
In The Sea (Grand Blue Fanfic)

Makino Yuki Thought That When He Enter A University He Is Free From His Parents Nagging But His Life In The University Is Filled With Alcohol........Lots Of Them.......I Mean Lots Of Them... And Buff Naked Men There will be alcohol that will be mentioned and there will be a lot.... (I don't own grand Blue and the pictures I will be using)

I_d0nt_kn0w · Anime et bandes dessinées
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A drunk start {P1}

(1st person POV)

My head's hurt...

I can't remember anything...

I feel like my head is being spilt to pieces the harder I try to remember what happened last night.

I then try opening my eyes. What greeted me was a blinding light that was on the ceiling.After adjusting to the brightness of the lamp I look around. The sight of a dozen... No,more than a dozen bodybuilder sleep around the place naked....Wait


Then a wave of wind hit me and I felt strangely cold... I look at myself and I am also naked... My son who is sleepy suddenly rise up because of the cold




While I was having an internal panic attack a sweet voice can be heard from behind my back.

"Oh? I thought you would get up a lot later Makino-kun. With how much you've drank last night."

I turn around to face the person who have spoken. When I laid my eyes upon her I unconsciously clenched my jaw because what I saw was an angel... A beautiful angel who have a long brown hair and a sweet smile. Her body is also beautiful. A big 'oppai' and curvy body. I need to stop watching porn for god sake. I then unclenched my jaw and respond to her while clutching my head with a groan

"My head hurts so much that I need to wake up Nanaka-san."

The angel or her real name Nanaka Kotegawa smile then chuckle after hearing my response. How can a person chuckle be so captivating.

"*Chuckle* Don't worry Makino-kun. Here, have some water to lessened your hangover."

WHAT AN ANGEL NANAKA-SAN IS!!! I want to continue worshipping her in my mind but my headache suddenly worsen.

"Thank you Nanaka-san. I appreciate it."

I answer her cooly while taking a glass of water then drink it in one gulp. I clutch my head again as I feel the headache slowly fade away and I managed to slowly remember what happened last night.


(3rd Person POV)

In front of the train station. A young man who has a black hair and an abyss coloured eye walk out with a blank face can be seen carrying his luggage. The young man look around the train station blankly then spoke

"What a gloomy train station. I thought train station supposed to be packed with people. I guess that doesn't apply here."

The young man or the protagonist of this book that was named by the author Makino Yuki said those words bluntly as if his looks weren't also gloomy. Makino then start to continue walking towards the direction of his destination that is Izu University.

Along the way to Izu University Makino wear his black headphones and listen to 70s J-pop. After walking for about twenty minutes Makino thought to himself silently

'I am lost.'

He then proceeds to touch around his pants in search for his map and comes to a conclusion

'I lost my map.'

Just like Toji Fushiguro reaction after losing a gamble he slap his forehead lightly with a long sigh. Then by some asspull from the author a voice can be heard from behind

"Excuse me, you look quite troubled. Is there any way I can help you?"

If you were a veteran webnovel reader you might think this is where Nanaka come to the picture right? Wrong.

Makino then turned around just to be greeted by a muscular blonde giant with a polite smile.

"Ah... I am actually lost muscle-san. Can you tell me the way to Izu University?"

Makino respond cooly but on the inside he is actually having a panic attack

'Why is he so buff!? Is he going to trying to be polite and get into my pants!? Will he kidnap me by taking me to an abandoned warehouse and kill me!?'

Yes,our protagonist actually does have an anxiety disorder. Well actually, he is just an overthinker. Does that count as an anxiety disorder? On the outside he is just a person who usually wears a poker face but on the inside he sometimes think about the worst possible thing that can happen every second.

"Sure!. I am a senior there. Are you a freshman?"

The muscular blonde giant grinned after hearing his question with a cheerful tone. To which Makino only nod his head curtly with a blank face to answer the blonde giant question.

"That's good! The name is Ryuujirou Kotobuki. A third year in mechanical engineering. Nice to meet you."

The blonde giant that introduced himself as Kotobuki widen his grin until you can see his white teeth with an excited tone.

"Oh, My name is Makino Yuki. A first year in mechanical engineering too. Nice to meet you too Kotobuki-san."

Makino answer his greetings with a blank face as his turmoil inside strengthen

'What a scary coincidence!!! Did he look into my background and decided to enroll there too!!? Did he want to kill me!? I don't know if I can fend off this big guy. I am pretty much powerless here!'

Kotobuki who is oblivious to Makino turmoil because of how well he hid it behind his poker face decide to put his muscular arm around Makino shoulder with a smile on his face

"Are you new here in town Makino? I don't think I recall ever seeing you here?"

Makino then only nod his head curtly as his thoughts process being more questionable as Kotobuki put his arm on his shoulder

'UWAHHH!!! What a hard arm he got! If I get punch even once on anywhere on my body it will leave a bruise! How can I fight this giant!'

Kotobuki then decide to pull his arm away with a smile and a cheerful tone

"I see! Do you have any place to sleep?"

Upon hearing this Makino look at Kotobuki blankly before saying

"I plan to sleep in the dorm after registering myself."

'Why does ask me that? Wait.... Does he want to take advantage of me when I am asleep!? I'm finished... I have tell him where I will sleep... Wait... He didn't know my room number yet! Let's pray he doesn't ask for my room number! And if he does I will plant traps around the house!'

As Makino cooking up his plan to fill his room with traps. Kotobuki then look at Makino with a thoughtful face

"I'm afraid that is not possible. You were quite late for the registration because the people who volunteered today only available until 11 am. Don't worry, you can go register yourself tomorrow at the faculty office."

Upon hearing the statement Makino expression slowly change from an indifferent face to a small frown

"Oh? Then where am I supposed to sleep?"

Makino mumble softly but Tokobuki manage to hear Makino mumble. To which Tokobuki grinning widely and pointing at himself

"I got a place in mind but it is a bit rowdy. If you don't mind I can show you the way since I am also on the way to go there."

After hearing that Makino face morph back to his usual poker face but his atmosphere around him that was gloomy before turn into a cheerful one

"Really? Can you do that? I don't mind a bit of chaos"

Makino ask calmly but his cheerful atmosphere makes him look quite excited even though his face is devoid of emotions

"Of course, I know the owner of the place. My club always held a meeting there."

Kotobuki respond to Makino question with a proud smile while pointing at himself

"Thank you Kotobuki-san. I owe you one."

Makino thank him by bowing slightly with his usual poker face but you can hear the sincerity on his voice

"Don't mind it, now let's go!"

Kotobuki just waved his hand dismissively with a loud laugh and started to walk around the place Kotobuki mentioned before. Makino then follow Kotobuki from behind just like a duckling following his mother.


Jeng jeng jeng

I'm back... Well not really... I injured my ligaments and I was trying to cure my boredom. And I thought why not write something and post it after that disappear again? I've actually got a lot of idea in my mind. I have created like 7or 8 fanfic and six of them are romance... Four of them are Oregairu and the other two are Quintuplets one (I can't be ass to write the first word) the other two is quite different. One is a Knb or Kuroko no basket fanfic. And the other one is kind of unique to me.

Satō from Ajin demi human and Takamura from Sakamoto Days got transported to one piece world. Unique right? Two overpowered old men in their respective verse trying to tackle the one piece world. Anyway, don't get your hopes up too much since I don't even know when I will touch the writing button again

Yes I will split this into two parts and with that


dawg where the fuck is the #singlefemalelead,#noharem and #romance?... I can't find them.. I am blind asf

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