
In the Naruto world, I'm a teacher: My students save the world

Read up to 12 advanced released chapters: https://www.patreon.com/Pervy_Sennin Plenty of r+18 in this work. The smut will always be brought back into the picture. ________________________________________________ In the Naruto world, I became stronger, and later a teacher. It was all thanks to a system called the Universal Gym. In the Universal Gym, anything you do can make you stronger... Including lemon time... hehe My disciples are the characters of the original world (Naruto, Sakura, Ino...), what could change if they became stronger due to my training? Hmm... How about I give this disciple of mine a Devil fruit? ________________________________________________

Pervy_Sennin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Strange space

Currently, Hayato is inside of Konoha.

No need to be surprised about it.

After all, he was quite strong and they wouldn't even know he was here. Since he was disguising his power level.

But even when he didn't it wasn't possible to get rid of someone like him easily.

'Sigh, I only wanted to have some fun there, but I ended up alerting the whole village…'

What he thought internally, was the reason he was disguising now.

'It's in the past, no need to think about it anymore,'

More importantly…

"Ichiraku ramen!"

'Who knew that it was that tasty?'

In fact, even Hayato himself had expected it to be average at best.

But the reason it was that hyped would be that Naruto attached sentiments and nostalgia to it making him tout it as the best food ever.

But actually, Hayato had tasted it and it was delicious.

Don't underestimate his words. Hayato, due to boredom, was vastly knowledgeable about the domain of food.

After all, he had nothing better to do. Even the last time with the village trouble he had, he was only there for food.

As he took a seat inside, he looked at the owner of the shop.

"Hey there, boss Teuchi, how have you been?"

"Hayato, good to have you back, everything is fine on this side, haha,"

"The usual?"

The boss asked, and Hayato nodded while pointing two fingers for two bowls.

"Coming right up" 

Hayato smiled and asked.

"Is little Ayame doing good?"

He was a regular so he of course knew them both enough to greet them.

The girl in question peered at him from behind the curtain.

"Ah, Hayato, you're back, I'm doing good thank you for asking." She responded happily to this regular customer. But then she realized something.

"Ah! Wait a minute… who are you calling little? You only look a bit older than me," She glared at him and swung her ladle in a threatening way.

"True, true, but it's the life experience that matters" Hayato responded with a lazy smile.

'Which in my case is this lifetime plus the last time, accept it, little girl, hehe'

"Tch, you're lucky you're a valuable paying customer…" 'And good looking…' Ayame ignored him and focused back on her work. Not forgetting to compliment his good looks and praise him in her heart.

She was after all a girl, and no girl would refuse to see a good-looking man.

Soon, the first bowl came in, and Hayato reached in to start eating.

"This is it… sigh"

He marveled at the taste.


But just as he was eating and finished the first bowl, he sensed something.


He couldn't help but grin.

'Can't waste time now, it's been so long'

So, while standing with the bowl in one hand and eating it, he teleported.

Where to?

Well, of course, that was to his dearest space where he could train his disciples.

As to why, that should be obvious by now.


On Konoha's side.

Both teams sent to help Sunagakure stood near the cave where Gaara was.

There was a seal present so everyone had to deal with it.

Team Guy offered to take care of four, while Team Kakashi would dispose of the last one and attack those inside as the main part of the plan.

As Team Guy did so, from each seal, a figure similar to them appeared, and so each member of the team had to fight their copies.

It was troublesome, and definitely served to waste their time.

Meanwhile, Sakura punched the boulder covering the cave and they all entered.

Once inside they laid eyes on Gaara's dead body.

It was too late.

They were too late.

Naruto, despite being quite different than before, didn't change the fact that he was indeed Naruto.

As such, he was full of anger towards the Akatsuki, who were responsible for this.

He vowed in his mind to repay them all for what they had done.

Then Naruto and Kakashi went to follow Deidara, while Sakura and the old lady Chiyo stayed in place to face Sasori.

And then the two continued on fighting together, their teamwork impressive enough that even Hiruku was having trouble.

Until finally, Sasori was forced to use his real form and he showed up before them.

That was when Sakura spotted something coming toward her. She saw how small it was and from afar it looked like it was a pin.

She grabbed it while keeping watch over Sasori.

It was a pin like she thought with the words UG.

She didn't understand what it was and was about to put it away to think over it later on since it was floating earlier, but suddenly she felt her perception of the world and time was changing so she panicked.

The next thing that happened was time completely stopping as she was then teleported somewhere else.

As she opened her eyes, she found herself in the same position, still holding the pin and looking at it.


But her instincts screamed at her that something was wrong.

'Where am I?'

She took a vigilant look and stance as she got ready to fight.

But as she surveyed the terrain, she found herself at a loss.

'This doesn't make sense…?'

Everywhere she looked there was but the white color.


Even the ground she was standing on was white, and she got a mind trip feeling about that, but it wasn't the time.

She tried running for a bit but it seemed like she was just staying in the same place.

Right as she took another turn to see behind her and survey the place again, this time she suddenly found an old traditional house like those in her ninja village.

'Where did this come from?!'

Then as she found herself getting more and more perplexed, she suddenly heard a voice call out to her.

"Come inside, stop wasting time, you're gonna need it," The obviously male voice reached her ear as if the person was standing right next to her.

It seemed to be coming from inside the house.

She was nervous about this since she didn't know what the hell was going on, but then the voice with an annoyed sigh called again.

"Come in already, if I wanted to do anything to you, you would have already been dead ten thousand times by now,"

Sakura, who heard the slightly youthful voice, hesitated a bit, and then when she thought about it, she understood that this voice was correct.

So, seeing no other solution, she went towards the voice and entered through the front door.


I have made a p.atreon where you can find more chapters. (You can go fanfic description page for easier link to copy.)

You can read up to 12 advanced released chapters there:
