
In MHA With Madara’s powers

A dude in MHA with Madara Uchiha powers. Don’t take this seriously I’ve literally never in my life written a story before. Again DONT TAKE IT SERIOUSLY. Take it as one of those novels that’s so garbage, but you have absolutely nothing to read so you read it anyways. I’m very bored in quarantine with nothing to do. Also don’t expect so many updates because I’ll only update when I actually feel like it. I’m a very lazy person [Cover title made by this awesome dude named RISE10]

MyStomachHurts · Anime et bandes dessinées
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98 Chs

Chapter 25

[author- I stayed up all night writing this chapter, just to accidentally delete it in the morning. So it's most likely not good since I had to write all over again in fury.]

"Hello? It's me Madara." A voice said from the other side.

"I'll get the door, but we'll talk about this later." Nezu spoke as he got up and walked towards the door to open it.

"Madara, come in." The mouse said as his student walked inside of the room and sat down on the couch, facing the skinny All Might.

"You know, you could have at least told me where you guys would be or sent someone to come get me. Luckily I wasn't lost and found the room." Madara said to the two adults.

"And just exactly how did you find the room so fast?" All Might questioned, genuinely curious, but was ignored.

Nezu locked the door and walked towards the two and sat down next to All Might on the coach, facing the long haired boy.

He noticed how calm and composed he seemed to be with his eyes closed and arms crossed. Due to this, one would think that Madara wasn't one to pay attention to his surroundings, but Nezu knew better.

He had a feeling that even when this boy had his eyes closed, he was more than aware of his surroundings than most people would be.

Or most people should be.

'Does he just have a sensing ability? He was after all able to easily locate me and Toshinori in this huge arena.

...Maybe I'm just thinking way too much of it and someone just told him where they saw us.' The principle thought to himself.

Deciding to think about it later, he responded to Madara's words and said

"I apologize for not sending anyone to come get you. We had to make sure everyone left the arena safely and no villains would unexpectedly come and attack. I hope you can understand." Nezu said in an apologetic tone of voice.

"Hn, it's alright." Madara simply said. He opened his eyes and stared right at the two adults, and then continued off by saying

"So? All Might said that you guys had something very important to talk to me about." Madara questioned. He didn't really want to be here right now and had two very beautiful girls waiting for him at home.

He'd rather not have this conversation be too long.

"Yes, that's true Young Uchiha. I remember you mentioned how All For One could be the leader of this new villain group, and if that's true; then he most likely has his eyes on you." All Might seriously explained to the student.

Nezu himself was just staring at the boy like he was analyzing him. No one knew what he was currently thinking.

"And why do you think that?" Madara questioned. He himself already thought of a possibility on why All Might's arch nemesis would want him, but he wanted to hear their reason.

With a sigh, All Might took a deep breath and spoke up once again and said

"With the power you've shown today in this sports festival, there's no doubt that All For One would be interested in your quirk. And if he's the leader of that group, then the odds are even higher."

"So what exactly are we going to do about it then?" Madara questioned with a raised eyebrow at what the pro hero was saying to him.

"Well, we thought about having a couple pro heroes watch over you and your family incase All For One ever sends any villains to attack and take you." All Might said, while Nezu stayed quiet.

'If this happens, then we could watch over him to see if he's actually the traitor or if All For One really gave him those quirks, but who's to say that he'll accept this. We can't just force security on him unless we ask his parents. ' The mouse looking man thought to himself, sighing once again.

'I could just send heroes to watch him without him knowing, but there's a very high chance that he'll be able to sense them.

I really don't want to do this, but I have to make sure it's not him.

...Geez, is this what it's come down to? Suspecting my own students?

How disappointing...' Nezu thought to himself as he put his head down a little.

"With all do respect All Might, but I don't need any of your guys protection; nor do my parents either since they have their own bodyguards." Madara said, instantly rejecting the proposal.

His parents bodyguard were of course his clones, but they didn't need to know that.

"Madara! This is no time to be arrogant! Don't you un-" All Might said, but was interrupted by the student.

"This isn't me being arrogant, it's just you guys underestimating my power." Madara said as he looked down at the two adults. He wasn't finished though because he continued off by saying

"I thought my performance this sports festival, and how I used my quirk was enough for you guys to realize that those villains aren't much of a threat to me."

Hearing what Madara said, Nezu finally decided to speak up.

"And just what exactly is your quirk?" Nezu questioned the boy seriously.

"I thought you already read my file, Nezu." Madara replied as he laid back on the coach to get comfortable.

'This should get interesting.' He thought to himself.

"Yes, of course I did. I understand you have a mutated version of your biological father's quirk, but what I don't understand is the quirk labeled "chakra" with the only description of it being "mysterious energy." So I hope you could explain that to me." Nezu said in a curious and kind tone, but he couldn't fool the long haired boy with that facade.

Considering that he overheard what the two were talking about before he arrived, Madara instantly knew what was going on here.

"Ah, didn't you see earlier? I was able to control 'certain' elements." The hero student casually said.

"And what about your physical strength and that blue aura. Weren't you able to make wings with it as well." Nezu pressed on.

"That's not really important is it? Like I said before, I refuse your proposal to have any heroes watch over me.

And what about the other students? I'm sure they'll need more protection than I do."

Madara said to them.

'The possibilities are even lower that he could ever be the traitor with him worrying about his classmates. With him fighting off the villains, and even giving us important information on the attackers; there's no way he could be working with them. And the fact that his own girlfriend goes here as well...

...I'm relieved. I really am, but that still doesn't explain all his abilities. If All For One really isn't the leader of this group, then the possibility of Madara being in cahoots with him is extremely high; and if he is, then it's low.

He always strays from explaining his quirks, and hasn't told anyone just exactly what they are, but apparently his girlfriend Momo knows.' Nezu thought, and began to plan on something that he'll most likely regret.

All Might himself began to think about what his student said. Make no mistake, he was confident that Madara could take out villains himself, but he was paranoid.

Paranoid that the man who killed his Sensei would reappear and take this boy's quirk. He should consider everyone lucky that Madara wasn't a villain, but if his power lands in the hands of one; then he wasn't sure what would happen.

'He's right. The other students would need our protection as well. It's not just Madara, but everyone else. The villains attacked the whole class and planned to kill the students just to get to me.' All Might thought to himself.

"So I guess we're done here? If I were to be honest, I felt like I was being interrogated. You guys could be quite scary." Madara said in a 'jokingly' way.

"Madara, we're still not done here. We still need to figure out what to do with you in case All For One really does steal your quirk." Nezu said, ignoring what Madara said about being interrogated.

Mostly because he didn't want to think of it like that.

"Why are you guys not worrying about Izuku. Considering how he has All Might's quirk, shouldn't you be protecting him instead?" Madara questioned the two adults.

Shocked at what the student said, Nezu turned to All Might, looked at him sharply and asked "You told a student Toshinori?!"

All Might just awkwardly looked at Nezu and said "W-Well I didn't exactly tell him. He was able to figure it out himself." He explained.

"And how were you able to figure it out yourself?" Nezu questioned.

"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe it's the way that green haired kid screams 'smash' for every single attack. Or maybe it's how close All Might seems to be with him compared to anyone else.

Or maybe, just maybe, it's because I overheard him telling Bakugo about it." Madara said casually.

'Is this considered as snitching? Nah definitely not. It should actually be good for Izuku to learn not to be a blabbermouth. Never understood why he would ever tell his childhood bully his most important secret.' Madara thought to himself.

"Toshinori, it looks like we have to talk to this successor of yours." Nezu said seriously, with the pro hero nodding at his words.

"Madara, One For All can't be stolen by All For One. If that were to be able to happen, then that man would've already taking my quirk." 'And the past users.' All Might said, while thinking the last part to himself.

'It's actually really funny. My chakra could be considered a more advanced version of One For All, minus the whole quirk inheriting thing.' Madara thought to himself with a small chuckle.

"Well, it's getting pretty late, so I'm going to be leaving." Madara responded as he got up to leave. This time, Nezu didn't try to stop him since he was going to have a long talk with All Might.


After Madara left the arena, he decided to walk towards the train station and began to think of what he overheard the principle and pro hero talk about.

'So Nezu suspects me having a connection with All For One. I honestly can't say I didn't expect it. If I were them, I would suspect me too.

With All Might, he doesn't suspect me like Nezu does, but I bet that he does a little now after hearing what the mouse had to say.

He was worried that much after seeing just how strong my quirk was huh.

Makes me wonder how they would react if they knew that in the future, I could possibly put this whole world in an endless dream.' Madara thought to himself with a small laugh.

A buzz from his phone broke him out of his thoughts, and when he checked who texted him, he felt his pants tighten a little.

Nejire sent him a picture of her and Momo topless with their breast smashed together with the caption "Your parents aren't home. Hurry up for your reward."

Madara decided on skipping the train and ran full speed to his house. Needless to say, it was a very pleasurable night for the three teenagers.


(Two Days Later)

"Mou, you went way too hard last night." Momo said in a low voice as her and Madara were walking towards their homeroom.

Since they had a small little break, Madara spent all of his time with his two girls. Last night was definitely the wildest if you consider the weird way Momo was walking.

As the couple continued talking while walking together, a teacher that they didn't recognize walked up to them and said "Momo Yaoyorozu, Principal Nezu would like to see you in his office"

Madara narrowed his eyes and thought 'So it's come to this huh. So be it.'

Momo looked up at her boyfriend questionably. Seeing him nod his head with a smile, she left his side and went along to go meet the principle of U.A.

If you like the story, go ahead and review if you have time.

MyStomachHurtscreators' thoughts