
50 shades of Wanda.

"Papa!" Star jumped into my arms and gave me a one of his classic warm hugs, and I just felt better.

I knew he used the force subconsciously to induce happiness but even if he didn't, I'd be just as happy.

My little baby boy.

I swung him around and threw him up in the air as he giggled happily.

I caught him coming down and kissed his forehead before carrying him over to the kitchen.

"Did you miss Papa?"

"Uhun!" He nodded.

"Papa missed you too." I pinched his cheek, "And you as well, Luminara." I knelt down to her level.

As usual she was hiding in her mother's shadow.

I ruffled her hair and she smiled softly.

"What do we say when Papa comes back?" Offee prodded her.

".... Welcome home. Papa." She said almost in a whisper.

"Aww!" I cooed as her head bobbed under my headpats.

"No love for me, huh?" Offee teased, stirring the pot.

"Hotpot?" I sniffed the delicious smell in the air.

"Hmph!" Offee pouted playfully, "All you care about is food."

I chuckled and put an arm around her kissing her on the lips.

"The food isn't the only thing I want to eat." I whispered causing her to giggle cutely as she leaned back, pressing her butt into me.

"Soon." She whispered back.

"Can't wait."

"I got the last mirror for the spell." Yue said walked in placing another mirror by the sofa.

"Be right over." I teleported to the sofa and put Star in my lap as I handed Yue the ingredients for the salve.

"What are you doing, Papa?" He asked looking at Yue grinding the ingredients into a salve.

"Mama Yue and Papa are trying to cast a beacon spell to draw your other Mama, Wanda to us so we can help her out." I picked up the handheld makeup mirror and clacked it like a sock puppet to Star, "She's lost right now and doesn't know the way home. You know how it's like to be lost right? It's scary isn't it?"

"Scary!" Star agreed.

"Exactly." I kissed his head.

"But when she sees this, she'll follow it right back home. And Star will get to meet a new Mama!"

"Oooh. Can I try?! Please Papa. Please please please please-"

I patted his head and shook mine.

"Unfortunately, no. Papa and Mama have to do this. But afterwards, when were done, you can play with it, okay?"


"Pinky promise." I extended him a pinky.

Star nodded.

"For now just watch."

Yue applied a red-orange paste from a mortar and pestle that she had been grinding to the little mirror and I began to cast the spell, with her joining in.

The Mirror Beacon spell was an enchantment done on a small mirror, preferably handheld that guided those trapped in the mirror world to the subject who uses it.

The beacon however only appeared when people do the enchantment with someone who has the same relationship with them as the trappped person has with the subject.

In the show, it was to find a librarian's daughter, so Alice did the spell with her mother.

Since here it's to find my wife, I should do it with Yue. Or Offee.


I stopped in the middle of casting.

I had an idea.

"Offee. Why don't you come here and try the spell?" I gave Yue a look and she realised what I was trying.

Offee raised an eyebrow.

"Hm? Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Wanda is my wife. So are you. The conditions line up. You know how to cast, right?"

"Yes. The I know the basics." Offee sat down beside me and looked over the spell.

"Okay, simple enough."

"Good. Let's try it." I said, and we began to cast.

A minute passed.

Then another.

But the mirror refused to glow.

The spell only worked when the two people casting had the same relationship with each other as the trapped person had with it's user.

That's why I asked Offee to cast it.

I wanted to know if there was even the slightest shred of hope that she would forget about him. About Jay 23.

If she would become mine.

Because somewhere deep down, I craved her love. More than anything.

I just wanted her back.

And I had my answer.

Or an answer at least. That's what my heart begged me to believe.

Maybe she was just inexperienced. Maybe she was from a different timeline and that frequency difference made it go wrong. Maybe she didn't account for some obscure circumstance.

But the rational part of me knew.

It came to me with a sinking feeling in my stomach. A deep weight crushing my chest with guilt and the sour taste of disappointment on my tongue.

A feeling I buried as soon as it came forth.

She truly wasn't mine. And she never would be. Not really.

"Is something wrong?" Offee asked innocently.

For a brief second I wanted to blame her.

A disgusting urge.

But it wasn't her fault.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

The weight lifted off my chest.

I was the same after all.

Another broken person looking to fill the void in my heart. Mend the scars left by loss.

I was using her to fill in for my Offee, but I knew that she wouldn't replace mine. Her existence would never stop me from reviving my own Offee.

And I can't in good faith fault her for feeling the same way.

"No. Nothing. It's probably just the difference in frequencies." I lied.

She could tell I lied.

She reached out for me, caressing my face before she realised.

"I.. I'll get lunch. Come, Star. Help Mama set the table." She kissed me and excused herself, taking Star with her.

"I shouldn't have done that, should I?" I asked Yue.

"No." Yue grabbed my hand, rubbing it softly in reassurance, "But sometimes, the hurt is necessary. To heal from an arrow wound, you must bear the pain of ripping it out. The harsh truth is far more valuable than a kind lie. Jay taught me that."

I sighed and leaned back, rubbing my eyes.

"Alright. No point brooding. Let's get back to work."

Yue nodded and we began to cast the spell again.

And this time it worked.

The mirror began to glow with faint white light, light a torch on low battery, pulsing ever so slightly.

I smiled.

At least I have Yue.

And soon, I'll have Wanda too.

Telekinetically I aligned the three mirrors Yue had brought in earlier, according to the calculations made by the clones and pulled out an enchanted glass prism from my bag along with a tripod to set it in.

Assembling the setup on the coffee table before me, I began to cast Bjorn's Electromagnetic.

The Bjorn's Electromagnetic was originally a spell that pulled conceptually on the dampening property of the mirror realm and it's ability to shift copies to bring forth an effect polar opposites to what was done by Atsuko's Spectral Refraction.

Where Atsuko's Spectral Refraction splits and magnifies a light source via the mirror realm, Bjorn's Electromagnetic combines different light sources together. And since it pulls on the mirror realm it affects all thing that revel in that nature.

Light, Electromagnetism, Shards and even people. More specifically ones that have been split apart.

As I cast the spell, Yue used my blood to draw sigils on the mirrors, creating an impromptu mirror bridge.

The beacon shone, pulsating between each of the three mirrors as silhouettes began to form behind them in the distance, some ways into the mirror realm, becoming clearer into the form of Wanda as they came closer.

She looked down at herself and then at the bloodied mirror, and past it at me as a smile full of relief and familiarity filled her eyes.

The portals rippled, my hands glowed and the light transformed through the prism at the center of it all, concentrating into a beam as it impacted the mirrors one after the other.

One by one, the shattered versions of Wanda walked out from the mirror, all three of them looking at me and Yue, then at each other.

One was dark and grey with highlights of bright crimson across her edges, a cold expression on her face but a warmth in her eyes for me.

I named her War Orphan Wanda.

Another was colored in a rainbow, splotches of varying shades of red, white, blue and yellow, bright and dark all painted over.

Her face was a mask of thinky veiled depseration and crazy, crazy eyes that almost scared me.

Yandere. Definitely Yandere Wanda.

She rushed over to me, ignoring everything else as if it didn't exist at all.

"Darling! I missed you, I missedyouImissedyou...." She hugged me tight, afraid that I was going to vanish, turn to ash within her arms.

And was she... Sniffing me...and licking? I thought I felt her tongue on my chest-what?

The third was a cheerful one, dressed in traditional 50s housewife attire, looking around curiously as she skipped over to Offee and the kids.

Let's call her Wifey Wanda.

"Hi. You must be Offee. Nice to meet you!" The cheerful one jumped on Offee, pulling her into a bear hug.

"Jay has told me so much about you!"

"Pathetic." The colder one muttered under her breath, scanning the room like a noir detective, her eyes glowing crimson with disdain.

"And that one....she just physically disgusts me. So.....toxic and bright. Ugh.

Babe, throw them back into the mirror world where fake little shits like them belong. You don't need them-"

"What he doesn't need is you, bitch!"

The one hugging me snapped at her.

"Okay girls, stop it-" I held the crazy one back but suddenly she drew closer.

"Don't listen to her, darling." Her arms snaked around me, from under my armpits to over my shoudlers, latching onto me.

Her breath ragged, a wild blush on her face, she continued.

"It's okay. I found a spell in there. It can merge us. Just the two of us. Body and soul. We can be together forever-" I immediately threw her off as a chill ran down my spine.

"What the fuck- Okay, enough of this."

I reached for the portable reality anchor I had in my bag when Yandere Wanda grabbed me telekinetically, stopping me in place.

"What are you do-" Yue tried to come to my rescue but she too was frozen in place.

"I should have just killed you the moment I saw you." The colder one said, her hands glowing with chaos magic as a blade formed in her hand.

The crazy one summoned her magic too, seeping her telekinetic influence into the surroundings wildly, causing the whole cottage to shake violently.

The third, cheerful one suddenly teleported over to them grabbing them both by the neck like stray kittens, and shook her head like a disappointed mother looking at her rowdy kids.

And almost instantly, I was free from Yandere Wanda's influence.

"Now now, why can't we all just get along? Come on, shake hands and become friends!"

"Get your hands off me-"

"Yeah, for once I agree with the icy bitch. Fuck off!"

The other two bickered.

But the cheery one was the scariest of them all, knocking the other two out instantly, with just a thought.

"Do it will you, Jay? Before the two wake up." She asked through that signature 50s housewife fake smile.


And adorable.

Or maybe that's just because she reminded me of my mom.

Wanda is pretty hot even when she's angry. Especially when she's angry.

"On it." I nodded, channeling magic inti the prism again, directing the beam at the three of them causing them to glow and slowly blur and shake, collapsing into one another as they merged together in a blinding flash.

When the light dissipated, there stood one single wanda, in her usual bright red jacket, skintight slacks and loose fitting sleelveless black shirt.

She floated down to the floor and gripped her hands, rotated her wrists before cracking her neck, massaging it with annoyance.

"Finally!" She groaned, "You won't believe how long I have been in there, Jay. Or maybe you would." She narrowed her eyes at me.

"....maybe." I replied meekly.

She gave me a deadpan look and punched my shoulder.

"Took you long enough to get me out."

"Well you know, I was kinda busy with the whole plan." I shrugged.

"Yeah. I can see how quickly I was replaced." She said with a teasing smile, eyeing Yue.

"Hi, I'm Wanda."

"Yue. How did you-"

"The way you were looking at him. I know that look. I've had that look."

"He's just so cute." Yue gushed.

"I know right?" Wanda put an arm around my neck planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Now I recall someone saying they weren't making a harem.

This person, a big fat liar by the way, also assured me that they would never take another bride without my consent. And what do you know...." She wiggled her eyebrows at me.

"Alright, fine. You win the bet." I handed her a crisp twenty and she pocketed it with smug grin.

"Missed you too, Darling." I hugged her hip and kissed her deep, squeezing her butt firmly.

Her smell, her feel, that aura of chaos, with wisps of red crowning her flaming crimson hair.

Her entire presence.

It was a feast for the senses, all of my senses, natural and supernatural, and I soaked it all in.

"Oh I can see that."

She giggled before her eyes wandered over to the kitchen.

"You even revived Offee without me?"

"Wha- Oh no. No. She is an alternate timeline version of Offee. It's uh... Complicated."

"Damn. I really missed a lot huh?" She deflated.

I caressed her face, brushing off some her hair to the side.

"Not everything."

"I sure hope not." She leaned her head against my shoulder.

"But we can talk about that after we've had breakfast. I'm starving. Haven't eaten in months now, thanks to a certain someone taking their aweet time."

"Lunch." I corrected.

"Couldn't even save me before breakfast." She huffed.

"Well...." I gestured at Yue.

"I know." She gave her a wink, "I love morning sex too."

"Not in front of the kids." I chastised.

"Oh sorry." Wanda blushed as she saw Star and Luminara looking at her with curiosity.

"Introductions over lunch?" She asked as our stomachs growled in unison and Offee giggled.



And extra chapter for my wonderful viewers.

Sorry for the scheduling problems the past couple of weeks.

It's finals time though so expect them to continue.

It's my final semester in the MBA.

Once I get this degree, maybe I'll finally be able to get a proper job.

Who knows?

Anyways, thanks for reading.

Donate your powerstones


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