
In One Piece as the Monkey King!?

Sun Wukong, a Chinese national, was killed due to his own negligence of his surroundings. Stabbed three times in the chest he bled out not before, "Er..ase..my hist..ry *Cough*" whispering those last noble words to his great friend Zen. Thinking it was the end of his journey, waiting to be reborn into the a new world, one he had no knowledge of, only to find himself in one he knew very well. Let us stalk the amazing adventures of Sun, as he embarks on an adventure to become the true Monkey King! (I own nothing other than my mc, so yeah.)

Daoof30Forced · Anime et bandes dessinées
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18 Chs

What a Drag.....

[1st P.O.V.]

~East Blue~


Flying through the sky my hair blew into my face, but I didn't care too much about it. I lied, it's annoying as hell.

'Guess I'll get a headband when I reach a village or something,' I listened to the newly acquired information from Yeoui.

"So what you're saying is once you guys are reunited with each other your intelligence increases as well, allowing freedom of speech?"

*Shake, Shine!*

Kinto Un and Yeoui responded in kind to my question. Since we left the deserted island via the sky we've been sharing information. We flew on Kinto Un as Goku did with his flying nimbus.

'So getting all of the weapons to unlock my Monkey King form according to Jin. And acquiring the 'Weapon of the Three Gods' will give me a full set of sentient weapons.


My stomach grumbled a bit due to my lack of food. Well, it was just me being a glutton. My mind wants food so I want food as well that's just how I work.

"I'm hungry. Let's find an island and get some food. I don't think either of you can eat, can you?"

Kinto Un shone blue and Yeoui agreed with my claims as we flew through the sky unhindered by the waves that raged down below.

'How did you get this powerful in such a short time, Sun?' Yeoui asked, making me raise an eyebrow at his question.

Even if he wasn't there when I was training with Jin, due to it being after I woke up in Makino's bedroom.

I know for a fact that Yeoui, also known as Ruyi Jingu Bang was one of the most used weapons in the Webtoon.

After Jin acquired it he used it as much as his martial arts, but if he didn't know how I became this strong it meant he'd never been in contact with his staff for years.

All he had to do was call Yeoui's name and he would come. Unless the 'Other World' had some barrier that encased it, interfering with their connection.

"You don't know?" He shook, explaining he didn't. Which confused me even more. 'The questions without any known answers start to pile on top of each other even more *sigh*.'

"How did you even get into the 'Other World' Yeoui?" Racking my brains I just realized he was on the moon at the same time I was in my coma.

I didn't even know he was the staff of legends, until he began to shake, saying one word, 'Yeoui!', when he first destroyed part of Makino's Bar.

Picking him up was easier than I thought but his size was too large as I had to hold him on my back like a sack of potatoes.

Coincidentally he came around the time I was getting ready to leave. I was planning to get a Sea Stone Pole and wear gloves. Now I have this bad boy.

With all that said, unless he was in something equivalent to my state at the time there isn't any other explanation that I could think of on the spot.

'I was minding my own business just chilling on the moon, looking at the stars passing by. The very next second I was inside a hole. I thought the Monkey King finally awakened but your appearance was different to his in many ways.'

I nodded, unlike the scars and battle-hardened body he had I lacked a tremendous amount when I first came here.

He also seemed to transfer when I swung down the branch with my full power. I later moulded it into a staff almost identical to Yeoui.

'So I speculated you were something like his 'Other Self'. In the past, he even had clones that fought against him. Gaining individual temperaments and personalities. Becoming an actual being with its freedom. Once left free and undisturbed for a short time.'

"You thought I was one of those, then why did you pick me as your master. If I existed it meant the original Jin Mori most likely did as well, so there was still a chance?"


Before he could answer my question Kinto Un shone grey signifying he didn't want to be left out of the conversation.

'You didn't even know how you got here, how in the hell could you contribute to this conversation Kinto Un?'

I was inclined to laugh as hard as I could but I persisted. Even if the little guy was somewhat annoying and a Tsundere he was cute nonetheless. And none of us even knew how we got into this world.

He pouted...I think so at least, and pretended to ignore us as Yeoui answered, 'Even if he did we had a connection that was severed a long time ago. If he truly existed then all he had to do was call me.'

I was right in a way then. The mountain is kept inside of a barrier that encages it or keeps who it deems worthy or dangerous out. Otherwise, Jin wouldn't have left his trusty God Killer without supervision.

"Then why didn't you think I was strong, you knew we spent 500 years in the 'Other World'." That's what surprised me. It was like he didn't believe I was strong or he didn't want to.

'That right there is the reason, you spent 500 years and yet you were so weak compared to the original. When I returned two and a half years later you were able to wield me with relative ease.'

That...makes sense, all I did was run around, eat, sleep and repeat regularly in those five hundred years. I didn't have anything to do so my options were limited.

'Even if he is your mentor and teacher, I already chose a new master. I don't plan to betray you for the rest of my existence. As you are the very last of a kind.'

Through those words, I could convey he was talking about race. Meaning I was the last of my kind?

"How, I saw him with my own eyes. There were two actually and a bunch of other Mount Hwagwa Monkeys and Guards. The others looked like an actual Monkey though, he stayed near Jin regularly."

*Shake, Shine!*

Without warning, Yeoui and Kinto Un responded in a way I did not expect either of them too. Especially Kinto Un with his childish personality.

'NANI!' Kinto Un's entire body released lighting bolts that began to incinerate the little clothes that were left on my body after our fight.

Yeoui on the other hand increased his weight, almost pulling me through the cloud to my death in the waters below.

"Oy, chill what the... what's wrong with you two!" Remembering we had a child in our presence I refrained from cursing for the remainder of the trip.

'What did he look like, and in detail!' Shouting through the thought connection they focused on my next words.

Kinto Un even began to spread his senses with electromagnetic waves just to understand all the details as much as he could when Yeoui transfers it.

"He's a literal walking and talking monkey, his body is just humanoid. Other than that he wore normal human clothes."


A sound similar to a cricket was made, 'How the fuck did one get up here?' I ignored it for the time being. As they both went into a moment of silence.

'Was he on the mountain with you or he was a spectator from a distance?' Yeoui started asking me weird questions that I answered truthfully.

"He didn't come into contact with neither myself nor Jin, from what I saw. He watched from a distance but kept close behind us when we moved from one location to another. He did have three wings though."

The tension all of a sudden increased drastically. I could feel Yeoui and Kinto Un's emotions going through a moment of insecurity.

Why would he even make them feel that way? I knew he was weird but I didn't interfere and investigate further.

My life was in their hands after all, and if he was able to be around Jin then he ought to have the power to back his presence.

Three wings didn't ring any bells, I did read the Webtoon but only to Jin Mori's fight against 666: Satan. So if he did face someone even stronger I had no idea about it. I still can't remember a lot of the characters and places of engagement as well.

"Can one of you answer me, please?" Getting a bit restless due to their lack of communication, Yeoui shook a bit.

'That man you speak of is the greatest enemy we've ever faced or should I say, you've ever fought.'

Question marks were written all over my face, as I truly had no clue who he was talking about. The only people I know who could fit the criteria were Garp and Jin.

Garp even had Monkey in his name and resembled one so It wouldn't be crazy if he was part of my bloodline.

He taught me all three types of Haki and the Six Powers. Though he did it unconsciously as with Jin Mori's body I was able to pick up any 'Martial Arts' he did quickly.

In the 'Other World' I fought against Jin for three years straight, the first two years he taught me everything he knew about [Renewal Taekwondo] and [Whoahyorakgeyok] also known as [Heavenly Arts] by the Mount Hwagwa Monkeys.

The very last year I learned [Hallyang Style Pumba]. Which is a spear technique that I integrated with my style, that was the last time I saw him since then and now.

In that time frame, I was never able to land a single attack on him. He didn't even block an attack to say I touched him.

The kicker or the downside is, that I was never in a coma during the training. At night my body or mind, I don't truly know, went to a different plane. Which turned out to be 'The Other World'.

So if they said someone I've faced before, then it would be Jin Mori, my mentor and teacher. But it seems like it's someone else.

Someone showed up later on in the series after I stopped reading. Who seemed to be even stronger than Jin himself.

But the fact they're saying 'we' means I'm inheriting or slowly becoming the actual Monkey King. Not just taking the powers I acclaimed from the Devil Fruit

'I think I'm using my brain, contrary to my former inner monologues of not using it. What a fucking drag this is.'

Sighing, I signalled with my hand for Yeoui to continue and explain the shitshow I got myself in for eating a godamn fruit.

'He is the newly proclaimed Supreme God. And his name is.....'

AN: Hola it's me Daoof kekekekeekek, so I want to know how I'll want his laugh to sound like. Also his love interests. There will be two maybe three if y'all vote something I could write about.

Later a👋👋💯😏