
Alone (Timeskip)


The Cullens left In September and it is currently April, I have already graduated from Forks High School with only Charlie and Bella attending it with me.

Charlie had asked me what I had wanted to do but I have found life to be harder with Rosalie not here anymore.

It hasn't only been hard for me in fact it's been a lot harder for Bella, she has locked herself in her room and only ever comes out to eat, Charlie has been worried and had asked me to contact Edward but just like Rosalie he hasn't answered any calls or messages.

Lately, I have begun to wonder if what I had felt for Rosalie was real, what if this was just how it was supposed to be?

I should be used to it, With every woman I love they always end up leaving.

Anyway, I am currently looking for a home in Forks that is close to Charlie's just in case anything happens, now knowing that there are Vampires and Wolves in this world.


"Edward" I muttered under my breath

'Why, If I was a vampire this would never have happened, I would be able to live with him forever'

As I was in my thoughts I heard the sound of a motorcycle pulling up in front of the house, When I looked through the window I saw Jacob with his helmet in his hand waving at me.

When I went down the stairs and went outside Jacob began to walk towards me.

"Hey Bella," He said

"Hi Jacob, what's up" I said trying to sound as happy as possible

"I was trying to see if you wanted to hang out, I heard you've been down as of late," He said while trying to comfort me.

"Was it my dad?" I asked to which he smiled before nodding.

Just as I was about to deny him I began to think that if I did something dangerous then maybe Edward would come back.

"What would we be doing," I asked him wondering if it would be something dangerous.

"I just got these motorcycles," he said while pointing at the one he rode on.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go for a ride," He said with a hopeful look on his face.

Thinking that riding motorcycles was dangerous enough I decided to go with him, As we got to an empty area he began to show me how the bike worked and then gave me a demonstration.

When he felt that he had shown me enough I got on the bike and began to go forward, when I felt as though I had the hang of it I began to go faster before the bike jerked the opposite way causing me to turn the wrong way and head into the woods.

"Bella!" I heard Jacob yell before I tried to steer the bike away from the trees which ultimately failed and I ended up crashing and getting flung forward.


When I hit the floor I began to feel the pain spread throughout my body. As the pain began to go away I began to rise back on my feet but as soon as I got up I heard the noise of footsteps and the sound of twigs snapping.

"Oh look who we have here, If it isn't Miss Bella," Said the vampire I had now realised was Laurent.

"Yo-Your not supposed to be here" I managed to say even though I was afraid, But maybe this was the thing I needed for Edward to come back.

"You know I came here to visit the Cullens but when I arrived I found their home empty." He said to me with a teasing smile, not giving me a chance to say anything he began to speak again.

"I'm surprised they left you behind, weren't you sort of a pet of theirs?" He asked

"I-I'm not there pet," I said while trying to back up slowly

"Do the Cullens visit often?" He asked while getting closer

Before I could say anything I saw Edward appear in front of me

"Lie," Edward said

"Ya all the time," I said but apparently

"Lie better," Edward told me

"I'll tell them that you stopped by"

"but I probably shouldn't tell Edward, he's pretty protective," I said in a convincing tone.

"But he's far away, isn't he?" Laurent asked

"Why are you here?" I asked

"I came here as a favor to Victoria." when he said that I began to become even more worried, what if she wanted revenge? Before I could ask why he began to explain

"She wanted to know if you were still under the protection of the Cullens."

"Victoria feels it's only fair to kill Edward's mate,she feels she should at least kill someone's mate." He explained

"Threaten Him," Edward told me

"Edward would know who did it, And he'd come after you," I said trying not to sound frantic.

"I don't think he will, After all, how much could you mean to him if he left you unprotected?" he said before looking to the ground.

"Victoria won't be happy about my killing you, but I can't help myself, you are so mouth-watering." He continued

"Please, don't. I mean, you helped us." before I could continue he appeared right in front of me.

"No,No,No,No" he said right in front of my face, which caused me to jump in front.

"Don't be afraid, I'm doing you a kindness, Victoria plans on killing you slowly, but I'll make it quick, I promise" he said but before he could kill me I heard a quiet bit threatening growl come from the trees.

When I turned to my left I saw a giant wolf come from the forest and begin to run towards us.

When I turned back towards the front I saw Laurent beginning to run away when the wolves surrounded him.

Deciding this was the best time to leave I began to run away, taking one final look at the wolves and Laurent I saw him smack the black wolf away before the other ones jumped on him and began to tear him apart.

When I finally arrived home I was about to look for Charlie when I ran into Elijah.

"What's wrong" He asked me while grabbing my shoulders to stop me from moving

"T-There's Wolves in the forest," I said before explaining what happened in the forest.

"Laurent was going to attack you?" Elijah asked while looking at me with anger in his eyes.

"Ya, but luckily those wolves showed up," I said

"Next time, call me when something like that happens, And stay away from the Wolves and that includes Jacob." He said which confused me.

Before I could ask him what he meant he walked outside, but when I was following he began o run before disappearing.


When Bella told me what happened I was furious I should have killed Laurent when I had the chance, but if he was here to meet the Cullens then they should have resolved this problem when they left.

They didn't want Bella to get hurt but left Laurent and Victoria alive.

When I arrived in the woods that Bella described I saw the arms and legs of Laurent, deciding it would be better to hide what happened here I began to make a fire before burning his body.

Just when I was about to leave I heard the noise of a twig snapping.

"Come Out" I shouted, but no one came out

"You don't want to make me upset, it will be very painful" I shouted once again but still no one came out.

Just when I was about to start searching I heard the noise of leaves rustling.

"Found You" I said before appearing in front of the man and grabbing the man now identified as a dog by the throat

"Ah, Sam Uley" I said with amusement evident in my voice

"Was it you?" I asked referring to the wolves who killed Laurent.

"You should thank me," He said while trying to make me let go of him

"And why is that?" I asked him while tightening my grip.

"If it wasn't for my pack Bella would be dead," He said which Is true so I decided to let him go.

"Speak" I ordered him

"I don't take or-" Before he could finish I grabbed him by the throat again and looked into his eyes.

"Tell me why you're here" I compelled him

"Yes, Laurent said that the vampire Victoria was currently in Phoneix Arizona looking for Bella's mother"

Sighing to myself I began to realize without Edward and the rest of the Cullens being here I would have to protect Bella alone, Even if that meant going to Arizona to protect her mother.

"Leave" I ordered Sam before running back to the house where I ran into Charlie.

"Hey, Charlie?" I said to which he replied

"Ya, son" For the next five or so minutes I began to explain to him that I was going to go to Arizona.

When he asked me why, I decided it would just be easier to compel him to let me go without him asking questions.

When I went upstairs to pack my bags I ran into Bella.

"Where are you going" She asked me when she saw me packing

"Arizona," I told her not wanting to explain

"For what, is that where Edward is" she asked with hope and curiosity in her voice.

"No, just forget about them there not gonna come back," I told her figuring it would be best for her to forget all about the Cullens.

"Edward will, I know it," she said in a confident tone

"Sure," I said before grabbing my suitcase and heading downstairs.

"Goodbye, and be safe Bella," I told her before getting into the car and driving to the airport, which cost the last of my money, which means I'll have to compel more people in Arizona.

Next chapter is gonna focus more on Rosalie and Bella than Elijah

Vampire_Onyxcreators' thoughts