
Days gone

Arriving home, we each have a red mark on our cheek from the glorious duel not long ago, a battle that shall be remembered for the time to come.

Entering my beautiful room, I stripped myself of the dirty clothes; instead, I adopted a more comfortable dragon onesie. Appreciating my form in my mirror, I head down stairs for a snack.

Even though it shan't be long before father graces us with his presence, after which we would head to the diner, I couldn't help but find myself a tad peckish.

Holding the bowl of cereal, I could hear Bella talking on the phone to their mother. How dare she not alert myself to such an occasion climbing the stairs and bursting into the wenches room.

"They've been really... Welcoming," said the beast with the same birthday as me. I couldn't help but scoff as a look of anger graced Bella's face.

"Silence! allow this king to speak to mother." my voice boomed as I looked upon my sister.

"Get out of my room!" it yelled back at me as a look of shock flashed on my face. How dare this unenlightened one speak back to my holy self.

"Stop fighting!" mother dearest yells from the phone as both me and sister go silent before Bella turns the phone to speaker, and we spend a few minutes catching up with mother.

Leaving the room just in time to spot my father's car pulling into the driveway. Humming to myself, I head down the stairs to greet him at the door.


Sat in the diner we went to as kids with father sat across from us, an awkward silence settled between us.

Father and Bella awkwardly played with their food as other families happily talked around us.

"So... you eat here every night?" asked the one next to me.

"Easier than washing dishes," he replied, to which I hummed in agreement. Oh, how I wish washing dishes would disappear into the annuals of time, never to return.

"I could cook," replied my personal chef while my father looked at her confused.

"I did the cooking at home - in Phoenix. Bob burns anything he puts in the oven, not that mum any better," she continued hmph, just when I thought she wasn't as unbearable.

"How was school? Meet anyone?" father said after chuckling.

"No one worthy of my time," I paused, "perhaps there was one" I continued thinking of the intelligent emo kid who escaped my sister's clutches.

"A few people... do you know the Cullen family" my sister also replied, probably thinking of walking corpses, eww, not while we are eating.

"Are people asking about them again?" he replied to her, after which I zoned out of the conversation, thinking about what hell will be like tomorrow.


Watching my sister stalk for the emo boy while her gaggle of followers played nearby, I couldn't help but be happy when he didn't appear.

*Ding Ding Ding*

The bell sounds, forcing fem Ted Bundy inside and continuing her day. The lessons flew by when I learned the secret technique passed down through generations... sleeping with your eyes open.

While some doubt the validity of this move, I would call them fools who would suspect he who looks to the front, seemingly paying attention.

It wasn't long before biology rolled around, but the lack of the emo kid dampened my mood slightly as the only fun part was ripped away from me, forcing me to lay bare before the harsh winters of class.

Several days passed. Similarly, each day with the lack of an emo, ruined biology for me. It didn't help that the corpses seemed to be watching me.

I couldn't help but contemplate the prospects of becoming a necrophiliac as some of the corpses seemed worthy of my divine seed, just the usual thoughts.


Watching my fool of a sister slip on some ice was fun, but the extra set of eyes watching from the trees was an unwelcome surprise.

Entering my father's cruiser without slipping, I keep an eye on the trees around, contemplating going on a hunt as father and sister talked about tires and animals.

Humming to myself, I decided to go hunting later tonight. I had yet to do so since I came down. First, I need to scout the area and look at the territories before I enter somewhere I don't want to.

Walking into the school unlike the rest of the weaklings around me, I wore no coat or hat; instead, I basked in the heavy rain embracing it.

Bumping into my sister in the doorway of biology as she seemed to freeze and block the door.

"Oi! move your ass before ye get slapped," I said from behind her breaking her from her thoughts. Why was she so out of it lately? It's so wei... Emo Boi is back!

Wiping a tear from my eye, I couldn't be happier to see someone with ma boi back in class. I had front-row seats to watch how he evades my sister's dastardly traps.

"Hello." no

"I didn't have a chance to introduce myself last week. I'm Edward Cullen" stop

"... You're Bella" why?

That damn sister of mine! How dare she traps one I considered a friend? I could only hope it wasn't too late and wish he escaped her clutches soon.

Alas, it seems he's too deep. Why would an emo boy hold a conversation with Bella? Worst of all, it seemed they enjoyed each other's company.

Watching them chat all through biology, I realized that today marked the day biology became my most dreaded class, for not even the halls were safe as they carried on talking there too.


Standing by the truck after school the next day, Bella seemed intent on watching emo and his family enter their cars.


Hmmm? Are you approaching me? I watch the car speed towards my sister and me, only for an emo to move her out of the way, leaving me to contend with the metal behemoth on my lonesome.


Weird, why is it that some lass had appeared before me in this instant and tanked the hit? I had thought I would be alright, but it seemed someone doubted my strength.

"Are you alright?" the doubter asked in a concerned tone. You already slighted my honor, by saving me, but you wish to continue by vocalizing your doubts, heretic, I say off with her head!

"Why hath thee come to my aid?" I question, trying to contain my endless fury, vast like the fires of hell.

"What?" she asked, stupified. It seems my mere presence has stunned her into silence.

"No, it hasn't," she said as if she could read my mind, ha the fool doesn't know what she has gotten into.

'Gru! Nalkroro have lat breached ul tok ro my hugi?' I thought in orcish, watching as she looked at me in disbelief. Who was she to challenge me to a battle of wits?

Leaving the Gru in stunned silence, I make my way over to the vehicle's driver. Looking down at him, I asked an important question.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I yelled at the boy.

"I crashed" well, nar shit, mate, didn't notice.

"Why you coming fast!" I yelled once more. The commotion attracted the teachers to us, who promptly stood between us and calmed everyone down.

"oi lass," I look at my sister, "you alright?" I asked in concern. While we might not get along as a brother, I have to protect my own blood.


Sat on a hospital bed with Bella and the driver in the room on the other bed. ER doctor doing check-ups on Bella while Tyler kept apologizing.


Dad slammed the door open and entered the room with righteous fury.

"Bells, Bob are you two alright?" he asked with worry, anger, and sadness blending on his face.

"A mere van couldn't wound me, Father," I said, brimming with confidence, trying to lessen his worries.

"we're fine, dad. Calm down," said Bella.

"I'm so sorry. I tried to stop." said the boy next to us.

"It's alright, Tyler, I know," replied Bella, to which I scoffed. The boy almost killed her, and she forgives him. Puh, weakness disgusts me.

"It sure as hell isn't alright," dad said, looking at Tyler, who returned a look of despair. It serves him right. How dare he endanger someone in my household.

As father and Bella talk amongst themselves, I look towards the door spotting a middle-aged man peeking at our conversation. A corpse playing doctor, I mused.

As the Doctor enters, father greets him, seemingly relieved that he has appeared.

"Good. Dr. Cullen"

Blondie looked over at the other ER doctor and gave a friendly smile.

"I've got this one, Jackie," he said as a clipboard was handed to him, flipping through the pages while giving me and bells a once over.

"while Bob is unharmed, you have a nice knot growing back there," he said, stepping away from her.

"Would have been a lot worse if Edward hadn't knocked me out of the way," the lass replied while looking at the doctor questionably.

I mean, come on, Bella, ye ain't gonna find anything by looking at his face like that. Wait, unless he's your next target! Run doctor, what's your name you're not safe!

It seems that, unlike the emo kid, he had a distinct lack of wrinkles on his brain. It's probably smoother than my one-liners. He carried on conversing with the devil in disguise and father.

Exiting into the hall, father told us to go ahead while he sorted some paperwork. Sister was awkward enough not to have a conversation as we walked.

It wasn't until we came across both her victims and two others in a heated argument that she seemed to do something, that something? Stare at the emo boy. Hey, I didn't say it was anything good.

Watching as doc brought one of the lasses with him into the office, Bella must have thought it was her chance to spring the trap. Why are the emo boy and emo girl looking at me funny?

Shoot, I forgot that they could breach the hallowed walls of my mind palace and lay claim to my most prized thoughts. Quick, sir Bobby think of something.

'Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nya'

"Are you alright?" she asked me, a look of dismay on her face.

'Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nya'

"You're not hurt, are you?" she rephrased her question.

'Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nya'

"WILL YOU STOP THAT!" both she and the emo boy yelled. It seemed they were too weak to last even 3 minutes of Nyan cat, whereas I had bested a 1-hour video before.

"What did he do?" my ignorant sister asked, surprised at their outburst as up to that point, she and emo had a very tense face-off.

"You shouldn't worry about me, emo lass. It would take more than that to lay a scratch upon my skin," I said before turning away to find father leaving a confused trio.


Oi oi, lads, this is doing better than I had thought, so I'll say this now Bob is the personification of my thoughts, e.g., chaos; thus, he might change and shift at random but ain't that the best?

Just letting yall know as I had made this for shits in giggles.