Cameron."

I nod my head as she says all their names the only person I know personally on that list is Jessica she is nice. Her mom is a famous Canadian singer. It's her party I went to and ended up with Cameron. The others I know of them from seeing them around campus and reading about them in magazines. The people Emily has mentioned are the richest in the world. Cameron, I have already mentioned that his dad is the richest man in the world. He is the CEO of some tech company that branches out into thousands of other companies He is so rich that he can afford to buy Apple cash if he wanted. Chidi is from Brazil apparently his dad rules Rio.

Tanya... well she is a total bitch. A rich spoiled bitch. Her dad is in partnership with Cameron's dad and they have known each other since they were kids. She and Cameron dated I think for a while.

Kai is half Korean and half Japanese. Kai is a unique one. Unlike his friends, he doesn't have rich parents. He is a self-made millionaire. He was a millionaire at the age of 14. He started with stock trading and then invested some of that money in multiple companies. Anyway, the long story he is filthy rich. Almost as rich as Cameron.

Jared is Tanya's brother and also Cameron's best friend. Kim won't admit it but she had a major crush on him.

Thirteen floors later the elevator doors swing open. I walk into an extravagant apparent. It is definitely the way I remembered it. The walls are all white with black and grey furnishings. There is an open-plan theme in the apartment. The dark wood in the room just adds more to the expensive feel of the apartment. When we walk in I am greeted by waves of laughter. Everyone Emily mentioned is sitting around on the kitchen island. They are all laughing at some joke Kai is saying. The closer we get the more nervous I feel. I suddenly don't think this is such a good idea.

"Hey, Guys!"

Emily calls out heading towards the kitchen. She dumps her bag on the couch. They all turn around and notice me standing there like an idiot. I see that Cameron is not there.


I say giving a small awkward wave. They all grunt a bunch of heys in my direction. All except one.

"Who is she?"

Tanya says with a disgusted look on her face. She doesn't even try to hide the hostility in her voice. I expected as much. In fact, I expected more of them to be hostile since they were the "elite" group of Woodridge, and gatecrashing their play date was unheard of.

"That's my friend Ria. Guys this is Ria. Ria these are the guys."

Emily says and then makes her way to the fridge to grab some water.

Jessica rolls her eyes at Emily's poor introduction skills.

"Hey, Ria. I haven't seen you since last year."

Jessica says. I don't bother correcting and telling her I went to her party. I have actually partied with all of them. I don't blame them for not remembering me though. I was a different person back then. I didn't walk around wearing sweatpants and unwashed hair.

"Hey, there sexy. I'm Jared. Where have you been all my life?"

Jared makes his way around the island and comes to stand in front of me.

I laugh at his poor flirting skills. I know Jared, he is known around Campus. His fuck boy status is the reason.

"Hey, don't I know you?" Chidi is the one who asks.

"Umm, you have probably seen me around campus or at parties."

I answer him.

"No that's not it... Oh, you are the girl whose boyfriend died in that fire."

He says.

Man, we are jumping straight to the good stuff I see.

I have been dreading this. I still get people that stop me around campus asking me the same thing.

"Yeah, and didn't your roommate kill herself?"

Kai asks to talk about adding salt to a wound. A little rude if I may add.

"Wow, death sure is following you around. Does everyone around you commit suicide?"

Tanya says. I swear I hate that bitch. How insensitive is she? I want to punch that proud smirk off her face.

"Shut up Tanya." Jessica defends me.

"What? It's just a question." She says trying to play innocent but I can see right through her little act.

"Well it's a shifty question and you are both being rude."

Jess tells her.

At least Kai has the decency to look apologetic. Tanya however is about to say something else when in walks Cameron. He looks a bit taken aback when he notices me standing there.

But it's only for a second because a huge smile makes its way onto his lips.

"I see you have given up on playing hard to get. Did you come to beg me to be your boyfriend?"

I scrunch my nose in disgust at his statement.

"In your dreams." I spit out.

He says. Gosh, I hate his arrogance. He is wearing a white muscle top and black colored shorts. His hair was still wet, proof that he has just taken a shower. He walks past me to grab some snacks and his cologne makes its way into my nostrils.

Boy does he smell good? He looks good too.

"You know you want me."

He says cocking his head to the side.

"Eww, never in a million years."

I tell him. He laughs at my answer

"They all say that."

I don't bother answering him. I just roll my eyes instead. I notice that the others are all staring at us with curiosity.

"You know her?"

I hear the queen bitch asking with disbelief in her voice. I don't get what her problem is. I mean she doesn't know me and she already thinks she is better than me.

I'm happy when no one answers her.

"No fair! You always want the pretty girls all to yourself."

Jared says while draping his arm around my shoulders.

"Well, I saw her first so she is mine."

Cameron says while grabbing a bowl of popcorn.

"I'm not yours!"

I say angrily. I'm so pissed off right now.

"Well, you will be. Let's go the movie is starting."

He says the first part to me and then the last part to everyone else. He walks out before I can think of a good comeback. One by one everyone leaves the kitchen. When Kai walks past me he says.

"You know Cameron won't give up until you say yes to him?"

I shake my head.

"He is not my type. I don't want him."

I say.

Kai just shakes his head as if it's the most ridiculous thing he has ever heard and then follows the others.

"Don't worry I will protect you from evil Cameron's seduction skills."

Jared says before following Kai. I laugh again at Jared's playfulness. He is actually a cool guy. I realize. I look around and notice that it's just me and Tanya left in the kitchen.

If looks could kill I would be dead by now. She is glaring daggers at me. She walks up to me and says.

"Stay the hell away from Cameron and Jared. I don't know what you think your gold-digging ugly hands will achieve. Just keep them away from us."

She then gives me one more look and then she walks out. I hear her designer shoes clicking away following her friends. I'm not mad though. I find it funny that she thinks I'm a gold digger. She doesn't know that if you combine both my mom's and my father's money it is probably triple what her dad owns. I shake my head at her ignorance.

"Hey, Ria! You coming?"

I hear Jess calling me.

"Coming," I call out and follow their voices.

Time to do some research. Why didn't the killer tell me to kill Tanya instead? I'm almost sure I would gladly do it.