
In the Novel World

April 1,2023 A boy can be seen in an empty class as he is looking out the window. The whole classroom is enveloped in peaceful silence but the same can’t said about the outside. A “ONCE” beautiful girl is being apprehended by the law enforcement and the people around her is giving her a disgusted look. The boy is seeing everything from the second floor of their school building. No emotion can be detected from his face apart from a calm smile. After seeing the police cars left the school premise, he quietly left the classroom. Nobody can tell from his expression that the girl who is being taken by the police is his so-called “GIRLFRIEND”. \ \ \ \ \ It is my first-time writing novel and I don’t have much experience about writing. English my third language and I am not very good at it. So, you guys will find a ton of grammatical or other mistakes. But I will try to improve my writing quality over time. It will of great help if you guys can give me your honest opinion in the comment section. I know there will a lot of criticism because of my writing quality but please keep it in check because it’s not a pleasant feeling to hear people talk crap about someone’s work even if that work isn’t good. Last but not least Enjoy my novel!

Dark_Sider321 · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Start of my Revenge-3

*3rd person POV

After seeing the interaction between Rudy and Malty, all the boys give Rudy a look of disdain. Since most of the boys in the class have crushes on Malty since they find her attractive, they didn't like Rudy and Malty's relationship.

From the start of their school year, all of the boys were charmed by her beauty, which included long brown hair, a face free of scars and acne, and a curvy physique. All of the students were in their twenties, so seeing a girl with a curvaceous figure and beautiful face set their hormones racing. The city they live in is not so big, so it goes without saying that they don't encounter many attractive women.

*Malty POV

My name is Malty Cyka, and I am the sole heir of the mighty Cyka group. I was given everything from the moment I was born. I had a golden spoon in my mouth and was born more beautiful than the others, even that bitch, Rona. The family I was born into was super rich and had a lot of power. Even my parents love me a lot. They praise me for whatever I do!

Nobody says anything, even if I do something; instead, they praise me. At some point, I realized that ...

'I am a chosen one.'

I am beautiful and rich, and no one in the city can do anything to me! Those worthless poor people will never get such a thing! They were born into mediocrity because they weren't chosen like me. All those people should worship me!

Even those people in school listen to whatever I say if I say something nicely, as if I am their goddess. No, I am a goddess! Those filthy people should even be honored to stand in my presence!!

But there was someone else I didn't like other than Rona, and it was "Rudy Hart," because he doesn't give me the attention I deserve!

Then I cheeked his background using my family power and found out that he was poor and did part-time jobs.

'How dare that garbage!!'

How dare that filthy poor doesn't give me attention to the mighty me! He should even be honored that I waste my precious time thinking about him!

After that, I tried to speak to him politely, expecting him to grow scared and start shuttering because someone like me was trying to speak to him.

But all he gave me were gruff responses!

After that, I became furious and tried again, but all I got was the same response. So I devise a strategy to make him fall in love and then drop him so that he realizes his mistake!!

I must be a genius to have thought up such a plan!!!! HAHAha!!

One day, I called him out to the rooftop and faked confessing to him.

Surprisingly, he accepted pretty easily. HAHAHAH So he must be attracted to me, but as a loner, he lacked the courage to look at me because of my magnificence!

As expected of me!!! NO ONE CAN RESIST MY CHARM!!

"Just you wait, "Rudy Hart"I will make you fall in love and then crush your heart thoroughly. This is your punishment for avoiding me!" I muttered to myself with a mischievous smile.

As the days went by, people started to give me more attention. Even after they discovered that I had begun dating the boring male in the class, the amount of attention I was receiving did not decrease; instead, the number of attractive boys vying for my attention increased. They started to tell me how I should break up with him and how I deserve someone better. After hearing them, I couldn't help but chuckle.

'Don't worry, somebody as noble as me will never think about having someone like him as my partner. After I deal with him, I will give you guys the attention you want' I thought to myself.

'Now that I think about it, as the chosen one, shouldn't I have the right to own everything I want?'

After I looked around, all the boys surrounding me were handsome, so I couldn't choose anyone.

'OHH, I can just have all of them!' I thought to myself happily.

After that, I began to provide them with some services in private, one by one. As a result, they all essentially turned into my slaves. Now they listen to whatever I say like slaves. I didn't feel any guilt towards my supposed "BOYFRIEND" because someone like him will never have my love!

I couldn't help but be proud of myself!

ohh and I didn't forget to spend some time with my real "BOYFRIEND".

But, today, there is something wrong with him. He was acting more strangely than usual.

'Did he find out about it?' I couldn't help but have that thought.

OW Well, it's not like I care if he found out about it, and if he attempts to do something, my "SLAVES" will take care of it.

I went to his desk to talk to him, as what a nice girlfriend would do.

But when I tried to talk with him, I couldn't help but step back a little.

Because... his eyes look like they have lost their light, and it sent a chill down my spine.

But, he quickly returned to normal and apologized to me for forgetting to greet me in the morning.

After that, I returned to my seat and thought to myself:

'What was that?'




*Rudy's POV

'I should keep myself in check or I will lose it again' I thought to myself after that incident with Myka.

'I should get to work'



Then I looked at the student I was going to observe earlier, as he's not so far from my seat, and sure enough, he is looking at Maika with a strange gaze. After looking at his facial expression for some time, I couldn't help but laugh inwardly.

I suddenly recalled a quote I had read earlier...

'Lust is a pleasure bought with pains, a delight hatched with disquiet, a content passed with fear, and a sin finished with sorrow.'