
In the Naruto world, I'm a teacher: My students save the world

Read up to 12 advanced released chapters: https://www.patreon.com/Pervy_Sennin Plenty of r+18 in this work. The smut will always be brought back into the picture. ________________________________________________ In the Naruto world, I became stronger, and later a teacher. It was all thanks to a system called the Universal Gym. In the Universal Gym, anything you do can make you stronger... Including lemon time... hehe My disciples are the characters of the original world (Naruto, Sakura, Ino...), what could change if they became stronger due to my training? Hmm... How about I give this disciple of mine a Devil fruit? ________________________________________________

Pervy_Sennin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Naruto is strong!



A huge explosion sounded all of a sudden in the middle of a clearing.

The trees swayed with the wind and the smaller ones were even uprooted.

The ground spilt up into many small pieces of rock and the cracks resembled a spider web.

What was this?

This was her, Sakura Haruno, who was attempting to showcase to Naruto that she had become stronger. Especially this new Naruto who she was sure was very strong simply from the aura he exuded.

And what better place and stage than against their Jonin teacher Hatake Kakashi?


She breathed as she held her arm in the biceps with her other one and smiled victoriously.

Still, Kakashi, after the fog dispersed and the huge damage was shown, appeared on the side still lazily holding his treasured series book.

"Sakura, you have surely gotten stronger…"

The praise though true didn't mean anything when Kakashi simply brushed off her attacks.


She charged yet again, throwing kunais at Kakashi this time, as a way of distraction before once again charging at him with her super strength.




Sounds of explosion and faint bells ringing sounded each time as Sakura pursued her teacher all around. 

Yet she wasn't able to touch him.

And while all this was happening, Naruto simply watched.

'They both are keeping track of my position and seeing what I'm gonna do…'

The guy in question, noticeably smarter than before, thanks to his teacher of course, knew that the two fighting had been keeping an eye on him.

'Well, I should do something soon, but nothing too… excessive'

He watched as Sakura hid in the trees and waited for a chance to deliver a final attack while throwing kunais as she moved about hidden.

Suddenly as Kakashi kept dodging, he was caught in her chakra binding trap.

Red lines erupted and bound his form, but Kakashi was yet to become serious as he used replacement and turned into wood.

'Got you!'

But that was exactly what Sakura had been gunning for.

She suddenly appeared above his form with a downward chakra-enhanced kick of monstrous strength.

Kakashi was caught and his body suddenly turned into smoke before her leg passed through and destroyed the earth nearby on a scale that would leave the earlier damage look like a child did it.

"Tsunade-sama would be proud, Sakura"

Kakashi had a smile under his mask.

"I would not want to get caught by such an attack,"

He chuckled as he added.

"Neither would I, Sakura! Haha, it seems like I should dodge your punches from now on,"

Naruto who had his arm wrapped on Kakashi's shoulder suddenly said.

Time suddenly froze at that moment.

'When did he?!'

Both had been keeping track of Naruto all this while by sensing him, yet he suddenly appeared near Kakashi and even had enough time to wrap his arm around his shoulders.

Kakashi used replacement and escaped. This time he lowered his headband to show his Sharingan.

'This guy seems to be much stronger than I expected…'

He of course had his suspicions once he had seen how much Naruto changed physically but this time he was more surprised.

Because what Naruto displayed was pure speed.

"Ma, Kakashi sensei, I think it's time we wrap this around,"

Naruto chuckled and discreetly signaled Sakura to do something with his fingers.

Then Naruto created two clones and each ran around to corner Kakashi.

The Jonin in question had his eyes keeping track of everything.

But once they reached him, unlike what he expected they engaged him in pure Taijutsu, which he was quite confident about.

The main stayed in the back in a stance ready to pounce so Kakashi thought to keep an eye on him, but he was soon overwhelmed by the Taijutsu shown by the two clones.

He fought harder trying to quickly dispel them, but it seemed to be futile as anything he tried they easily dodged it.

He was barely able to keep up with the two at the same time which was something surprising to him.

Meanwhile, Main Naruto circled around him and threw kunais at him to distract him.

Sakura who stayed back was excited and at the same time very perplexed about how Naruto became so strong.

"Water release: Water Wave!"

She watched as Kakashi did the seals for a water jutsu so that he could push the clones back and that seemed to work as they were dispelled by the water wave.

Now the ground was covered with running water and all three used water walking to stick to the surface.

"As expected of you sensei,"

Naruto just chuckled as he suddenly appeared behind Kakashi.

He had two fingers on his mouth and he started to use wind release.

"Wind Release: Spiraling Wind balls"

Kakashi acrobatically dodged and wondered how Naruto was able to turn a B-ranked jutsu which was 'Spiraling Wind balls' and turn it into an A rank so casually by spamming it, sending 5-6 wind balls at a time.

Kakashi dodged suddenly, but he found his arm was caught from the ground as a clone appeared grabbing it.

He sent a kunai down and dispelled it before he turned on his arms and spun while kicking the new clones that appeared dispelling them.

And just as he landed, Naruto had prepared a new wind jutsu for him.

'Damn it Naruto, did Jiraiya train you so hard or what?'

He was annoyed since he was forced to give his 100% and he couldn't laze anymore or read his beloved book. 

"Wind Release: Beast Tearing Palm"

Kakashi was observing yet another powerful technique of wind nature chakra that can cut and slash through any material. 

He was aware that it was also B-rank, and it was activated by summoning chakra in their hand and then swiping a slicing chakra wave which is controlled by the user's will and thoughts. 

One is also able to use the technique in a rapid-fire, successive motion. Releasing up to 5 of these slicing chakra waves in one post. Each of these waves was seven meters long and a meter wide.

And that was exactly what Naruto had done.

5 of these slicing chakra waves were sent at Kakashi had some trouble dodging them this time.

His clothes got caught and were torn apart a bit in the arms area, but that wasn't the end as Kakashi saw Naruto smirk at him.

'It's over' Naruto thought.

He had a bad feeling and before he could do anything…


He only had enough time to turn and cross his arms before Sakura punched him.

He was thrown into the ground and kept rolling for a while until he landed and felt sore all over his body. At that moment, he didn't even want to move.

As he lay on the ground, he thought to himself as he felt the bells were taken from him.

'Sakura was one of the clones I kicked…' She was disguised as a clone and didn't dispel when he kicked her.

'They got me…'

"My students… you have surely grown strong!"

He had a smile on his face as despite feeling sore he was satisfied.