
In the Naruto world, I'm a teacher: My students save the world

Read up to 12 advanced released chapters: https://www.patreon.com/Pervy_Sennin Plenty of r+18 in this work. The smut will always be brought back into the picture. ________________________________________________ In the Naruto world, I became stronger, and later a teacher. It was all thanks to a system called the Universal Gym. In the Universal Gym, anything you do can make you stronger... Including lemon time... hehe My disciples are the characters of the original world (Naruto, Sakura, Ino...), what could change if they became stronger due to my training? Hmm... How about I give this disciple of mine a Devil fruit? ________________________________________________

Pervy_Sennin · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

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Sakura breathed deeply as her fingers dug into her palms.

And then she took her first step towards the house.

'After all, I can't do anything else,' She didn't forget when she started running before. It was like she remained in place.

But as she made it to the house…

She had never seen a place quite like this before. As she stepped through the sliding door, she was enveloped in the warm embrace of a traditional Japanese house. 

The tatami mats under her feet felt soft, and the room was filled with the soothing scent of tatami and fresh wood. Paper lanterns hung from the ceiling, casting a gentle, golden glow that danced across the rice paper walls. It was as if she had been transported to a homely traditional place.

Her eyes widened in wonder as she took in the exquisite details of the room. A low wooden table adorned with a delicate arrangement sat at the center, and the sliding shoji screens revealed a peaceful garden outside, complete with a koi pond and a small bridge. Sakura couldn't help but marvel at the beauty and serenity of the place.

'What?' but at the same time, she turned shockingly to see the outside through the sliding door she entered through.

After all, she had seen nothing but white in this place except the house, so how come she saw the pond and garden? And then as she saw through the door she had entered before, she saw a similar garden there.

'That wasn't there before!' She exclaimed internally. She hadn't passed through that at all. She didn't know what the hell was going on.

But she swallowed her apprehension and she continued to explore as she was a Ninja. No matter how weird everything was, she would get over it and adapt.

Sakura finally caught sight of the person who had brought her here. He was standing by the shoji screen, gazing out at the garden, his silhouette framed by the soft light.

As for his clothes, he was wearing simple black pants and a black T-shirt. By the side, a cloak was on the hanger. 

Her heart skipped a beat as she took in his handsome features. His strong jawline and deep, thoughtful eyes were captivating, and he exuded an air of confidence and mystery that drew her in.

Despite her liking Sasuke that is, she couldn't help taking a few glances. That was just how charismatic everything was surrounding this person.

Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, Sakura finally spoke, her voice slightly trembling with awe, "This place is incredible, but how is it possible? Also, you are...?" She paused, not quite sure how to put her thoughts into words.

The main character turned to her, a faint smile coloring his face. "Thank you," he replied with a warm smile. "I'm glad you like it here. Now, I'm sure you have many questions and I'll answer them shortly, but let's introduce ourselves first,"

"My name is Hayato Jiroyoshi, what about you?"

Sakura couldn't help but blush in return.

"Sakura Haruno, pleased to meet you," She instinctively bowed to him, as she felt he was very polite with her. 

But as he had said, her mind was indeed racing with questions. How had she ended up in this tranquil haven place, whatever it was? Just moments ago, she had been on the brink of a fierce battle, determined to protect the sand ninja, Lady Chiyo who was still out there, fighting against their enemy, Sasori.

With worry gnawing at her heart, Sakura spoke up again, her voice tinged with concern. "I don't understand how I got here. I was supposed to be in the midst of a battle. My COMPANION? Lady Chiyo is still out there, and I'm afraid she'll be overwhelmed by the enemy. I need to get back to her, but I'm not sure how..."

The main character's expression shifted to a look of understanding.

'So, Sakura is fighting Sasori, huh' The MC who had knowledge of the plot smiled. He liked it when he could know what was going on. That Guy Naruto hadn't reported anything to him despite him explicitly telling him again and again. He was sure to discipline him when he meets him later on.

He approached Sakura, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry," he said softly. 

"Nothing will happen to her, I'll explain to you how that is possible, but first Take a moment to rest and catch your breath. You'll need it to hear what I have to say,"

Hayato gazed at her kindly.

But inside, he was breakdancing from happiness.

'I finally got a new disciple!'

Meanwhile, Sakura took a deep breath and calmed down quickly.

She knew she needed to find a way back, and with the help of this handsome stranger, she was determined to do whatever it took to reunite with Lady Chiyo and continue the battle, and then support Naruto and Kakashi-sensei.

As for how she was sure this Hayato person could help her? It was just her instinct as a ninja. She felt he had something to do with this place.

As he felt she had calmed down, he motioned to her to sit down across the small table.

She did so, and he gave her a bowl of ramen.

He had earlier ordered two, but as his guest, and future disciple he felt he should accommodate her.

Sakura was a bit apprehensive about this. She just told him she was short on time…

"Don't worry, and eat comfortably." Sakura was really about to do so but then she heard what he said next.

"After all, time is stopped outside of this place,"

Hayato said with a grin.

Sakura looked at him and blinked her eyes.

She then proceeded to get up.

"Wait, wait! Don't be hasty,"

Hyato hurriedly put a hand on her shoulder with a panicked face.

She looked at him for an explanation.

"I'm not lying,"

"Time really is stopped outside to a certain extent."

He waved his hands and the surroundings changed to show where Sakura was previously at.

Sakura's eyes widened.

Not only at the display of strange abilities by the wave of this stranger, Hayato, but also as she saw both Chiyo and Sasori were stopped in place.

Even thrown kunais and puppets were hung in space not moving. 

A sort of panic graced her facial features as she understood that this stranger was more dangerous than she had guessed.

But Hayato smiled and sat back down while gesturing at the Ramen.

She swallowed and did as he asked.

She broke the wooden chopsticks into two and started eating.

"Now, then, you can relax, I'm not gonna hurt you, I've already said this three times now, sigh"

As he said this, Sakura, this time understood that what he had said was correct, he really could kill her easily with what she had seen him capable of doing.

She continued eating while paying attention to what he had said.

"Now then, to get on with business. You had found one of the tags, right? It looks like this,"

He showed her the pin with the letters 'UG'.

'Ug? What does it mean?' she kept the question in her mind.

When she nodded, wondering what that had to do with anything, he smiled.

"Those tags are special. They are tags I have sent into the world, to search for disciples I could teach, and when someone finds one, they can enter this space! In here, two years would pass, while only one second would pass outside!"

Hayato said while smiling.

'What the hell, where did that come from?'

At some point, after she blinked, a glass of tea appeared on the table and Sakura was shocked but she quickly got over it since it wasn't as crazy as what she saw before. 

Anyway, as she got back to observing the pin, she remembered something.

'Isn't that the one Naruto hand on his clothes? Could it be…?'

Sakura's eyes widened.

"You… you're the teacher Naruto spoke about?"


"And now, I'm about to teach you!"

She heard how he had said only one second would pass outside, while they could stay here for two years. That was simply outrageous to her. But she couldn't help but believe it.

"But you, of course, have the choice to refuse, this isn't something that can be forced on you unless you yourself decided to train under me,"

Sakura grew silent as she started to think about everything.


I have made a p.atreon where you can find more chapters. (You can go fanfic description page for easier link to copy.)

You can read up to 12 advanced released chapters there:
