
In Naruto: With Shanks Template

A 21st century Otaku died and reincarnated as Naruto with Shanks template. Influenced by Pirate like traits with a bit cunningness from Shanks

LordRaphael · Anime et bandes dessinées
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41 Chs

Chapter 12: You will Marry me!

"y-you, are you really N-naruto-kun?"

'Huh! She is quite perceptive for someone with such a timid personality' thought Naruto as he started thinking about what to say. At that moment he understood that he needed to start using his bullshit no jutsu again, and he needed to mix as much truth in it so that he didn't feel any guilt towards Hinata, also he needed to manipulate facts to bring her out of her timid personality.

"Well, I am indeed not the Naruto you knew, I have seen some things that have led to this change you are seeing. How about we talk during the break as I am quite eager to talk to you, and also it would be good if you could collect yourself so that we could talk without having you fainted on me" Naruto replied with a wry smile towards the end of the sentence.

Hinata was quite stunned by this reply and also a red hue covered her face when she heard the last part. She simply hummed and started focusing towards the front.

The rest of the class went without any disturbance as Naruto didn't cause any scene in the class. The teachers, Mizuki and Iruka might be more surprised by this change in Naruto, Iruka in a positive way and Mizuki in the opposite.

As the break began, Naruto called to Hinata sitting beside him they both went to a quiet corner under a shade on the academy grounds.

"So, what do you want to know Hinata?"

"N-naruto kun, what happened and what did you a-actually see?" Hinata asked while fidgeting.

"Sigh!, it's a long story, but still you are quite important to me so I am going to tell you everything, just keep it a secret from everyone as you yourself will realize by the end of our talk". At this, Naruto was thankful that Hinata was from Hyuga and not Yamanaka as those guys are creepy for Naruto.

Listening to Naruto, Hinata's face turned red as steam started to come out of her head but she was able to control herself and not faint. She had thought about what Naruto had told her in the morning and she had been preparing for this.

"I-i p-promise, I won't tell anyone"

"You see, Hinata-chan, let me begin by introducing myself, I am Naruto Uzumaki, the last Royal Uzumaki or the Prince of Uzumaki clan. Now, before you ask what the Uzumaki clan is, let me give you an explanation. ..." With this, he began explaining the Uzumaki clan, its inception and how during the second great Ninja War the Uzumaki clan was annihilated.

He goes on to tell her about how Kushina escaped and then he tells her about Senju destruction, the Uchiha destruction and his theory for Hatake Sakumo. Hearing this she also has the same question as Sasuke but also a frown on her face which is uncharacteristic of her.

"Wait Naruto-kun, you told me that only a single Royal Uzumaki escaped from the Land of Whirlpools, and she became a Jinchuriki of Nine Tails and Married the Fourth Hokage, and on the day of the Nine-Tails attack, how Danzo leaked the location of her childbirth, and then both of them died fighting them. And since you are the last Royal Uzumaki, does that mean you are that child of the Fourth Hokage and Kushina Uzumaki, the previous Jinchuriki, and since everyone calls you fox demon, you are the current Jinchuriki and that night, the Fourth Hokage sealed the Nine-Tails inside you" Hinata said all this in a single breath and with a hint of anger in her voice as she couldn't understand how all of this work. Some of this can also be related to the schemes regarding her kidnapping and Hizashi's death and all of its relation to Danzo.

'She didn't stutter at all and she didn't question how I knew all of this?' Naruto was amazed by Hinata's outburst, but he still responded to her.

"Yes, you are correct Hinata, I am the son of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki."

"But w-why ..."

"I know what you want to say. Why did he seal nine tails inside his own son? I can only say that he was naive in believing Hiruzen Sarutobi and the goodness of this village. He wanted his son to be treated as a hero and as a Jinchuriki with an Uzumaki bloodline, I would be given an extra power-up which could keep me far ahead of others. But he didn't think that Danzo would leak rumours about the Demon reincarnation and the whole village would treat a child with this cruelty. Well, he wanted to recruit me to his roots, you know, when I am on the verge of despair, he will come as a saviour and then will manipulate me and mark me with his cursed seal making me another one of his mindless puppets. But alas for him, Hiruzen was one step ahead, when Danzo ordered the caretaker of the orphanage to kick me out and I was on the roads searching for food like a stray dog, a benevolent grandpa figure appeared offering me an apartment and a couple of thousand Ryo, which caused me to become his follower and I started ranting like a parrot about becoming a Hokage, until yesterday when I saw the truth."

Naruto paused for a moment as he turned to look towards Hinata, but this time he could see a faint trace of killing intent in her eyes and her veins near the eyes were bulging as her byakugan was activated.

'Damn! She is really scary. In the anime, she was never this scary'

"Now for the main question, how am I able to tell you all this history, how did I see this whole truth, for I need to again emphasize the part that I am the last Royal Uzumaki. I can just tell you that I gained an inheritance which made me quite powerful. I am currently at a level where no one in the Ninja world is my match and even if the entire Ninja world combines their strengths they couldn't contend with me but well this is excluding the Otsutsuki. As a part of that, I also have the knowledge about the future of this world. ...."

Naruto then tells Hinata about canon Naruto and Naruto Shippuden stories. He just gave a summary of the events as the time is really short.

"Now, comes the part why am I telling you when I could have chosen Sasuke and Sakura or Kakashi? Well after seeing my idiotic behaviour, I am not going after them. Well, Sasuke I have already told him about it, but not everything. You are the first person I am opening up to about everything. And the reason for that is ...."

"You will Marry me!"

This time Hinata really just wanted to faint but Naruto suddenly grasped her hand and shook her to prevent that.


Hinata screamed this time and Naruto had an amused look on his face.

"Well, I saw that only you were the one who loved me when I was just a screaming idiot. You loved me and supported me when everyone in the stadium thought that Neji would win. You wrote that the person you would want to spend your last day with if the moon were to fall, would be me. When pain attacked and I was pinned down, you were the only one who stood up for me. And Hinata, you will marry me, that is something I saw but that is also something I didn't wish to change about the future."

This was the final nail in the coffin and Hinata finally fainted.

'Well so much for holding on. I guess she did listen to my confession, though it was not my first one, but definitely a first successfull one"