
In Twilight as Elijah Mikaelson

Elijah Mikaelson died and reincarnated into the world of twilight where he loses his memories until he meets the Cullens. (Eventually the Worlds of Twilight and TVD merge ) mate is Rosalie AU just for fun/ First time writer Disclaimer: I do not own the story, world building, or the characters from the original creators. my claim is only to the changes compared to the original story

Vampire_Onyx · Films
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As Rosalie and I had finished our project she and I began to go downstairs.

When we arrived on the main floor all the Cullens were in the living room looking at us as we came down.

"Elijah has to go home now," Said Rosalie

"Yes, It was a pleasure to meet," I told them not knowing that they knew what had happened upstairs.

As Rosalie walked me outside and to my car we began to walk slower and when we were finally to my car I turned towards her.

"It's been a great time Rosaile," I told her and Just when I was about to get into my car Rosaile stopped me, "What are we" She asked with a nervous look on her face.

"What do you want us to be," I told her with an amused smile on my face.

As I had said that Rosalie without even a second thought said.

"Together" As she said that I could feel the smile on my face growing even more.

"Well, then I guess that means we're together," I said before getting into my car.

"Hey, do you want to ride to school together tomorrow?" I asked her.

"Yes," Rosalie said with a smile on her face before I drove away.

When I got home Bella was in the kitchen and when she saw me she began to ask questions about why I was with the Cullens.

"Do you know where Edward is?" she asked me

"In Alaska," I told her

"He should be back soon."

/Next Day/

/Bella POV/

As I woke up and got ready for school I saw how Elijah was already ready and was about to leave.

"Where are you going" I asked him.

"To pick up Rosalie," he told me.

"Edward's sister?"

"Yes," he told me which caused me to be even more surprised, How?

Right after he said that he walked outside and got into his car, but before he could leave I asked him if he could help me talk to Edward when he got back.

"I'll Try," he told me before pulling away.

After he had left I finished getting ready for school before leaving.

When I got to my first class I saw him, I saw Edward was there.

When I sat down I tried to sit as far away from him as I could at our shared desk but this time he surprised me by actually speaking to me.

"Hello, I'm sorry I couldn't introduce myself before," he said.

Edward and I talked the whole class period, and when we were in the hallway I noticed that his eyes were a different color, they used to be black but they were now just like the rest of his family a golden brown color.

After I had mentioned that he began to walk away.

By the time that school had ended as I made my way to my truck, I saw how Elijah was walking out of the school with Rosaile on his left side.

All of a sudden I heard the noises of tires screeching, and when I turned around I saw the side of a van about to hit me.

But then all of a sudden Edward and Elijah appeared in front of me, as Elijah grabbed me and Edward stopped the car, but before anyone could notice Edward disappeared.

When I turned to look at Elijah he looked into my eyes and said, "Forget that I was here"

"How would I forget that" I asked him in a panicked voice, and when I said that I saw a look of surprise appear across his face.

/Elijah POV/

I was surprised, how come compulsion didn't work? Could it have been vervain? if it was it had to be from a piece of jewelry because me and Bella have been eating the same thing since she got to forks.

But as I began to look at her neck and arms I noticed she had none on, "Come on Let's get you home" I told her before putting her into my car, Giving one final look to Rosalie who just like the rest of the Cullens were giving me a look of surprise.

As I got into the car and left I called Charlie and told him about what happened, he said that he would meet us at the hospital.

When we arrived I saw Carilise talking to Edward and Rosalie before they turned to us and looked at me.

"Good evening Elijah, It's nice to meet you too Bella," Carilise says before telling Bella to lie down on one of the hospital beds.

Just as she sat down Charlie arrived running into the room.

"Bella are you alright!"

"I'm fine Charlie nothing happened thanks to Elijah and Edward"

"Edward? Your boy" he said to Carilise

Before I could hear what Carilise was going to say I felt someone pull me.

When I turned around and realized that it was Rosaile I began to follow her to an empty room.

"What are you?" she asked in a confused tone.

"I could ask you the same thing," I told her in a calm tone of voice.

"Follow me," She told me before she began to walk outside to my car.

"Can You drive?" she asked

"Yes, just tell me where" As she began to give directions I realized we were heading to the forest, and when we arrived she said to follow her before running faster than any human could.

As she ran I began to follow her before having to slow down, when I noticed she was faster than a human but not even as fast as a regular vampire.

When we arrived at the top of the mountain she began to walk towards the sunlight while taking off her jacket.

As the sun hit her skin began to sparkle like it was made of diamonds.

"What" I said in an almost whisper before going forward and touching her cold face.

"What are you" I asked her.

"A vampire," She says in a scared voice.

"That can't be right," I told her

"What do you mean" She asked

"You can't be a vampire," I told her I had never heard of a vampire that sparkles in the sun instead of burning and that has no heartbeat.

"I am, but what are you," she asked me in a confused tone.

"I'm An Original Vampire," I told her, and before she could ask me what that meant a giant wolf came from the woods, just before the wolf could attack I sent it flying by running forward and punching it.

Right after it was hit it bounced off a tree before morphing into a human.

"Who are you," I asked while picking the man up by his neck"

"Why are you Cold Ones In our territory" Just when I was about to kill him Rosaile stopped me.

"No, you can't kill him"

"Why" I asked her

"My family and his tribe have an agreement" She begins to explain.

After she finishes talking I throw the man now identified as Sam Uley and tell him to leave.

After he turns back into a wolf and runs away Rosalie turns and looks at me.

"What do you mean Original Vampire" That's when I was surprised even if her family were a different type of vampire they should have heard of us.

"Me and my family were called the Original family, The Mikaelsons," I tell her, and then for the next hour, we took turns explaining our past.

She told me about how she was almost assaulted by her ex-fiance and his friends before Carilise came and saved her, I told her about how me and my family had to run from our father for over a thousand years.

By the time we finished talking, it was nighttime, I had driven her home and had just arrived back home, when I went into the house Bella was sitting at the table.

"How did you and Edward get to me so quickly you both were on the other side of the parking lot" she asked.

"Ask Edward," I say deciding that I was done explaining things today.

When I made my way to my room I saw Rosalie sitting on my bed.

"Hey," I tell her with a smile.

"Hey," she says with a smile

"Next week my family wants you to come with us and play baseball, Will you come," She asked with a hopeful look

"Of course," I told her before asking if she was going to stay, in which she says she has to go hunting with her family.

When she left I began to think that since there seemed to be vampires and wolves there should also be witches who can help me get back to my actual family.