
In the Novel World

April 1,2023 A boy can be seen in an empty class as he is looking out the window. The whole classroom is enveloped in peaceful silence but the same can’t said about the outside. A “ONCE” beautiful girl is being apprehended by the law enforcement and the people around her is giving her a disgusted look. The boy is seeing everything from the second floor of their school building. No emotion can be detected from his face apart from a calm smile. After seeing the police cars left the school premise, he quietly left the classroom. Nobody can tell from his expression that the girl who is being taken by the police is his so-called “GIRLFRIEND”. \ \ \ \ \ It is my first-time writing novel and I don’t have much experience about writing. English my third language and I am not very good at it. So, you guys will find a ton of grammatical or other mistakes. But I will try to improve my writing quality over time. It will of great help if you guys can give me your honest opinion in the comment section. I know there will a lot of criticism because of my writing quality but please keep it in check because it’s not a pleasant feeling to hear people talk crap about someone’s work even if that work isn’t good. Last but not least Enjoy my novel!

Dark_Sider321 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Start of my Revenge-4

*Rudys POV

I was familiar with the expression Dickson gave Malty. Because many of the students in our class gave Malty the same look, but....... the emotion involved was stronger than the others.

And that is 'Lust'

You see, after I started doing part-time jobs there were many kind of people who I have interacted with. As a student, I didn't have much of an option in terms of jobs, so I usually worked in convenience stores and cafes.

There were many problem I faced, and most common was dealing with some problematic customers.

Some customers yelled at me out of nowhere about little concerns, there was one time when some students our age accused me of putting hair in their food just because I asked them to quiet their volume a little because some customers were being annoyed by their loud voice.

After that, I tried to tell the manager the truth, but he wouldn't even hear me out and fired me.



Because of that I have to find another job.

So, after that experience, I just tried to comply with their needs and let them be pleased.

I forced myself to stay calm and simply listen to whatever they have to say....

I can't say I was like those famous detectives who can tell people's emotions at a single glance, but I tried to study their emotions by seeing their facial expression during their babbling so that I could do what they wanted.

There were some customers who gave lustful glances to some female workers, and I had to deal with them.

So, to some extent, I can tell what kind of intention they have for others based on their facial expression.


I didn't have to be some expert to realize what kind of intention he have toward Maika, because anybody can tell just by looking at his way of unusual heavy breathing and the places he is looking at peoples, specially girls body.

'Disgusting' I thought with a frown on my face.

I know it's unfair to judge people based on their appearance, but I know for a fact that he's a disgusting person. No matter how much we're drawn to the other sex's body because of our age, it's still disgusting to openly lust at someone.

'Now I understand why people always avoided him. I wasn't really interested in anyone because I was studying like crazy.' I thought.

I don't really like the idea of interact with him but...

'I don't really have a choice, do I?' I helplessly thought to myself.

After that, the homeroom teacher came and class started.





*3rd person POV

Right after the third class...

"Rudy, can you please grab these papers and bring them to the teachers office, because I have another work to do." suddenly the teacher called Rudy.

"Yes sir!" Rudy got up from his seat and went near his teacher.

But for some reason the teacher was staring at Rudy.

After noticing that Rudy asked;

"Is there anything on my face, sir?"

After hearing Rudy voice he snapped out of his daze and replied with a confused voice;

"No, but its just........ you are somehow different today"

All the students were talking with each other, so nobody heard his voice

After listening to the his teachers words, Rudy just replied with a smile;

"Really? But I don't thing there is any problem, and I am completely healthy!"

"Is....that so" after not being able to put his finger on where the problem is, he just let go of the matter.

After that, Rudy grab hold of the paper and started to walk out of the classroom following his teacher.

But before the teacher can step out of the classroom he saw Rudy stopped in his track, so he couldn't help but ask;

"What's wrong?"

After Rudy heard his voice, he replied with a troubled look on his face;

"Sir, the papers are slightly heavy, so can I ask someone to help me?"

After seeing that the papers were indeed heavy, he replied without thinking too much

"Sure, but I want those paper in my desk after I return from my task."

After that he left the classroom and went to the opposite direction of the teachers room.

Now, all that's left were the students who were talking among themselves and Rudy who was standing with a lots of paper on his hand.

After that he left the class......

and reappeared again through the backdoor of the classroom.

Nobody noticed his weird action because they were in their own world.

After that, he moved to one of the desks in the surrounding of his own.

There he found a boy who is quite fat for his, maybe 80 pound or something along the line.

The boy is currently reading a manga.

Rudy called out to the boy.


"h-haa, w-what can I do for y-you?"

After making a shocked expression, he asked Rudy a question while shuttering.

Hearing his words, Rudy asked with a troubled smile on his face;

"You see, I was asked by the teacher to bring these papers to the office, but as you can see, they are a bit heavy for me, so can you help me out for a bit?"

Hearing him the boy made a confused expression, after seeing his face Rudy asked him;

"What's wrong?"

"N-no, its just, why m-me?"

After hearing his answer, Rudy told him;

"You look kind of strong so that's why I asked you."

Hearing the compliment, the boy looked happy for a moment but still asked;

"N-o, that's n-no what I mean. A-as you can see n-nobody likes me and there are m-many other people i-in the class. W-why don't you asked t-them"

Hearing his answer, Rudy replied to him ;

"As you can see all the people are busy with their own things and even if I asked them they will most likely reject"

After looking around the class, the boy realized that most of his classmates were talking among themselves.


Hearing Rudy's voice the boy looked at him.

After grabbing his attention Rudy replied with a gentle smile;

"I am not like those people who judge people based on their appearance."

After hearing his words and gentle smile, the boy felt warm inside because nobody had ever told him something like this.

"So, can you please help me?"

The boy didn't find any reason to reject it, so he accepted his proposal, and both of them departed from the class, sharing half of the paper with each other.

Both of them didn't attract any attention, most likely because they weren't well liked by the others.




After finishing their jobs, both of them were returning to their classroom. All of a sudden Rudy started the conversation;

"Now that I thing about it we never talked with each other, right?"

Hearing his question, the boy answered in a nervous tone;

"Y-yes, we never t-talked with with each other."

Suddenly Rudy said something which shocked the boy;

"Then, why don't we became friends with each other?"

After coming out of his shock the boy replied with slightly higher tone; .


Rudy replied with a smile

"Then why don't we start with introducing ourselves"

"My name is Rudy Hart! Nice to meet you!"

The boy Replied in a happy tone;

'Y-yes!! My name is Harry Dickson! N-nice to meet you!!!'

Then both of them smiled.


the boy didn't saw the strange glint that flashed through Rudy's eyes.....